Saturday: open Basketball Thread

One ranked team down…

About Rick

1992 and 2002 graduate from NCSU. Born and raised an NCSU fan. I remember the good ol' days and they weren't in the last 20 years.

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200 Responses to Saturday: open Basketball Thread

  1. Rick 11/19/2011 at 7:14 PM #

    No Wood
    Calvin is not starting.
    We are weak at SF
    This will be a struggle

  2. Rick 11/19/2011 at 7:15 PM #

    Howell is very foul prone.
    Anyone know if TDT is playing?

  3. Rick 11/19/2011 at 7:22 PM #

    We cannot handle foul trouble so the 6 fouls is a little concerning.
    We are playing pretty good though.
    Brown can really break down a defender

  4. Rick 11/19/2011 at 7:25 PM #

    Leslis looks like a different player, at least from an effort perspective.

    CJW hitting a three is huge

  5. Rick 11/19/2011 at 7:26 PM #

    They are in the bonus 8 minutes into the half

  6. BJD95 11/19/2011 at 7:26 PM #


  7. Rick 11/19/2011 at 7:27 PM #

    25-22 with Leslie on the FT line

  8. Rick 11/19/2011 at 7:28 PM #

    I put a link above

    BTW 200+ postsa in the football thread and just little old me on this one. Are we a football school now? 😉

    I may try to do 200 by myself

  9. Rick 11/19/2011 at 7:31 PM #

    That was a good block.
    Calvin is intimidating

  10. Wufpacker 11/19/2011 at 7:32 PM #

    Pace yourself, Rick.

  11. Rick 11/19/2011 at 7:32 PM #

    Calvin causes the turnover and then gets rewarded.

    Great sign for him

  12. Rick 11/19/2011 at 7:33 PM #

    JV makes the nice pass to Calvin.
    Calvin is really playing well

  13. Wufpacker 11/19/2011 at 7:33 PM #

    I’d have to say that CJL is responding well so far.

  14. Rick 11/19/2011 at 7:34 PM #

    You are not kidding. If Gott can turn him around he can prove he knows how to manager “talent”

  15. Rick 11/19/2011 at 7:35 PM #

    The refs are getting too involved. They need to swallow their whistles

  16. ncst8 11/19/2011 at 7:36 PM #

    I still think we will be in the conversation for NCAA tournament, but not a lock. But, I am getting more and more excited every time I watch them. Leslie is working with others, and working around the basket. Brown is just good; really good. If we get Wood back and add some bulk with DeTheay…who knows what the ceiling is.

  17. Rick 11/19/2011 at 7:36 PM #

    Twice Calvin started the play with defense and then broke out and got the layup.
    He is a beast

  18. eas 11/19/2011 at 7:37 PM #

    Sucks this game is not on TV.

  19. Rick 11/19/2011 at 7:37 PM #

    31-30 vandy

    We are a different team with Brown out

  20. Rick 11/19/2011 at 7:38 PM #

    Things will have to go well for us to make the tournament but I am beginning to think it is possible

  21. Rick 11/19/2011 at 7:42 PM #

    I hate to see a TO but that is the kind you want to see. A TO because of aggression

  22. Rick 11/19/2011 at 7:42 PM #

    Brown can do whatever he wants.

    Our defense is still not great

  23. BJD95 11/19/2011 at 7:44 PM #

    Watching now. I hated to leave my living room, but we’re playing tough enough to warrant banishment to the study. 😉

    Neither First Row nor WatchESPN works on my bberry, damn it.

  24. Wufpacker 11/19/2011 at 7:44 PM #

    Vandy has some hella good perimeter shooting.

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