NC State Falls to Temple 76-72 In the NCAA Opening Round

A season that began with great promise ended with NC State losing its opening round game in the NCAA tournament 76-72 to the Temple Owls.

The loss came in the typical way that we’ve seen NC State lose all year: not showing up to start the game and leaving itself far too much work to advance in the field of 64.

The favored Wolfpack started the game lethargically, playing poor defense and with a lot of standing around when it had the ball, leading to a 38-22 halftime deficit.  That lead proved to be too large for the Wolfpack to overcome as it staged a solid second half comeback, and as a result, the team that was picked to win the ACC and to make some noise in the national tournament accomplished….nothing.

Box Score

12-13 Basketball ACC & Other NC State NCS Basketball

193 Responses to NC State Falls to Temple 76-72 In the NCAA Opening Round

  1. Dogbreath 03/22/2013 at 6:35 PM #

    Wulfpack nailed it. Brown was the problem with this team, and Wood too. I’ve never been a fan of Lorenzo’s game. He’s the David Amerson of NC State basketball. Wood has a bit of Adam Harrington. Just seems arrogant, aloof from his teammates, and for a four year starter showed no interest in being a leader.

  2. choppack1 03/22/2013 at 6:39 PM #

    ” My main issue with him is that he’s either on or he’s off, little inbetween, so we either get either nothing or more than enough output in a given game. ”

    You realize that what Scott Wood does EVERY MINUTE HE’S ON THE FLOOR is insure that the guy on guarding him can’t double team our interior guy or play traditional help D.

    It’s this simple – Wood makes all 4 of the other player’s job on the court easier. Have you noticed where we go when we really need a bucket?

    You wanna see some scoreless droughts – take Wood out of the line-up and watch things bog down.

  3. theghost 03/22/2013 at 6:48 PM #

    Ditto on Howell making the list of all-time favorites.

  4. JeremyH 03/22/2013 at 6:54 PM #

    I’m glad we beat Carolina and Duke this year. We usually don’t do that : )

  5. choppack1 03/22/2013 at 6:55 PM #

    Dog – that’s an odd thing to say. Wood showed plenty of leadership. He’s a guy who showed up and played hard all year. He and Howell busted their butt to get what they got.

    He’s the one guy the staff can count on to run the right play and execute in clutch time. From an efficiency standpoint he’s awesome. Don’t worry, you’ll get your wish – next year, he’ll be gone (and probably Lorenzo too) and I’m sure we’ll reach the final 4.

  6. ringo 03/22/2013 at 6:55 PM #

    I can point to all 5 starters, the bench, and coaching to being problems of some sort. I think it was a combo of many factors. First off. WE WERE OVER RATED. Now that that is out of the way, in order of magnitude imo:

    1. Lack of defense
    2. Lack of sacrifice for the team, cohesiveness
    3. Lack of situational awareness (key turnovers, bonehead plays)
    4. Lack of improvement from last year.

    PS. To the guy talking about he would transfer if TL, maybe you should transfer fella. Vinny Del Negro DIDN’T PLAY UNTIL MIDWAY THROUGH HIS JUNIOR YEAR. It’s not always easy to manage minutes, and V could be argued as our greatest coach of all. Yes, HE COULD have probably gotten more time, but guess what, he stunk and looked lost for 1/2 the year when he did get in. He is a major cog going forward. That is a crap thing to say and you might as well call for Gott’s head, imo it’s a vote of no confidence in the staff.

  7. PoppaJohn 03/22/2013 at 6:56 PM #

    Lot’s of criticism of Gott’s handling of CJ going on.
    But let’s not forget how much CJ improved after Sid left and ‘Calvin’ showed up. And Gott did sit him multiple times this year and last to get his attention for some reason or another. And he even called CJ out in the media. So Gott really did work on him.
    I think CJ has reached his potential. If you compare this season’s stats with last, they really haven’t improved at all.
    I don’t think he’s a bad kid, but I don’t see evidence that he has it in him to raise his game. I think he’s an athletic freak, but that’s about all he’s got. And he’s going nowhere in the NBA.

    So he can move on. Zo, on the other hand, would always be welcome.

    As to all this talk about Lutz being the defensive coach – if that is the case, fire him. We need a good defensive coach. I think you start improving by studying film of the two best defensive teams this year, Louisville and VCU, and steal some ideas.

  8. vtpackfan 03/22/2013 at 7:07 PM #

    Our mug every one and play decent D like 75% of teams. Hard world out there of coaching college basketball if you don’t commit to holding, hand checks, shoving in the back, as a main staple of your defensive identity.

    The guy guarding Wood today fouls out by the first TV timeout in the second half starting 5 years ago and back.

  9. ringo 03/22/2013 at 7:11 PM #

    CJ reminded me so much of Charles Shackleford it’s not even funny. Enough of that.

    Defensive intensity is the one tangible thing we can point to that can improve that would have a drastic impact for next year. There is hope. If we can get their cohesiveness together and raise the defensive pressure, I think we could slip back into the dance. I will look for a big year coming 2 years from now.

  10. bluelena69 03/22/2013 at 7:18 PM #

    “It was a fitting way for CJ to go out not wanting to foul with 10 sec left on the clock. IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT CJ…..”

    Had the game gone into overtime and we had CJL on the bench for 5 minutes, there would have been many lamenting the stupidity of that 5th foul…

    Personally, i was glad to see CJ playing heady basketball for much of the day. Too bad no one else did.

  11. highstick 03/22/2013 at 7:18 PM #

    “I like Gott. I really do. But his job begins now. Honeymoon is over. Produce next year. At least show some progress. Very little progress was made this year. Hell, UNC, in a very down year, even had a better year. ”

    What’s the old saying about “shi? or get off the pot”?

    You summed up my view of the entire season with those comments. I’m terribly disappointed..I’m not pointing the finger at Gott yet, but he’s “gott” to show me more. God help us if Lutz gets an offer cause I’m seeing him as the “super glue” right now…

  12. TheAliasTroll 03/22/2013 at 7:24 PM #

    “Had the game gone into overtime and we had CJL on the bench for 5 minutes, there would have been many lamenting the stupidity of that 5th foul…”

    Why in the hell would anyone be lamenting it? If he doesn’t commit it then time runs out completely and we lose. Plain and simple CJL plays basketball like a dumbass and Gott allows it.

  13. ringo 03/22/2013 at 7:27 PM #

    I don’t get the Lutz love over Gott. I see him as a valuable asst. but if he is some mastermind, it didn’t translate over this year. This year belongs to all of them.

  14. Rochester 03/22/2013 at 7:34 PM #

    I’ve been harsh on CJL at times, but I wonder if he’s really the guy that should be singled out. The one who showed me the most ‘tude this year was TJ. Scares me a little going forward.

    And I will cry, literally, if Lewis transfers. We need winners on the floor, and that kid looks more like a winner to me than anyone else on the roster.

  15. GRS1097 03/22/2013 at 7:38 PM #

    I have been a STATE fan all my life, 32 years now, my dad was a 74 grad. I have heard the stories of the glory years time and time again and am ready to live some of them myself. I was hoping just as most of you were this was going to be a breakout year. It was just not. We all allowed the media to get us all pumped up though we knew it was all to soon. Am I disappointed? By all means I am. However I do believe we are headed in the right direction. Some tighting up on the coaching side is needed and some intensity on the players side is need too. Think of where we have gotten to in just two short years, well maybe long years. I am optimistic about whats coming down the line. With the majority of the old possibly being gone next year, and hopefully most of the issues that have hindered us, and the new coming in. I mean check these guys out on twitter these guys want to be here. They have the DESIRE that is need. Just remember it takes time to turn a program around with the shape ours was in, even the media is surprise and the quick progress. So don’t be to harsh. Good things are to come!

  16. JeremyH 03/22/2013 at 7:40 PM #

    Rochester I agree about Lewis. Yes he was a liability on defense, but he could hit free throws, created for others, and surprisingly created shots for himself in the lane. I love Zo in the open course, but creating in the half court was not his specialty. I am assuming Cat will be able to use quickness to make shots for everyone.

  17. Wulfpack 03/22/2013 at 7:40 PM #

    There are several trends developing with the Gott regime that has me mildly concerned. No defense. Little player development/use of bench. And the way he is (or is not) handling the egos. Lord knows, if he is going to recruit with the best of them, he is going to have to figure out how to manage these personalities. He didn’t this year. Whether that is on him or the players is anyone’s guess, but it isn’t good.

    Brown developed a poor attitude. Leslie always had it. Wood was hit or miss, and whines after every call. Purvis did too today. Warren has his issues with Brown. And Lewis can hardly get in the floor after he showed he can play at this level and run the offense, while Brown throws it out of bounds and can’t hit a jumper.

    I’m a patient guy. I know what Gott is up against. I know our recent 30 year history, which is shameful. I don’t blame him. Hell, he did a hell of a job last year. The expectations for this team were right on. 4 NBA players and Wood, one of the best shooters out there. We didn’t live up to them. So the beat goes on. Gott cannot afford to lose anybody. We are already losing enough. Big job ahead for Gott in a new and much more competitive ACC.

  18. motorhead 03/22/2013 at 7:40 PM #

    As disappointed as I am, the players/coaches must feel it even more. Not calling anyone out, they are all responsible. In a way I am glad its over and it ended as I expected. I look forward to continued improvement in our basketball program. We arent the only ones lamenting our fate today (New Mexico, Mizzou, Wisconsin, etc.). I Would’ve hated to be beaten by Marshall Henderson…..

    I also feel bad for the long suffering fans of 20-30-40 years. I moved here from Canada in 2000 and took my M.Ed at State, graduating in 2004. I am almost 50 so I remember 1983, but I had no personal connection to the team and didn’t really know much about The Pack until I moved here. You all have suffered a long time, longer than me, and I wish you could have had your day in the sun. I know it runs deep for you.
    Go Pack!

  19. highstick 03/22/2013 at 7:45 PM #

    Ringo, don’t confuse me with saying Lutz is a mastermind…He’s questionable too, but he was not in charge…Never saw him call time out once…

    And Wood has driven me nuts..

  20. Alpha Wolf 03/22/2013 at 7:51 PM #

    You realize that what Scott Wood does EVERY MINUTE HE’S ON THE FLOOR is insure that the guy on guarding him can’t double team our interior guy or play traditional help D.

    I sure saw him standing around a lot on the wing in the first half today. It was like the play was designed to be away from him. In the second, he started cutting in through the paint and…started scoring.

    Wood, however, missed a key front end of a one and one and a three down at the last that would have made things very different.

    None of that puts the game on him, however, he’s human and not perfect. It was a team loss, period.

  21. ringo 03/22/2013 at 7:51 PM #

    Wood drove me nuts too. They all did. Is Wood any better an anything today than he was 4 years ago? Leslie played arguably worse than last year. Howell, yeah got better. Lo Brown very disappointing year, not improved over the last year.

    I know that Dakich was a kind of a jerk but there was truth in his critique of our players. I would be surprised to see more than 1 guy from this team in the league 3 years from now. I’d even say Warren may have the best shot.

  22. Alpha Wolf 03/22/2013 at 7:52 PM #

    4 NBA players and Wood

    I think the jury is still out on that.

  23. golf76 03/22/2013 at 7:54 PM #

    Being a Wolfpack fan this year was not a stroll down the street of eternal happiness but fortunately it was not a swim in the bog of eternal stench either. I’m all in with this coaching staff, just hope they start teaching defense like they teach the fast break.

  24. tuckerdorm1983 03/22/2013 at 8:03 PM #

    thats it. I have had it. You schmucks do what you want. I ain’t wasting my time on this crap anymore. Goodbye. I have been Lessed and Herbed and Lowed and now Gotted. I should have stopped watching these yahoos after the Oklahoma State game. We have one of those games in us about every third game. My lawnmower needs the oil changed in it and my wife has fussed at me to paint the bathroom. I am off to Home Depot. I think when I am done I will clean the garage out like I have been saying I would do for the last 20 years.

  25. Wulfpack 03/22/2013 at 8:04 PM #

    Like it or not, Dakich pegged this team early on. We did nothing to prove him wrong. He saw the personalities and lack of effort, and called us on it.

    I will echo those earlier comments about Roy and K. We all know how hard K is on his players. He will publicly humiliate em during a timeout, and I’ve heard stories about his practices. Roy sat Hairston to start the year. Looks like it worked…

    What is so perplexing is this team played hard, darn hard, this time last year for Gott. So we lost AJ and CJW. We’re they THAT important? Apparently so.

    Every team has its own identity; each year is different. We added some great young talent. Purvis started strong and faded. Warren came on and became a started. Lewis sat the bench until Miami, and then sat some more. I don’t know, we will see what next year brings. As much as it would be nice to have Brown and Leslie back, I think we need a change. Let the young guys come together and grow. I am more than willing to sacrifice a few losses if they will get after it each and every night.

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