Burley Mitchell: Who’s Minding the Store?

Who? Me? No comment.

If you live under a rock and missed Monday’s transcript-gate issues, be sure to catch up here and here before going on.

My new favorite drinking buddy (with whom I haven’t yet drank), the N&O’s Dan Kane, pens another piece – Peppers’ transcript might point to broader academic issues at UNC.   No new bombshells overnight, but folks are talking….

Willis Brooks, a professor emeritus of history at UNC who once sat on its faculty athletics committee, called the transcript evidence of an academic path with the sole intent of keeping an athlete eligible to compete. But he pointed the finger at those in the university who helped make it happen.

“I feel willing to criticize a university that allows a student to get away without an education, or a very narrow one,” he said. “And that’s what this one is, a very narrow education. In no sense is this a liberal arts education.”

University officials had little to say Monday about the transcript, which was first identified by rival N.C. State University fans on the PackPride bulletin board. The university said in a brief statement that the transcript appears to be genuine, and declined all requests for interviews.


But the larger question for the university is the possibility that the academic fraud had gone undetected for more than a dozen years, and may have stayed that way without public knowledge of the transcripts of Austin and Peppers.

Burley Mitchell, a former chief justice of the state Supreme Court and a member of the UNC system Board of Governors, said “the whole thing disturbs” him.

“The entire program over there has been an unguided situation,” Mitchell, a graduate of N.C. State, said Monday. “It doesn’t seem like anybody’s in charge.”

Further troubling Mitchell is that it seems that all the revelations are being uncovered and exposed by the N&O and Pack fans, not the UNC-CH administration and trustees.

“It just seems to keep coming and coming,” Mitchell said. “I wonder who is minding the store.”

Who indeed.  Also, I kinda like the ring of calling the UNC-CH Athletics Dept., “The Store”.  Has a bit of an ominous ring, don’t you think?

Another N&O journalist is also getting into the fray.  Andrew Carter has this – Peppers’ agent: Many UNC athletes unprepared for academics – which gives a different perspective about “The Store”…

To Carey, though, Peppers didn’t represent an athlete who didn’t try or didn’t care about academics. Instead, Carey said, Peppers’ academic struggles were typical of a system that routinely fails athletes who arrive in college unprepared for academic life.

Carey compared the difficulties some athletes encounter while attempting to fit into the world of academia to the struggles an ordinary student would face if he was asked to play football.

“A typical student would fear for their life if they were sent out on a football field with the football team,” Carey said. “They would feel unprepared, they would feel scared. They would feel inadequate.

“And so you could assume an athlete whose academic records suggest that they’re likely going to struggle, and you put them in a classroom with [high] SAT [scores], guess how they’re feeling?”

I don’t know about you, but to me that sounds like a guy who wants to climb up on a soapbox and tell a story.  But he backs away from it quickly….

Still, Carey said it would be “extremely irresponsible” to connect Peppers’ AFAM experience to the current scandal.

No, Mr. Carey.  It’s a logical jump.  What is irresponsible is to NOT investigate to see if that apparent connection is, in fact, part of an already known bigger picture of corruption.  Hopefully the more you talk, the more folks will see that.

Stay Tuned….

About Wufpacker

A 2nd generation alumnus and raised since birth to be irrationally dedicated to all things NC State. Class of '88 and '92.

UNC Scandal

44 Responses to Burley Mitchell: Who’s Minding the Store?

  1. McCallum 08/14/2012 at 6:12 AM #

    It would be who is minding tha sto.


  2. Wufpacker 08/14/2012 at 6:43 AM #

    ^ Touche 😉

  3. Wufpacker 08/14/2012 at 6:48 AM #

    “Carey compared the difficulties some athletes encounter while attempting to fit into the world of academia to the struggles an ordinary student would face if he was asked to play football.”

    So, to extend his analogy even further into absurdia…it then follows that the ordinary student should be given a weapon of some sort (to even the playing field) rather than just not playing?

  4. Defenestrate 08/14/2012 at 7:07 AM #
  5. GotNCState 08/14/2012 at 7:20 AM #

    Has the question been raised, Does Nyan’goro even speak swahili? If so, is it his 1st or 2nd languange?

  6. ToddFullerismyHomeboy 08/14/2012 at 7:37 AM #

    From a friend who works in IT, who sent me this message this morning responding to my questions about this delightful mess:

    “A technical problem with all this from an IT perspective…

    I have no doubt that Peppers is dumber than a bag of hammers, and all this stuff could be true anyway, but what is incorrect though is the source they’re getting it from.

    Across the UNC-system, student web transcripts don’t work this way, each get a unique alpha-numeric https link created at the moment you make a transcript request that times out after several minutes. How do I know this? I worked IT during that time with a company that used very similar (though not identical). Also, the source code is missing some unique elements generated by a transcript request, it’s all basic html, as in someone copied and pasted the webpage template and changed the text.

    This page was falsified. Let me put it this way, if you copy and pasted your online bank statement that is only going to capture the html coding, ie font sizes, tables, etc… it does not capture all the other coding that comes with that page. This is the same exact thing. In other words, the page doesn’t add up, the URL format is completely wrong and the coding is wrong.”

    If he’s right, it just means more sources are needed to prove what is likely already evident. None of this doesn’t mean that there wasn’t plenty of AFAM malfeasance, but the sources to back up the story should be more firm.

  7. ppack3 08/14/2012 at 7:38 AM #

    I’d imagine he does speak Swahili. After all, he’s been in Africa since the beginning of this scandal, right? BTW, that is all said with tongue firmly planted in cheek!

    Now, is Carey the same agent that tutored Peppers at UNC?

  8. wilmwolf80 08/14/2012 at 7:49 AM #

    Lack. Of. Institutional. Control

  9. Wufpacker 08/14/2012 at 7:52 AM #

    ^^ One and the same.

    And as far as the authenticity of the transcript, I think that’s kinda the point. Why would any student’s transcript need to be placed where it was, and allegedly used as a model to be followed?

    The university* has already made a grudging admission that it appears to be genuine.

  10. PackHooligan 08/14/2012 at 7:53 AM #

    ^ppack3, Carey was Peppers academic adviser at UNC! Academic adviser turned agent! Let’s see, unc employed a runner for an agent as an assistant football coach (blake), had another runner for an agent with free access to the facilities (hawkins), and a guy using his role as an academic adviser to get clients. Nice.

  11. TopTenPack 08/14/2012 at 7:53 AM #

    Yes, it is technically possible that the transcript is a forgery. But UNC has take a “will neither confirm nor deny” position, which to me means its real. This is a big FERPA no, no, so if UNC could deny its real, it would do so quickly.

    WRAL: http://www.wralsportsfan.com/college_football/story/11423038/

    Even the UNC Sports blogs seem to look to the transcript as real: “Until someone says otherwise, we can probably accept somewhat at face value it is likely what people say.” (Tarheelblog)


  12. WalMartFan 08/14/2012 at 7:54 AM #

    ppack3, it’s also the same agent hired to teach classes at the dump on the hump LAST YEAR:


  13. ToddFullerismyHomeboy 08/14/2012 at 7:54 AM #

    ^ That’s right, which also leads to a discussion of multiple FERPA violations, on top of everything else.

  14. WTNY 08/14/2012 at 8:33 AM #


    My guess is that the page in question wasn’t an authentic transcript page. Rather, someone was dumb enough to create Peppers page either using basic HTML or maybe as a “screen scrape”. Maybe Peppers’ page was a template for the “test” transcript and whoever did it forgot to remove the page about Peppers when they were done.

  15. coach13 08/14/2012 at 9:09 AM #

    Just my 2 cents, but UNC deserves the death penalty every bit as much as SMU did. SMU (The University Itself) was playing players directly. UNC (The University Itself) was giving out free A’s and making up fictional classes to keep players playing.

  16. runwiththepack 08/14/2012 at 9:35 AM #

    Dr. Julius was department head beginning in 1992, not 1997 as stated in this article, from what I remember.

  17. primacyone 08/14/2012 at 9:36 AM #

    1) I really doubt Carey wants the investigation to come his way. I’m sure he would put the word out that it iss irresponble to conect the two. . .That’s what I would be doing if I had something to hide.

    2) Is it possible that Holden Thorpe has known about the academic shanagins going on over there for years. Why would he not fire Dr. J? Why would he be so adament about paying BD his buyout? Why has he been so nonshalant and non comittal about the whole matter? He was the overall head of the school housing the AFAM department. I’m really starting to think he was fully aware of the bogus grades and classes long before he became chancellor.

    EDIT: An right on que for my #1 point above. It appears the Agent/Professor/All Aound Good Guy Carl Carey owns and operates the website http://www.dirtydankane.com. I mean does Carl Carey really think it’s a good idea in any way shape or form for a sports agent to be teaching classess at a BCS school???? Come on Mr. Carey, it’s not a good idea and should have never happened.

    From PP boards:
    Patrick wrote: Whois lookup of http://www.dirtydankane.com reveals….

    Carl Carey
    3547 Ruth Street
    Houston, Texas 77004
    United States

    Registered through: GoDaddy.com, LLC (www.godaddy.com)
    Created on: 08-Jun-12
    Expires on: 08-Jun-14
    Last Updated on: 08-Jun-12

    Administrative Contact:
    Carey, Carl carlcareyjr@gmail.com
    3547 Ruth Street
    Houston, Texas 77004
    United States

    Technical Contact:
    Carey, Carl carlcareyjr@gmail.com
    3547 Ruth Street
    Houston, Texas 77004
    United States

    Domain servers in listed order:

  18. imawolf 08/14/2012 at 9:38 AM #

    Carey speaks of Peppers as though he was overwhelmed. Yet Carey was his advisor and he must have thought it was in the overwhelmed student’s best interest to play two sports……..OMG….. I guess if UNC just gives grades to their athletes, then it most likely is ok to play two sports…..heck we don’t want the student athlete to be overwhelmed with college studies. I cannot quite understand what Carey is trying to say in the News and Observer. Perhaps, the athlete should have been counselled to not play two sports and to concentrate on staying academically eligible. Perhaps Carey should have been fired for being a poor advisor.

  19. WTNY 08/14/2012 at 9:58 AM #

    Courtesy of PackPride, LOL at Carl Carey and his web skills!

  20. bill.onthebeach 08/14/2012 at 9:59 AM #

    ^HOMEBOY… that’s a “WillieMaysovertheshoulderagainstthewallincenterfieldhallofame”
    (great) catch…

    Now, doesn’t that just start *another thread…. as to who might concoct such a page ???

    The *Investigators are going to stay busy with this for a long time…or until the money runs out…whichever comes first…

  21. Wufpacker 08/14/2012 at 10:30 AM #

    Yeah, that site is pretty sad. Hard to believe this guy was trusted to teach a class at U*NC….wait, no it’s not. He’s “truly excellent”. But as an agent I’d expect him to be a little more PR savvy. I hope Kane takes him up on his invitation to investigate this class. Even if it’s true that this particular class was kosher, this guy is either dying to spill his guts about other things, or too stupid not to.

  22. triadwolf 08/14/2012 at 10:32 AM #

    “The *Investigators are going to stay busy with this for a long time…or until the money runs out…whichever comes first…”

    What investigators?

  23. tractor57 08/14/2012 at 10:35 AM #

    “Friday” on a Monday. It will all come out regardless of the UNC administration, their board of trustees (or is that trustys) and the BOG of the system. The politicos can only shovel dirt over so much.

    Honestly I do think some of the issues of providing easy courses for jocks happens at all schools but this goes well beyond that.

  24. lush 08/14/2012 at 10:45 AM #

    ^the classes werent easy, they were made up. make believe. non existent.

    their “student athletes” are too dumb to pass easy courses, so they university literally gives them grades to stay eligible.

  25. triadwolf 08/14/2012 at 10:49 AM #

    There’s only a few things missing from the plot thus far – point shaving/betting, an affair involving key players (although the whole BD/Tutor relationship is more than a little suspect), and a mysterious murder/missing person.

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