A “baffled” Greg Little Addresses Tickets & Tags (Is There A License Plate Bandit or a License Plate Fairy?)

Greg Little spoke to reporters (audio from WRAL here) after a Pro-Am summer league game and was asked about the 93 parking tickets he got on 5 different cars with 9 different license plates.

Point #1: 93 parking tickets with 5 different cars. Here is what Little had to say:

“I know I got a lot – come on,” Little said. “I know that was really irresponsible, but I know everybody receives parking tickets. I’ve paid ‘em. I paid them – they came from out of my pocket.”

“I drove my mom’s car, sister’s car, dad’s car, my car, and I had two cars [that] I ended up switching. That’s where the five cars came from.

One of the hot topics in college sports lately is paying players, why would this be necessary if a football player has money in his pocket for 93 parking tickets, has a car and can trade cars?

Point #2: 9 different license plates. I hope you are sitting down when you read this, but someone involved with the UNC football scandal claims to not know anything. Here is Greg Little’s explanation for the 9 license plates:

I don’t know what that’s from


But the nine license plates – that’s got me baffled, too

In case you have forgotten, 2 of those 9 license plates were traced back to a former Durham dealership where the owner is now serving a federal sentence for money laundering.

So if Greg Little has no idea how 9 different license plates ended up on his family’s 5 cars, does that mean there is a license plate bandit lurking around the Little family home switching their license plates just for the heck of it? Where else in the Triangle has the license plate bandit struck? I’m going out to my garage and make sure nobody switched out my license plate while I wasn’t looking.

Or maybe there is a license plate fairy that grants you a license plate for each NCAA violation? 9 license plates and 9 violations? Coincidence?

And finally the “I know nothing” defense showed up again when Little was asked if Butch Davis should be fired:

No, he did nothing wrong. What did he do? If you send your child out and your child says he’s going to the movies but he goes to a party, you don’t really have control after you step out of the picture. He had nothing to do with anything that went on. It was all me and [Marvin Austin’s] ill-advised mistakes.



About WV Wolf

Graduated from NCSU in 1996 with a degree in statistics. Born and inbred in West "By God" Virginia and now live in Raleigh where I spend my time watching the Wolfpack, the Mountaineers and the Carolina Hurricanes as well as making bar graphs for SFN. I'm @wvncsu on the Twitter machine.

UNC Scandal

30 Responses to A “baffled” Greg Little Addresses Tickets & Tags (Is There A License Plate Bandit or a License Plate Fairy?)

  1. WolftownVA81 07/22/2011 at 12:37 PM #

    My favorite quote at the end of Decock’s article:
    ” A year has gone by, so much has happened, and nothing has changed.”
    At least nothing within UNC has changed. Outside of UNC, I think the public is now seeing behind the fascade and it’s not a pretty picture.

  2. packfan1 07/22/2011 at 12:52 PM #

    I believe Greg Little when he says that he got the money for the parking tickets from his pocket. Butch put the money in Wiley’s pocket and then Wiley put the money in Greg’s pocket. He obviously wouldn’t just walk around with the money in his hand.

  3. imawolf 07/22/2011 at 1:34 PM #

    BMFD taking his attorney in October……no doubt he will. Its really sad, the media didn’t question him as to why UNC’s Legal council had to review his personal phone records before he would submit them….(for crying out loud: A MESSAGE TO THE MEDIA) that, was the moment, for pouncing….WHY, if there is nothing to hide would you need for the university to have attorneys review your personal phone records.

  4. JSRy2k 07/22/2011 at 4:32 PM #

    C’mon, you know how they teach spelling over there

  5. Hungwolf 07/23/2011 at 4:33 PM #

    blpack. You are right they are the most arrogrant assholes in history! You would think after everything they would want no connection to John Blake and the problems. So what do they do, they promote Sam Pittman to Associate Head Coach to replace Blake. And guess who Pittman used to be an assitstant coach for at OU. You got it, John Blake was the head coach. No wonder Pittman knows how to recruit Blake taught him. Of course, the chief, is quoted as saying Pittman is a man of integrity. So is the Chief and Blake, right? The Chief said so!

    How can the NCAA ignore such blantant arrogrance and a slap in the face. Of all the people you could promote you take an O-line coach trained and worked for John Blake and promote him. I am 100% convinced UNC-Cheat is not guilty of LOIC, instead this is total control and we don’t give damn, catch us if you can. What Arrogrance!

    Wonder why no media outlet has connected the dots of Pittman and Blake?

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