MooU and the N&O allies?

About six weeks ago I argued that as the vaunted “Carolina Way” has been widely and publicly deconstructed, “the average Carolina fan has responded not with outrage but instead with passive indifference.

And today, Duke Basketball Report (the enemy of my enemy is my friend) compiled a few of the more classic responses on, submitted by some of the esteemed champions of the Carolina Way, none better than this one:

I’m sure you’ve heard many complaints, criticisms and outright threats towards yourself based on the recent occurrences concerning ex-head football coach Butch Davis. Know full and well that these complaints are well justified and deserved on your part…Equally, he has not been found to have knowledge of the academic scandal that also occurred. Conveniently enough, academic affairs is overseen by your former post, of which I’m sure you’re aware…Make no mistake, the Carolina Way is and should be a large part of everything our university dips its feet in. But the Carolina Way is not about throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It’s not about promoting sacrificial lambs because certain constituents of our university made poor choices….What honor lies in bending over and acquiescing to despicable institutions such as North Carolina State University (henceforth referred to as MooU) and the News & Observer? What honor is there is sacrificing an innocent to save another innocent’s face?…Maybe at the end of the day it’s okay if Moo U or the N&O thought we were cheaters. MooU is amongst the NCAA’s most cheating universities of all time [LRM note: I was unable to find a source to confirm this, but I promise to continue searching], so their opinion never mattered to begin with. Maybe you should’ve shown some courage even in the face of adversity. Because you, Chancellor, are now guilty of a more gross injustice than sleeping on a professional football player’s couch or having a tutor format your Works Cited page. You’ve violated human ethics.


Just so we’re clear: the theory here is that the evil MooU and its long-time ally and partner in crime, the Raleigh News & Observer, joined forces to take down the Flagship.


About LRM

Charter member of the Lunatic Fringe and a fan, loyal to a fault.

Media UNC Scandal

28 Responses to MooU and the N&O allies?

  1. Virginia Wolf 08/04/2011 at 10:09 PM #

    LRM, why are you so in love with Butchie? What has he done for you??? Let me count, oh, he oversaw the football program that is charged with let’s see now, oh, 9 MAJOR violations! Get over it!

  2. redwolf87 08/04/2011 at 10:29 PM #

    This is another great addition to a long line of inane yet hilarious recent commentary from the Holes.

    It would be fun to pick out the best 8 or 16 sterling passages and have a “tournament” or “vote-off” to see which one ends up chosen as the most hilarious and ridiculous. You could easily add Deems May’s and Bob Orr’s diatribes.

    Or maybe simply just start a collection.

  3. lonepacker 08/04/2011 at 10:41 PM #

    Dear Carolina Colleagues and Students:

    My decision last week to ask head football coach Butch Davis to step down was difficult. I think it was the right decision, and I wanted to let you know why I made that call.

    Throughout the NCAA investigation of our football program, I said that we would take all accusations seriously and that we would face issues head on. We apologized, and we pledged that the athletic department and the University would be stronger as a result of the investigation. We have cooperated fully with the NCAA and we have moved deliberately, resisting the urge and pressure to make snap judgments.

    Early on, I thought that it was important to support Coach Davis and to allow time for improvements in the football program. But in the past few months, I became increasingly concerned about the damage being done to our University’s integrity. When we received the NCAA letter of allegations a month ago, I began to think about the need to make a change. After 50 years without any major violations, we are now facing nine allegations. And there are persistent questions about our commitment to academic integrity. In the final analysis, there wasn’t any one thing that tipped my decision. It was the cumulative effect of the football-related events of the past year on the University’s reputation. The only way to move forward and put this behind us was to make a coaching change to restore confidence in the University as well as our football program.

    The difficulty of my decision was compounded by cost (up to $2.7 million under the terms of Coach Davis’ contract – all of which will come from the athletic department) and timing (just before the start of training camp for the team). But the reputation of this University and the integrity of our football program have a value beyond any dollar figure or any timeline disruption. I am committed to maintaining our standing as one of the top public universities in the nation – both in academics and in athletics.

    Athletic Director Dick Baddour and I named Everett Withers, a member of the current staff, as the interim head football coach. His top priority is to help our student-athletes succeed on and off the field and in the classroom. Dick also announced his decision to step down as athletic director before his planned retirement later this year. He offered to leave his job sooner because he feels strongly that our ability to recruit a new head coach depends on having a new athletic director in place to make that hire. I agree with that and reluctantly accepted Dick’s offer. He will serve out his contract through next June, but will step aside and assume other duties when a new athletic director arrives.
    Right now, we’re putting together our response to the NCAA that’s due on September 19. Then we’ll go before the NCAA infractions committee on October 28. We need Dick Baddour with us when we go to Indianapolis to meet with the NCAA. There is no other person I would rather have by my side than Dick.

    One additional issue requires attention this year. I’ve talked to several faculty members recently, including new Faculty Chair Jan Boxill, about the role of the Honor Court. Jan has agreed to pull together a group of respected faculty members who will help us consider changes or improvements to the honor system. We have a long tradition of a strong student-run Honor Court, and of course, we’ll involve students and Student Government representatives in our analysis. Regardless of the situation with football, it just makes good sense to seek ways to improve our commitment to honor and integrity.

    I hope you’ll continue to support our student-athletes and the Tar Heel football team. They will play their hearts out, just like last year.

    Thanks to those of you I’ve heard from on this issue since it began.
    I’ll share more updates as developments warrant. In the meantime, best wishes for a great fall semester.



  4. Wolfsrudel 08/04/2011 at 11:40 PM #

    I just can’t wait till the football team becomes an automatic win for Duke every year!

  5. MrPlywood 08/04/2011 at 11:53 PM #

    I vote for the “midget football” soliloquy. The only thing missing is shooting Old Yeller…

  6. freshmanin83 08/05/2011 at 12:49 AM #

    Who’s afraid of Virginia Wolf?

  7. Wulfpack 08/05/2011 at 5:22 AM #

    “NCAA’s most cheating universities of all time”???? Good Lord. Just when I thought they couldn’t get any more moronic.

  8. GAWolf 08/05/2011 at 6:39 AM #

    Y’all need to back off Virginia Wolf….he has asberger’s.

  9. Greywolf 08/05/2011 at 7:12 AM #

    “What honor lies in bending over and acquiescing to despicable institutions such as North Carolina State University…?

    Is this what you call ‘taking one for the team?’

  10. Rochester 08/05/2011 at 7:17 AM #

    How despicable can we be? I thought we weren’t even their rival.

  11. Greywolf 08/05/2011 at 7:18 AM #

    Here’s more… “Davis’ only sin seems to be in giving a second chance to a coach who claimed he had been rehabilitated, only to find out he was still a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

    And all along I thought BMFD ‘didn’t know’ about Blake’s Way, not to be overly confused with The Carolina Way.

  12. FluffyMcNutter 08/05/2011 at 8:30 AM #

    The reference to us being one of the most cheating schools ever is a reference to a thread I saw on IC. I’m not going back there to find a link though. That place is scary.

  13. Lunatic Fringe 08/05/2011 at 9:15 AM #

    Ahh…the classy rebuttal that I have come to expect from UNC fans.

    He forgot…Tractors. Unitards. Washburn.

  14. codebrown 08/05/2011 at 9:33 AM #

    It’s good to see that they are letting their hate out.

  15. McCallum 08/05/2011 at 9:43 AM #

    There has not been the deconstruction of anything. The concept of deconstruction applies the use of texts or hidden meanings within texts to critique traditional positions on matters.

    What has taken place in chapel hill is objective and concrete and not based on the hidden meanings within a text. Actually the inverse has taken place; concrete/objective understandings of the “carolina way” have shed light on the entire system over there and reduced the subjective understanding of items which were required to maintain the “carolina way”.

    Ironic is that all of the issues giving concrete meaning to the “carolina way” are coming our of a highly subjective course of “study”, the African American studies program.

    Objective over subjective, truth over lies.

    There it is boys.


  16. JasonP 08/05/2011 at 10:03 AM #

    Good point McCallum. I wonder if they would consider implementing an Anglo-Saxon/Nordic/Teutonic American studies program in order to initiate an objective cultural field of study to counter that subjective AA studies program. Perhaps they could use Instauration magazine as a base text.

  17. McCallum 08/05/2011 at 10:43 AM #


    One afrocentric position is that rational thought based in the grasp of logic IS Anglo-Saxon/ Nordic/Teutonic. From Eric Dyson (best known for his muthaf*#ker graduation speech at unc) to Cornell West there is some thought process, if that can describe it well enough, that races have inherent mental conditions which are equally valid (basis in Boasian anthropology) SO street rapping about the price of crack is right up there with the Scottish Enlightenment(or more specifically David Humes discourses on sentiment).

    Dinesh D’Souza, of whom I am no fan, covered a great deal of this in The End of Racism. The African American studies program at unc was only a few years old when the D’Souza book came out and the book cast a great deal of doubt on the value and basis for much of afrocentric thought.

    So we have come full circle and unc, in its desire to maintain its “public ivy” status while also competing at Div 1 athletics, took a deep drink of the flavor-aid. Not only did they convince themselves that they were better but they lectured the rest of the globe on their “special” way of doing things.

    Now we see how it was done. Of course some of us knew but the affirmation found therein is akin to a wonderful bowel movement.


  18. JasonP 08/05/2011 at 11:16 AM #

    As the curtain has been pulled back to expose the jest, here’s to hoping enough witnesses have crawled out of the poppy fields and shaken off the haze to realize what is now in full view. That’s the first step. The next step requires intelligence, heart, and courage.

  19. McCallum 08/05/2011 at 11:40 AM #

    Ideology is a difficult thing to shake Jason. It requires something different within a person to see a world view challenged then make the choice to critique that world view. The silence among the faculty was a silent roar through most of these issues.

    I’ll take this a step further if you will. These cases of cheating, etc that have taken place at chapel hill also strike at the base of some serious “no go” territory in dominate culture and especially in university culture: they are largely limited to race.

    Those involved in chapel hill are monolithic in nature. Were the cheaters more “diverse” I expect you would have heard more out of the faculty but as they are all, in this case, limited to blacks then it is inherent in the modern university culture to remain silent.

    The unspoken rules are in play with this issue. It is a beautiful thing to see Duke critiqued for having slow white basketball players that actually were admitted rightfully and graduate while unc performs the total opposite except they are to be held in high regard.

    So a question if you will, would Steve Hale receive a basketball scholarship at unc today?


  20. 61Packer 08/05/2011 at 11:49 AM #

    Hale just might get that scholarship today. Gonna be a lot of teeth gnashing until the Indy party.

  21. HPWolf 08/05/2011 at 4:33 PM #

    Disgruntled and all other carolina trolls, you guys are a sad pathetic lot. Since you were born you have been fed the propaganda and drank often of the kool-aid. Now that the light has shown on your ivory castle you see that it is nothing more than a cheap imitation of a real university. UNC is a farce, a big lie, You and your liberal lot have been exposed for all to see. From this year forward North Carolina State University will be the flagship of the North Carolina University System. We at State already knew this. Now everyone else in the nation does too. There is no going back and your reputation will forever be associated with cheating, scandal and cover-up. So go and read your Koran and make sure you kiss your girlfriend tonight because she is tired from showing the latest recruit around campus and showing him “The Real Carolina Way”. One more thing….we are not done with you yet…not by a long shot!

  22. packhammer 08/05/2011 at 4:39 PM #

    “What honor lies in bending over and acquiescing to despicable institutions such as North Carolina State University (henceforth referred to as MooU”

    Now that presents some ugly imagery, especially with the bovine reference. But, at the same time, I would certainly rather be delivering, and not recieving, whatever it is the author must have on his mind with regard to this subject.

  23. McCallum 08/05/2011 at 4:44 PM #

    I’d not get too carried away announcing the greatness of NC State.

    No greater collection of goofballs, screw-ups, and half a$$es have ever been complied at one university in the history of the country.

    Give it up to unc, they got away with it better and far longer than anyone else.

    If we should be thankful to anyone or anything it would be Twitter. 10 years ago and this never sees the light of day, 20 years ago and it is a joke.


  24. Virginia Wolf 08/05/2011 at 8:45 PM #

    There is no doubt that the flagship no longer resides on the hill but in Raleigh! It is good to see the UNX’ers getting ugly, showing their real colors (baby sxxt yellow).

  25. ancsu87 08/05/2011 at 11:57 PM #

    I have had enough. When I was in JR High and High School UNC-CH fans were assholes and today, 30 years later, they are the same. They have the same attitude as the assholes who led us to our reduced credit rating from S&P. I have no use for them and say F&*( them. Just plain tired of their lying BS. They have been cheating for 30 years and finally got caught due to the growth of social media and Butch Davis and Thorp attitude.

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