Pack/Devils Game Thread

Or if you prefer, the game against a Blue that we can win. And I stand pat in asserting that the Pack WILL win. One factor that I forgot to mention in my initial upset predicting post – Thursdays are good luck. Tonight, it’s all coming up Milhouse.

In the meantime, we can discuss topics such as the televised root canal that is VPI at FSU. Yeesh.

About BJD95

1995 NC State graduate, sufferer of Les and MOC during my entire student tenure. An equal-opportunity objective critic and analyst of Wolfpack sports.

NCS Basketball

731 Responses to Pack/Devils Game Thread

  1. coach13 02/16/2012 at 10:20 PM #

    wut was the call

  2. JeremyH 02/16/2012 at 10:21 PM #

    remember that they will not miss as many threes in the second half..

  3. MrPlywood 02/16/2012 at 10:21 PM #

    re: Amile – hope he’s watching

  4. WeAreCured 02/16/2012 at 10:21 PM #

    BS call on Painter. Looked clean.

  5. GAWolf 02/16/2012 at 10:21 PM #

    Dethay ought to be able to give us solid minutes off the bench. He’s a beast of a dude.

  6. Mike 02/16/2012 at 10:21 PM #

    Younger Plumlee looks like a cross between Lerch and Frankenstein. His new name is Lerchenstein.

  7. JeremyH 02/16/2012 at 10:22 PM #

    ..or this half.

  8. GAWolf 02/16/2012 at 10:22 PM #

    Plum lee shoots free throws like a ruhtard.

  9. Lunatic Fringe 02/16/2012 at 10:22 PM #

    Good timeout.

  10. Rick 02/16/2012 at 10:22 PM #

    TDT should just hack Plumlee every time

  11. Tau837 02/16/2012 at 10:22 PM #

    The foul situation is so bad TDT is logging first half minutes. When was the last time that happened?

  12. WeAreCured 02/16/2012 at 10:23 PM #

    TDT with the serious bacne.

  13. JeremyH 02/16/2012 at 10:23 PM #

    what is that on the Duke jersey. looks like the matrix

  14. MrPlywood 02/16/2012 at 10:23 PM #

    Woo is forcing it a bit.

  15. Rick 02/16/2012 at 10:23 PM #

    Agreed on the TO. Duke likes to hit that end of half run

  16. JeremyH 02/16/2012 at 10:24 PM #

    shortening the game wouldn’t be bad either….with the foul situation

  17. Lunatic Fringe 02/16/2012 at 10:24 PM #

    Brown could have taken Rivers at any point, but felt rushed. Ugh…give yourself more time next time Zo.

  18. peteavio 02/16/2012 at 10:24 PM #

    A little drunk tight now, but no matter the turnout, great effing half.

  19. BJD95 02/16/2012 at 10:24 PM #

    We need to go slow just because of the foul situation.

    GA – no fucking changing the routine, setting, etc. For the second half!!!!!

  20. BassPacker 02/16/2012 at 10:25 PM #

    Wood has to be the worse minute to go in a half player out there…dumb fouls.

  21. Rick 02/16/2012 at 10:25 PM #

    Wa sRivers even touched?

  22. JeremyH 02/16/2012 at 10:25 PM #

    AJ took one of those Mario mushrooms before the game.

  23. MrPlywood 02/16/2012 at 10:26 PM #

    It’s VERY quiet in Cameron. Holy crap.

  24. JeremyH 02/16/2012 at 10:26 PM #

    Let’s see the replay. that was crap.

  25. Rick 02/16/2012 at 10:26 PM #

    Rivers has bad shooting form. That is why he is so streaky

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