Don’t Get Too Down on the Pack Because You Were Too High on the Pack

Yes, I know. Very clunky and convoluted title. Couldn’t make it any prettier.

Simply put, State got its ass kicked tonight. Why? They played a consensus pre-season Top Five team. On the road. Playing their very best (especially on defense and the glass). It happens.

Prior to tonight, NC State largely took care of business, winning 4 of 5 ACC games, all against foes that have no realistic chance of an NCAA bid. Now, that’s nothing to sneeze at – huge progress from Wolfpack squads of recent vintage. But by no means did it give you any rational reason to EXPECT (not hope for) a win tonight. Certainly not under the aforementioned circumstances.

Losing the hardest game on your schedule doesn’t mean you suck. Even losing it in such clusterfuck fashion. It does mean you know you will need your best effort to beat Virginia on Sunday. Coasting on positive press clippings won’t get it done.

The first step is gaining relevance. Relevance does NOT mean that you’ve arrived. That takes time and sustained effort. And frankly, more talent.

There’s lots of basketball left. And we will no doubt have other bad games. It’s still a far sight from the bottomless pit of despair in which we’ve dwelled for so long.

About BJD95

1995 NC State graduate, sufferer of Les and MOC during my entire student tenure. An equal-opportunity objective critic and analyst of Wolfpack sports.

11-12 Basketball Mark Gottfried NCS Basketball

101 Responses to Don’t Get Too Down on the Pack Because You Were Too High on the Pack

  1. PackerInRussia 01/28/2012 at 6:56 AM #

    “Some national talking heads are saying we made a bad hire… those idiots don’t even realize we’re having the best year we’ve had in ages.”

    That doesn’t jive with the national talking head narrative at all (the first part of your comment; not your commentary on it).
    National Talking Head Narrative: UNC is simultaneously in our neighborhood and out of our league. We shouldn’t even expect to compete with them. We shouldn’t even ask a coach to expect to beat them. (end of National Talking Head Narrative)
    So, how is it a bad hire because they lost badly? I thought that was supposed to happen and we aren’t supposed to expect anything different.
    Part of what they say is true. UNC has a 20-year head start in powerhouse program building. Roy’s end-of-bench assistant could scribble a note to a recruit on used toilet paper saying UNC was interested in them and they could get at least one future NBA star to commit along with several more McD AA’s. They were playing at home. Mark Gottfried is in his first year playing them for the first time. Anyone one who looks at that game and says that he was the wrong hire based on those results alone should not have a job talking about sports.

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