Pack Takes Best Shot, Holes Win By 12

Deliberate word choice – the Pack didn’t lose the game – UNC just won it. When an opponent takes your best shot, and beats you fair and square…you shake their hands and move on.

Lots of positives – the all-around game of Calvin Leslie, the tenacity of Lorenzo Brown, the hustle and determination of DeShawn Painter. Most importantly, no shell shocked, deer in headlights look (that had me worried about a 7-9 finish on Saturday). In Chapel Hill, the Holes were clowning around most of the second half. Tonight, they had to fight for 40 minutes and it very much seemed like they respected the game we played.

Two benchmarks to keep your eye on – first, the very realistic goal of finishing with a winning league record. This would suffice for at least one home NIT game, which would be a nice reward for a season of great progress. The second is a longshot, but by no means a pipe dream – a five game winning streak that would earn the Pack an NCAAT bid (or four if State is the 4 seed in the ACCT).

But please, God – if the Pack can’t win the ACCT, please let a non-blue knock us out. Preferably, Florida State. Amen.

About BJD95

1995 NC State graduate, sufferer of Les and MOC during my entire student tenure. An equal-opportunity objective critic and analyst of Wolfpack sports.

NCS Basketball

53 Responses to Pack Takes Best Shot, Holes Win By 12

  1. WolftownVA81 02/22/2012 at 9:24 PM #

    I’m very pleased overall with our game last night. We did nearly everything we had to do to win. The guys showed a lot of guts to get out there and give it there all. Night and day difference with last year’s team. This is a loss I can live with because of the effort and the improvement they have shown. I feel pretty good with our progress this season. It’s also refreshing to watch a game and only have one or two times that you say that was a missed call or a cheap foul. We do pretty good when the playing field is level.

  2. choppack1 02/22/2012 at 9:27 PM #

    double post – stupid smart phone!

  3. choppack1 02/22/2012 at 9:31 PM #

    Actually noveau you’re thinking just fine. If you look at the numbers, he’s our most efficient player on both offense and defense for the year. Like Lo brown was earlier in the year, he’s in a slump. More than anyone on the team he needs the other 4 guys on the court to be at his best.

    As you mentioned, the person guarding him does not leave him alone to help another teammate..and quite frankly every on the floor benefits from this. And if you think wood should sit, you may want to take it up with gott, even last night he logged the second most minutes on the team.

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