Look how happy those guys look. You could be that happy too if you become Everett’s friend on facebook 😀
Yep. The father of big time basketball in the south. The driver behind the wheel that was the creation of the ACC. The man who created the Dixie Classic, popularized cutting down the nets and put NC State basketball on the map…is also a facebook fanatic.
And he loves him some StateFansNation so you know he’s got good taste. 😀
So if you’re on facebook (and even if you’re not, isn’t this a good excuse to start?) why not do the Old Gray Fox the courtesy of giving him a “friend” request. He’s already got a pretty impressive list of friends (but he’s too classy to name drop) and would love nothing more than to be your friend too.
So go see him and become his friend and get connected to so many others, great and small, who love Everett, NC State and SFN.
With the 60th edition of the ACC Tournament he helped create and make so great coming up next week, what better time is there?
And Everett says don’t forget to Like SFN on facebook too while you’re at it.
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