Pack/Devils Game Thread

Or if you prefer, the game against a Blue that we can win. And I stand pat in asserting that the Pack WILL win. One factor that I forgot to mention in my initial upset predicting post – Thursdays are good luck. Tonight, it’s all coming up Milhouse.

In the meantime, we can discuss topics such as the televised root canal that is VPI at FSU. Yeesh.

About BJD95

1995 NC State graduate, sufferer of Les and MOC during my entire student tenure. An equal-opportunity objective critic and analyst of Wolfpack sports.

NCS Basketball

731 Responses to Pack/Devils Game Thread

  1. 61Packer 02/16/2012 at 10:47 PM #

    Last season, this scenario would clearly be “State’s game to lose”.

    This season, it’s State’s game to win.

  2. Mike 02/16/2012 at 10:47 PM #

    take that Lerchenstein

  3. WeAreCured 02/16/2012 at 10:47 PM #

    Get it out of here white boy!

  4. coach13 02/16/2012 at 10:47 PM #

    break them early

  5. Rick 02/16/2012 at 10:47 PM #

    The refs making their mark.

  6. LifeLongWolf 02/16/2012 at 10:48 PM #

    As predicted.

  7. GAWolf 02/16/2012 at 10:48 PM #

    Refs starting to force their will…

  8. BassPacker 02/16/2012 at 10:48 PM #

    Damn !! CJ gone.

  9. Rick 02/16/2012 at 10:48 PM #

    I just rewondd it and that was not a foul in any way shape or form

  10. GAWolf 02/16/2012 at 10:48 PM #

    On both sides…

  11. Rick 02/16/2012 at 10:49 PM #

    The fix begins.

  12. coach13 02/16/2012 at 10:49 PM #


  13. LifeLongWolf 02/16/2012 at 10:49 PM #

    Over the back.

  14. WeAreCured 02/16/2012 at 10:49 PM #

    Plumlee over Wood’s back…

  15. Wufpacker 02/16/2012 at 10:49 PM #

    Would love to see AJ gain some confidence from this game. He would give us some much needed depth, and we are a tougher team with another perimeter threat.

  16. BassPacker 02/16/2012 at 10:49 PM #

    Over the back Plumlees ….AGAIN !

  17. Tau837 02/16/2012 at 10:49 PM #

    Here we go with the fouls.

  18. Rick 02/16/2012 at 10:49 PM #

    We have the better atheletes so how does this happen?

    The refs are so frigging crooked

  19. coach13 02/16/2012 at 10:50 PM #

    WE R SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Heart A Pack 02/16/2012 at 10:50 PM #

    See we don’t understand the refs position on this game. CJ Williams has the TENDENCY to be States best defensive player, therefore they MUST call him for a foul everytime he gets close to a Dook player.

  21. MrPlywood 02/16/2012 at 10:50 PM #


  22. Heart A Pack 02/16/2012 at 10:50 PM #

    The fix is in boys, the fix is in!

  23. Rick 02/16/2012 at 10:50 PM #

    This is absolutely rigged.
    I relish the SEC

  24. WeAreCured 02/16/2012 at 10:50 PM #

    And camera shoots to the kid on the crowd yelling, “Thank you, ref!”

  25. GAWolf 02/16/2012 at 10:50 PM #

    Welcome to coaching at NC State, Gott.

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