Article: Is The UNC Honor Court Broken?

To hear some critics tell it, the student-run undergraduate honor court at UNC-Chapel Hill is a bogus enterprise: It’s so inefficient and unwieldy that it cheapens the integrity of faculty members and allows cheating students to get off scot-free.

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UNC Scandal

26 Responses to Article: Is The UNC Honor Court Broken?

  1. McCallum 07/17/2011 at 11:04 PM #

    Honor Court at unc?


    If they had any “honor” they’d toss AJ Blue, Dwight Jones and Kevin Reddick out on their ears. There is no way in hell that those three brain dead meatheads are turning out work befitting the 6th grade much less a 100 level class at a major university.

    I don’t care if it is spear chucking 101 or why Ibo is relevant in the modern world of snake skin bartering, those three guys have don’t have enough brain activity to get them admitted to a morgue.


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