Must be Friday?!? UNC-CH has received the notice of allegations ***8:00 update — NOA out***

Read the document here.  Some (very) early commentary:

slmandel Stewart Mandel
by joeovies
UNC managed to break almost every corner of the rule book: Academic fraud, extra benefits, John Blake unethical conduct and more.
joeovies Joe Ovies

So far consistent national response to #UNCNOA has been 1) Worse than USC 2) How does Butch Davis survive?
Also, A LOT of instances of “false and misleading information” provided to NCAA. So much for that “full cooperation” Baddour crows about
6/21/11 8:14 PM


Whoa. Apparently a player told UNC about Chris Hawkins and potential improper benefits and UNC did not “adequately follow up on information”
6/21/11 8:15 PM


@ArmstrongWTVD Mark Armstrong
NCAA wants ‘copies of the completed forms monitoring whereabouts of football stud-aths…for the periods in which they received benefits’


Key on Blake: from 07-10 ‘Blake was compensated by Pro-Tect Management to influence student-athletes to hire Wichard to represent them’
6/21/11 8:20 PM


Quick and dirty summary: Academic cheating, tutor paying for parking tickets, unethical conduct, lying to NCAA, refusals to be interviewed..
6/21/11 8:22 PM


starnewsacc Star-News ACC
UNC asked for a summary disposition (a mutual agreement on punshment without a hearing), but was denied …


Rand_Getlin Rand Getlin
Can’t wait to hear the NCAA’s position on how USC lacked institutional control re Reggie, but UNC only failed to monitor…half the squad.


kenmedlin Ken Medlin
by PackPridecom
Buried at the end of the report – the NCAA asks for info regarding UNC’s obligations concerning live telecasts for next three seasons


Rand_Getlin Rand Getlin
Perhaps I take the term ‘lack of institutional control’ to literally. Perhaps it has some hidden meaning. But defined plainly, this is LOIC.


jjones9 Jonathan Jones
Be on the lookout for scholarship strips, wins vacated, TV ban and LOIC. Again, these are just possibilities looking at the NOA.
Clay Travis
ClayTravisBGID Clay Travis
by PackPridecom
Butch Davis’s career record at UNC is presently 28-23. It’s about to become 4-23.
Rand Getlin
Rand_Getlin Rand Getlin
If not a complete lack of institutional control, certainly a wholly ineffective measure of it.
ACC Sports
ACCSports ACC Sports
by PackPridecom
So Wiley’s alleged to have paid $1,789 in traffic tix for a football player. That partly explains how that mountain of fines got paid.
Rand Getlin
Rand_Getlin Rand Getlin
Perhaps I take the term ‘lack of institutional control’ to literally. Perhaps it has some hidden meaning. But defined plainly, this is LOIC.
Ken Medlin
kenmedlin Ken Medlin
by PackPridecom
Buried at the end of the report – the NCAA asks for info regarding UNC’s obligations concerning live telecasts for next three seasons
Luke DeCock
LukeDeCock Luke DeCock
by PackPridecom
Most shocking part of NCAA letter: 9.c — UNC may have known about some benefits but “did not adequately follow up on information provided.”


You can also keep up with great interaction in our Twitter Feed (FOLLOW US!) and on our message forums.

ArmstrongWTVD Mark Armstrong

Just received word from UNC – Letter of Allegations is in. They are working to send out the info tonight.
Updates to follow.
UNC Scandal

79 Responses to Must be Friday?!? UNC-CH has received the notice of allegations ***8:00 update — NOA out***

  1. highstick 06/21/2011 at 9:53 PM #

    Until Blake and Wiley were served with allegations, they weren’t gonna cooperate. GAWolf, lend your expertise…won’t they start “spilling their guts now” possibly.

    I think Choppack is grossly underestimating where this may go.

    But there’s something very obvious both on this board and the Packpride board…posters just don’t bother reading what has been written thus far and look like a bunch of boneheads repeating the same erroneous nonsense.

    This ball game isn’t even to the 7th inning stretch yet…

    Alot of you see ‘the gaps” in unanswered questions. I have a hard time believing that the NCAA investigators don’t see those same gaps, but have to play out the cards and see how they fall.

    I suspect there’s still gonna be some more stonewalling from the Blues.

  2. Old MacDonald 06/21/2011 at 10:02 PM #

    You people downplaying this thing are Looney Tunes.

  3. Old MacDonald 06/21/2011 at 10:17 PM #

    Butch now has more major violations than wins at UNC.

  4. choppack1 06/21/2011 at 10:39 PM #

    Old McDonald – sorry – I’ve been looking at some NOA’s and some reports by the NCAA and this could have been a lot worse. There is literally NO new info in this LOA.

    It tells what we already knew:
    Involvement of tutor
    Involvement of blake
    Involvement of hawkins

    No mention of recruiting violations, no mention of Butch. Nor was there any other allegation that could have “tipped” this to the post season ban/LOIC that is probably well-deserved.

    As far as I can tell, the NCAA has bought the “we just had a rogue tutor, a rogue assistant coach, a rogue former player, and rogue stars” argument put forth by UNC and has run with it.

    Please, if you haven’t already – read the UConn LOA. Heck, in that – UConn cited Calhoun for failing to promote an atmoshphere of compliance and FTM..and look what they got:

    (granted it’s only 23 pages, but still.) Like I said, treat the USC case as some wierd case like our basketball case where somewhere, someone pissed off the wrong person. Right now, if you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying.

  5. wufpup76 06/21/2011 at 11:12 PM #

    This is WONDERFUL – but I’m still in ‘wait-and-see’ mode. This has the *potential* to really have the hammer slam on Unx – but all it is is potential right now.

    Also – if you haven’t read the Heather Dinich blog post that someone linked earlier do yourself a favor and get over there. The ensuing comments in the comments section are just pure gold. Unx people skewing every last bit of info.

    I’ve waited for a day like this for so long …

  6. ruffles31 06/21/2011 at 11:18 PM #

    Dr. Saturday sums it up the best I have seen:

    Thus concludes what appears to be the perfect storm of NCAA death: Players got paid, agents were everywhere, players committed academic fraud, coaches, players and tutors alike misled or stonewalled investigators — and there was direct institutional knowledge via Blake, who (according to the NCAA) not only knew but was actively participating in flouting the rules in a way that the last guy the NCAA accused of being a rogue assistant coach, USC scapegoat Todd McNair, never dreamed.

    If you’ve been following this case from the beginning, none of those charges are new. But it is eye-opening to see all of them exhaustively detailed in one place for the first time, and there is no escaping the conclusion that the Tar Heels are going to feel the maximum, USC-level pain in response — up to and including a postseason ban and heavy scholarship losses. Institutionally, North Carolina worked hard to distance itself from the worst offenders ingratiate itself as a collaborator in justice when it became aware of the violations, but if the NCAA can’t throw the book at a school that employed an assistant coach it accuses of acting as a runner for an NFL agent, it might as well ditch the rulebook and badges and rename itself the “Basketball Tournament Deposit Association.”

  7. jamieinkorea 06/21/2011 at 11:25 PM #

    Where did a tutor and recent college grad get $1500 to pay for other people’s parking tickets?

  8. jamieinkorea 06/21/2011 at 11:26 PM #

    Especially if she wasn’t being paid?

  9. HPWolf 06/21/2011 at 11:38 PM #

    “Burn Baby Blue Burn”

    I’m starting to like BMFD. I hope they can keep him. Excuse me, I hear the popcorns almost done.

  10. graywolf 06/22/2011 at 6:16 AM #

    This is why I say that this will not amount to as much as some seem to think…..the national media agrees……

  11. waxhaw 06/22/2011 at 6:37 AM #

    There is one key element that is starting to turn against the carolina….the media.

    SLOWLY but surely, there are more and more negative stories on the investigation. IMO, this is key to a bigger punishment.

    I also don’t care what the document says or doesn’t say. If UNC doesn’t have a post season ban, we should call up Blake and hire him because the NCAA is a joke.

  12. HPWolf 06/22/2011 at 7:25 AM #

    Wolffpride, the NCAA can absolutely request and get the records from the 216 phone. It doesn’t matter if it is personel or not. Those 216 records may be the smoking gun for Butch.
    I have said before that I hope UNC keeps BMFD. He has broken every rule he could find and he still can’t beat TOB or win more than 8 games. If you watched their bowl win over Tennessee you’ll recall that he was given the game by a really bad Tennessee team. He is just not a good football coach, with or without talent. There is no way in hell he wasn’t aware of what was going on around him. I suspect carolinas connections inside the NCAA may be at work here. It also makes you wonder if Butch has some serious dirt on UNC that would truly be devasting. Basketball??
    Could it be that what has been exposed is just the tip of the iceberg? Let’s hope the NCAA keeps at it until every cockroach in Chapel Hell is stepped on and UNC subplants SMU as the poster child of a corrupt football program. Either way I’m enjoying the hell out of this and can’t wait to see all the media articles sure to come.
    “The Carolina Way”. Yeah, right.

  13. albunde6 06/22/2011 at 8:41 AM #

    Read the attached articles on the release of NOA. The real fun was in the responses from posters to each article. My favorite was “the UNX fans are the only ones who don’t see the train headed toward them”.

    Who cares about parking tickets?, Who cares about academic fraud?, Who cares about Asst Head Coach accused of being runner for agent?
    Who cares that the Coach provided false information. This does not mean LOIC.

    Can’t wait for the release of Butch’s phone records.

  14. Prowling Woofie 06/22/2011 at 9:01 AM #

    From Mandel’s article:

    “Tressel made one huge mistake and it cost him his career. USC had one star player go rogue and it cost the school 30 scholarships. North Carolina is accused of nine major violations involving at least 14 different adults and roughly half its starting lineup, and yet its case may wind up causing the smallest ripple of the three.

    Clearly, Davis’ work is not done. His program has yet to achieve the level of notoriety needed to truly anger people with its indiscretions.”

    Read more:

  15. bradleyb123 06/22/2011 at 9:08 AM #

    I wish TBKR would go back to the amateur boards he came from… Even from our fan base you are sad

    The difference between me and you, GoWolves, is I ADMITTED I was ignorant about how these things work.

  16. sundropdrinker13 06/22/2011 at 10:37 AM #

    That SI article is the only one I have seen that thinks that UNC will get off light. Every other article that I have read is saying that Carolina will get hit hard.

  17. IamGumbyDammit 06/22/2011 at 10:43 AM #

    TruthBKnown Returns Says:
    June 21st, 2011 at 8:13 pm Heard they’re “charged” with FTM, not LOIC. I admit I’m ignorant about how all this stuff works, but I heard that FTM or LOIC would be in the NOA, not sometime later. And that they got FTM, not LOIC (in the NOA).

    bradleyb123 Says:
    June 22nd, 2011 at 9:08 am I wish TBKR would go back to the amateur boards he came from… Even from our fan base you are sad

    The difference between me and you, GoWolves, is I ADMITTED I was ignorant about how these things work.

    I am wondering why bradleyb123 feels compelled to post under two accounts here – as bradleyb123 and as TruthBKnown Returns. Not implying anything or trying to pick a fight – merely curious…

  18. TruthBKnown Returns 06/22/2011 at 10:58 AM #

    Gumby, I’m TBKR everywhere else, so I created a new account here as TBKR for consistency. I stopped using my bb123 account here, but I logged in as that user this morning by mistake.

  19. TruthBKnown Returns 06/22/2011 at 11:00 AM #

    In other words, I’m not “compelled to post under two accounts here”. I can’t even remember the last time I posted as bb123 (until I did it by accident this morning).

  20. Gowolves 06/22/2011 at 11:17 AM #

    What I have problems with TBK is the comment you made is “we lost” game over”

    That may not be exactly right but it looks pitiful. Yes I want them to get everything they deserve. If they cheated they should punished enough to fit the charges.

    That being said I do not know everything either but I do know if I had to chose us winning a ACC championship this year in FB versus them getting off kind of lightly with regards to penalties I would chose the championship. I am sure you would agree but those comments seem so childish and pitiful.

  21. IamGumbyDammit 06/22/2011 at 11:34 AM #

    TBKR – understood. Again, not trying to pick a fight, just asking the question as it was begging to be asked.

  22. travelwolf 06/22/2011 at 11:59 AM #

    Gee – no wonder it took them so long to do the investigation!!!

  23. IamGumbyDammit 06/22/2011 at 12:22 PM #

    If the stinking pile at UNX doesn’t amount to LOIC, what on earth does?

  24. TruthBKnown Returns 06/22/2011 at 12:36 PM #

    Gowolves, I didn’t mean that to sound pitiful. But I think without LOIC, any truly meaningful sanctions probably won’t happen (and by that, I mean postseason bans). In the end, do they REALLY care about vacating old wins? Or losing a couple of scholarships? If they don’t get a postseason ban, I don’t see this hurting them all that badly. And their fans are practically dancing in the streets since there’s no LOIC. And once again, we’re the delusional ones for even suggesting they should have gotten that. So in that sense, we lose.

    They could quite possibly have all these terrible allegations, so much worse than what we had under Valvano, and NOT lose their coach, NOT miss the postseason, and continue getting 4- and 5-star recruits. Because now Butch would be viewed as almost untouchable. And in a short period of time, they’ll have their scholarships back.

    I’m with choppack on this. I’m afraid their punishment won’t fit the crimes. Honestly, if this is true, it will make it appear worthwhile to cheat. If you don’t get caught, you get ahead. If you do, it won’t hurt you much (as long as you turn the other way and pretend not to know).

    There’s always hope that Butch’s “216 phone” will reveal more stuff, if those records ever get released. But as it stand now, this NOA is not any worse than anything we already knew.

  25. TruthBKnown Returns 06/22/2011 at 12:37 PM #

    Gumby, no worries. Unfortunately, the “Request Deletion” link doesn’t even work now. I sent the mods a request to delete that message, but you caught it before I could. I was hoping to re-post it correctly.

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