Saturday College Football

Open entry for college football talk. A lot of folks have been using the forums today for conversation. Link for more

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16 Responses to Saturday College Football

  1. mak4dpak 10/06/2012 at 5:55 PM #

    So we haven’t lost at home this year, and the games we lost we had 5+ turnovers. So no turnovers, and I like our chances. FSU could play like VT did today. On any given day! Let’s hope so!

  2. eas 10/06/2012 at 7:53 PM #

    Live blog for this game?

  3. eas 10/06/2012 at 8:37 PM #

    Found it

  4. old13 10/06/2012 at 9:05 PM #

    After six years of recruiting HS JV players, State football SUCKS!!

  5. Cabin Creek Wolf 10/06/2012 at 9:14 PM #

    If DY doesn’t fire TOB, please FIRE the absolute crapola out of Dana Bible. Tonight’s play calling is frickin’ awful. Can him, immediately. This is such BS.

  6. ILpackfan 10/06/2012 at 11:10 PM #

    Awesome win! Way to go, Pack!

  7. RabidWolf 10/06/2012 at 11:26 PM #

    That’s one of the things I LOVE about this site!
    State football sucks, fire TOB…….WHAT A GREAT WIN….
    The very definition of manic.

    Great defense, great ADJUSTMENTS at halftime…. Another great CFS win for the ‘Pack!

  8. virginiawolf 10/06/2012 at 11:34 PM #

    @Cabin Creek …. and you were saying?

    Now on to beat the baby blue.

    GO PACK!!!

  9. ancsu87 10/06/2012 at 11:34 PM #

    LOL at rabid .. so true

  10. Packster 10/06/2012 at 11:37 PM #

    That we won that game tonight with the play calling on the next to the last drive was remarkable. Our coaching staff had no clue how to manage the clock. It was just drive and score. Fate dictated the win in the end. If Florida State had had 30 more seconds, they would’ve won. Have to give credit to our players though. Everyone stepped up and played their butts off in that 2nd half. Great win tonight!

  11. Cabin Creek Wolf 10/06/2012 at 11:44 PM #

    Virginia, can’t tell me there wasn’t a VAST difference in the play calling from the 1st half to the 2nd.

    Fuggit. The Wolves won. GO STATE!

  12. ancsu87 10/06/2012 at 11:49 PM #

    Packster change your pants … your all full of it.

  13. PAMS2011 10/06/2012 at 11:58 PM #

    ^ thumbs up

  14. mak4dpak 10/06/2012 at 11:59 PM #

    What a great win over FSU, and I have to say I was believer, unlike many who never gave us a chance. But fortunately we all get to celebrate this victory. The no huddle saved our hides tonite.

  15. chilly water 10/07/2012 at 12:45 AM #

    yea that was me, in section 29 leading the pack cursing and spitting and dancing down by the guardrale with that kid with the crazy hair hat,

    I feel like i went through hell and came out alive


  16. StateMan 10/07/2012 at 1:21 AM #

    Great atmosphere, great win, stayed the entire game, no voiced left, goodnight all!!

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