Game Thread – Pack/Deacs Redux

As the Pack looks to break out of a serious lull…you couldn’t ask for better than a home game vs. Wake Forest. The first matchup was a beatdown of epic proportions. It was clear to me that the Pack had completely figured out how to obliterate the Deacs’ high school junk offensive sets. I don’t think they have a Plan B. We shall see at 1 pm.

About BJD95

1995 NC State graduate, sufferer of Les and MOC during my entire student tenure. An equal-opportunity objective critic and analyst of Wolfpack sports.

NCS Basketball

163 Responses to Game Thread – Pack/Deacs Redux

  1. Rick 02/04/2012 at 3:31 PM #

    How anyone can think a neck tattoo is a good idea I will never know

  2. FunPack 02/04/2012 at 3:38 PM #

    Defense not good but a win is a win. Hold serve. I’ll take it.

  3. Wulfpack 02/04/2012 at 3:46 PM #

    Good win. Wake played about as well as they could. Starters played excellent and good to see AJ play well even though his shooting is still poor. Still not at all impressed with our defense, but will take the win.

  4. MrPlywood 02/04/2012 at 3:52 PM #

    The ESPN scoreboard was woefully behind today. Few options, hard to follow the game.

  5. Thinkpack17 02/04/2012 at 3:55 PM #

    Sid ended up being right about CJW, not as wrong as he was about Julius Mays…but still.

    And yes, Archer is the best show on TV. BJD you should search for “Frisky Dingo”, it’s from one of the guys who made Archer. It was a 15 minute internet/cartoon network show. Really funny.

  6. wufpup76 02/04/2012 at 4:00 PM #

    Well we survived the 3-ball assault – Wake played well enough and hit more than enough three’s to upset a team like ours – but we got it done and put 87 up no less. Nice job today – other than of course defensively.

    UVa falls short at FSU.

    Quick trivia – How many Wisconsin players’ last name’s end in ‘-wicz’?

  7. tuckerdorm1983 02/04/2012 at 4:47 PM #

    we are last or next to last in 3pt defense. If we are not hitting our threes and the other team is, then katie bar the door cause we are up sh$^% creek with out a paddle

    we have got to roll up our sleeves, put our noses to the grindstone and get cracking otherwise we will find ourselves between a rock and a hard place where the devil is on one side and the deep blue sea on the other and jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

    sometimes our playing just doesn’t cut the mustard but come hell or high water I am not going to cry over spilled milk if we don’t make the NCAA tournament.

    let me cut to the chase that I think we are a dark horse at best and I am not counting my chickens tell the eggs hatch, but this may come down to the wire.

    drastic times take drastic measures, but these are not those and when you get down to brass tacks you will see that other teams will be dropping like flies around us.

    our team is willing to go the extra mile and I am going to go out on a limb and say we make the tournament. Just call it a gut feeling. All you folks that are so critical of this team just need to hold your horses and take a step back. I know with this team if it is not one thing then its another. I mean we are not in like Flynn and it is not in the bag be we are close.

    we all need to keep our chins up and knock on wood (but not on scott wood)

    Last but not least there is a method to my madness and this is not just a bunch of mumbo jumbo and we may be on the fence but if we keep the pedal to the metal and be patient and remember that rome was not built in a day we can tilt the scales in our favor.

    I think we can get that signature win and maybe against the heels because the bigger they are the harder they fall. We might just beat them in the ACC tournament because usually the third times is the charm.

    There will come a day when we beat those heels and devils on a regular basis and it is not the same day that pigs begin to fly.

    So keep a stiff upper lip and rise to the occasion as Wolfpack fans we have to realize that the Sidney Lowe era is just water under the bridge. I am expecting coach Gott to take us the whole nine yards.

    All you crtics out there put a sock in it and pipe down

    Elvis has left the building. (the Idiom master)

  8. NJpack 02/04/2012 at 5:06 PM #

    Alex Johnson had some good assists today, but the bottom line is you look at his box score, and he had 14 minutes and zero points. We don’t have the margin of error against the better teams in the conference for a player to lay up a goose egg. If I was coach for a day, I’d play AJ for 6-7 minutes a game just to give Lorenzo Brown a breather, and sub in Tyler Harris for Williams/Wood at small forward, so if Harris comes in for Williams, Wood slides over to shooting guard. That way we get some height and more importantly, we get someone who may actually score two points. Look at today – AJ bricks a 15 footer, Wake gets the rebound, gets down the court and hits a three. I realize Wood at SG is more of a defensive liability, but at least he has some height and can score.

  9. JSRy2k 02/04/2012 at 5:50 PM #

    Nice tuckerdorm, that’s enough cliche for my entire month. I tend to agree with you, though. We are unusually consistent for a 5th place team in the ACC, which I think bodes well for our NCAAT chances.

    Also, CJ Williams – as Gott said in the post-game – is having quite a senior year. He is fast becoming Mr. Reliable, which is a great sign!

  10. burnbarn 02/04/2012 at 6:29 PM #

    Tucker gets the award for most cliches in one post.

  11. tuckerdorm1983 02/04/2012 at 7:19 PM #

    idioms (cliches) are a dime a dozen and the ones I used represent only a drop in the bucket

  12. YogiNC 02/04/2012 at 10:16 PM #

    Add two more to the pile.

  13. Prowling Woofie 02/05/2012 at 7:39 PM #

    Thanks for the chuckles, guys – y’all are funny as shit…


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