Must be Friday?!? UNC-CH has received the notice of allegations ***8:00 update — NOA out***

Read the document here.  Some (very) early commentary:

slmandel Stewart Mandel
by joeovies
UNC managed to break almost every corner of the rule book: Academic fraud, extra benefits, John Blake unethical conduct and more.
joeovies Joe Ovies

So far consistent national response to #UNCNOA has been 1) Worse than USC 2) How does Butch Davis survive?
Also, A LOT of instances of “false and misleading information” provided to NCAA. So much for that “full cooperation” Baddour crows about
6/21/11 8:14 PM


Whoa. Apparently a player told UNC about Chris Hawkins and potential improper benefits and UNC did not “adequately follow up on information”
6/21/11 8:15 PM


@ArmstrongWTVD Mark Armstrong
NCAA wants ‘copies of the completed forms monitoring whereabouts of football stud-aths…for the periods in which they received benefits’


Key on Blake: from 07-10 ‘Blake was compensated by Pro-Tect Management to influence student-athletes to hire Wichard to represent them’
6/21/11 8:20 PM


Quick and dirty summary: Academic cheating, tutor paying for parking tickets, unethical conduct, lying to NCAA, refusals to be interviewed..
6/21/11 8:22 PM


starnewsacc Star-News ACC
UNC asked for a summary disposition (a mutual agreement on punshment without a hearing), but was denied …


Rand_Getlin Rand Getlin
Can’t wait to hear the NCAA’s position on how USC lacked institutional control re Reggie, but UNC only failed to monitor…half the squad.


kenmedlin Ken Medlin
by PackPridecom
Buried at the end of the report – the NCAA asks for info regarding UNC’s obligations concerning live telecasts for next three seasons


Rand_Getlin Rand Getlin
Perhaps I take the term ‘lack of institutional control’ to literally. Perhaps it has some hidden meaning. But defined plainly, this is LOIC.


jjones9 Jonathan Jones
Be on the lookout for scholarship strips, wins vacated, TV ban and LOIC. Again, these are just possibilities looking at the NOA.
Clay Travis
ClayTravisBGID Clay Travis
by PackPridecom
Butch Davis’s career record at UNC is presently 28-23. It’s about to become 4-23.
Rand Getlin
Rand_Getlin Rand Getlin
If not a complete lack of institutional control, certainly a wholly ineffective measure of it.
ACC Sports
ACCSports ACC Sports
by PackPridecom
So Wiley’s alleged to have paid $1,789 in traffic tix for a football player. That partly explains how that mountain of fines got paid.
Rand Getlin
Rand_Getlin Rand Getlin
Perhaps I take the term ‘lack of institutional control’ to literally. Perhaps it has some hidden meaning. But defined plainly, this is LOIC.
Ken Medlin
kenmedlin Ken Medlin
by PackPridecom
Buried at the end of the report – the NCAA asks for info regarding UNC’s obligations concerning live telecasts for next three seasons
Luke DeCock
LukeDeCock Luke DeCock
by PackPridecom
Most shocking part of NCAA letter: 9.c — UNC may have known about some benefits but “did not adequately follow up on information provided.”


You can also keep up with great interaction in our Twitter Feed (FOLLOW US!) and on our message forums.

ArmstrongWTVD Mark Armstrong

Just received word from UNC – Letter of Allegations is in. They are working to send out the info tonight.
Updates to follow.
UNC Scandal

79 Responses to Must be Friday?!? UNC-CH has received the notice of allegations ***8:00 update — NOA out***

  1. ncstate05 06/21/2011 at 3:55 PM #
    Breaking News: Spokesperson Kevin Best has confirmed that the University of North Carolina has received a letter of allegations from the NCAA pertaining to the football program.

  2. Pack78 06/21/2011 at 3:59 PM #

    Popcorn sales will skyrocket-hope we all can enjoy this to the fullest extent (Hammer of Thor?)…

  3. packhammer 06/21/2011 at 4:10 PM #

    Things are not so good right now in the A.D.’s office.

  4. wolfbuff 06/21/2011 at 4:10 PM #

    I don’t expect it to amount to much. They don’t even have the head coach’s phone records.

  5. Prowling Woofie 06/21/2011 at 4:11 PM #

    If UNC is going to share the information, we may need to contact a judge to get it…

  6. Clarksa 06/21/2011 at 4:11 PM #

    Wow…the week has flown by…I didn’t know it was Friday!

  7. NCStatePride 06/21/2011 at 4:12 PM #

    UNC Press Release:
    “The administration at the flagship school of the UNC school system would like to put any rumors of misdoings to rest. UNC has not received either a letter of inquiry or a notice of allegations. UNC also denies that they have ever fielded a football team. For those who do not believe this statement, we invite you to beautiful Kenan Stadium where each Saturday we will be hosting a series of Bieber concerts and pride festivals.”

    I don’t know, I’m running out of material… the facts out-weigh any humorous scenario we could dream.

  8. NCStatePride 06/21/2011 at 4:15 PM #

    If your rationale is “I don’t expect anything to come of this”, I think you are ignoring the MASSIVE amount of information released linking players to agents to coaches as well as suspicious activity surrounding the parking tickets, switching of car plates, and links to alumni.

    Basically, you have corrupt players, corrupt coaches, corrupt agents, and corrupt alumni all meddling in your football program, and that is all documented proof. I don’t see how you could rationalize “not expecting much out of this” unless, of course, you’ve lost faith in the NCAA altogether… which is a valid point to make.

  9. graywolf 06/21/2011 at 4:17 PM #

    wolfbuff “I don’t expect it to amount to much. They don’t even have the head coach’s phone records.”

    You’re right.

  10. WolfInVolCountry 06/21/2011 at 4:23 PM #

    Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
    Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyin’)
    We-we-we so excited
    We so excited
    We gonna have a ball today

  11. packof81 06/21/2011 at 4:25 PM #

    I’m with wolfbuff. I also don’t expect it to amount to much.

    This stinks as high as it goes. Soon we will know the extent of this corruption.

  12. TAEdisonHokie 06/21/2011 at 4:28 PM #

    Just a thought, but the NCAA may not need Davis’ personal cell phone records at this point.

  13. NCStatePride 06/21/2011 at 4:28 PM #

    Remember, there is a difference in the Notice of Allegations and the punishments that will be given. This is basically the same thing as the arraignment where a judge lets the criminal know what they are being charged with.

    That doesn’t mean they are done collecting evidence, it just means they have enough to know what they are going to bring to “court” against UNC. This is why I say the whole rationale of “they haven’t even gotten the ___(insert documents)___ yet” doesn’t make any sense at all. The question right now is if they are being charged with Loss of Institutional Control.

    If you want to doom-and-gloom, wait until the hearing. Then you can claim “they got away with murder”.

  14. wolfbuff 06/21/2011 at 4:30 PM #

    Pride, I’m basically trying not to get my hopes up. We all know it stinks over there. But I don’t know that the NCAA has the political will to do much. Outside of NC, does anybody really care? And inside of NC, it’s being covered up and/or ignored and/or swept under the rug. We’ll see.

  15. Lunatic Fringe 06/21/2011 at 4:42 PM #

    The “redacted” NOA is going to be a fun game for SFN followers. It will be like a MAD LIBS where we already know the answers.

    “….. ….. is accused of serving as a runner for ….. ….. agency under the knowledge of coach …. ….”

  16. TAEdisonHokie 06/21/2011 at 4:46 PM #

    wolfbuff – Ask Southern Cal if the NCAA has the political will to administer punishments to member universities. There has been a ton of investigative activity since Mark Emmert, the new NCAA president, took over in October 2010.

    If you want to review some of Mark Emmert’s thinking, here’s a Google search thread:

  17. blpack 06/21/2011 at 5:49 PM #

    Should be fun to watch over the next day or two at least.

  18. john of sparta 06/21/2011 at 6:34 PM #

    this is going to be sorta like
    when your sister was caught smoking
    and YOU got the anti-smoking lecture.

  19. choppack1 06/21/2011 at 7:12 PM #

    Count me as one who thinks that the timing of this is good for UNC. If the NCAA investigation is dead, we know damn well the media will do absolutely zilch to follow up on the real story – like why a coach rarely uses his employer provided phone vs. his personal line.

  20. choppack1 06/21/2011 at 7:18 PM #

    TAE – I’d encourage you to ignore the outlier…Look at those stern punishments facing UConn for violations that may have actually trumpred USC’s. Also, name someone else besides USC who has gotten nailed.

  21. TruthBKnown Returns 06/21/2011 at 7:47 PM #

    Heard there’s no LOIC.

    Game over. WE lost.

  22. bruced123 06/21/2011 at 7:48 PM #

    Question for more knowledgable readers. Wasn’t Greg Little a member of UNC Basketball team at one time. Did any of his wrong doings happen during his basketball tenure? How could this affect NCAA investigation? Thanks for any response.

  23. Clarksa 06/21/2011 at 7:58 PM #

    @ErinESummers: Due to academic fraud #UNC may have to vacate 3 football seasons ’08 ’09 and ’10

  24. TruthBKnown Returns 06/21/2011 at 8:02 PM #

    Greg Little played for Carolina’s basketball team in 2008.

  25. Plz2BStateFan 06/21/2011 at 8:04 PM #


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