NBC: Wilson decision coming soon?

John Taylor at College Football Talk is posting the following regarding Russell Wilson.

After what was described as a “grand-slam visit” to Wisconsin last week, it’s been widely expected that former North Carolina State quarterback Russell Wilson could become current Wisconsin QB Russell Wilson at some point in the not-too-distant future, perhaps by the end of the current month.

Based on at least one tidbit tossed into a report from the area, it could very well happen before the end of the current week.

In an article relating to Wisconsin committing what appears to be a secondary violation in the recruitment of Wilson, Andy Baggot of madison.com writes that “[a] decision is expected as early as Wednesday.” That was the only mention of any type of timeline for Wilson’s decision, and there was no mention of whether he’d opt for the Badgers or the Auburn Tigers, where he visited last month. Or if he’d opt to remain a minor leaguer in the Colorado Rockies organization and keep all of his $250,000 signing bonus.

It remains to be seen which sports path Wilson will continue on, although it’s been previously reported there was a 95-percent certainty he’d return to college football in 2011 to use his final season of eligibility. Most of the speculation surfacing since that report has pointed in the same direction.

If Baggot’s correct, however, any uncertainty could be resolved as early as some point tomorrow. Maybe.

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25 Responses to NBC: Wilson decision coming soon?

  1. NCStatePride 06/15/2011 at 8:16 AM #

    I wish Russell Wilson the best, but I won’t be following him after he heads to Wisconsin, if true. If he were leaving because he couldn’t honor his commitment to NCSU, but simply leaving his college career at that, it might be a little different, but with things being what they are, I’ll remember his contributions to our program fondly.

    Thanks Russell. What you do from here-on-out is completely your business. Maybe I’ll have a chance to root for you again if you come play for the ‘Skins or Panthers.

  2. PackMan97 06/15/2011 at 8:58 AM #

    Good God, NC StatePride…you can’t root for Wilson if he were playing in Red and battling the evil forces in Chapel Hill, North (err Ann Arbor)…but you’d cheer for him in a Skin or Panther uniform? That’s messed up.

  3. ryebread 06/15/2011 at 9:23 AM #

    I’ll be pulling for him in every game he plays in — unless they somehow end up playing us. I’d much rather see Wilson and UW than at Auburn. I think things stink in Auburn.

  4. WolfBlood 06/15/2011 at 10:06 AM #

    Its unfortunate things didnt work out, I wish him the best moving forward.

  5. Prowling Woofie 06/15/2011 at 10:07 AM #

    Do you think he’s told his employer about his plans yet ?

  6. packhammer 06/15/2011 at 10:21 AM #

    Good luck to Russell Wilson. Period.

  7. TruthBKnown Returns 06/15/2011 at 10:34 AM #

    If Russell plays football this year, I’ll pull for him. His new team, even if it’s Auburn, will be my second team. Or maybe my third team, just behind NC State, and whoever is playing UNX on a given week. 🙂

    I want Glennon to win the Heisman, and State to win championship(s). If those things don’t happen, then I’ll want the same for Russell and Wisconsin (or Auburn, or whoever Russell chooses).

    I just wish he could have committed to a return to State a little earlier. He might still be here then.

  8. TruthBKnown Returns 06/15/2011 at 10:36 AM #

    Btw, I don’t feel the same way about Ryan Harrow. I’m indifferent toward him. I don’t care if he succeeds or fails. But I never want Kentucky succeeding, with or without Harrow.

    But with Russell, I’m pulling for him almost as much as I would be if he were still here at NC State.

  9. Trout 06/15/2011 at 10:37 AM #
  10. Trout 06/15/2011 at 10:37 AM #
  11. BladenWolf 06/15/2011 at 10:59 AM #

    Russell Wilson had decisions to make about his future and he made them. HE chose NOT to commit to NC State football when the program needed him to, therefore it was his decision not to play for the Pack this year. The after-the-fact whining about wanting to come back left a bad taste in my mouth with RW. However, I wish him the best at whatever school he attends – but I do not think he will have the great senior-year showcase he envisions. If he does, good for him.

    Frankly I’m surprised that a top ten BCS school is ready to hitch up to an undersized scrambling QB for one year, but I guess there are programs out there that have that need.

    OUR program, on the other hand, has a great red-shirt Junior in Mike Glennon that I will be pulling for this fall. Now if we only had some receivers…

  12. McPete 06/15/2011 at 11:00 AM #

    I hope he chooses to ‘retire’ as a Wolfpacker, but i’d likely adopt his new team as my own for a year and root for two teams. He was a two sport guy when he came to NC State, and he’s obviously still trying to figure out where his future is. As a fan, it’s none of my business to tell the guy what’s right for him and how to has/when he has to decide.

  13. StandUpAndHowl 06/15/2011 at 11:04 AM #

    I appreciate all Russell Wilson has done at State. But now that he’s going elsewhere, he’s just another college player to me. Just happens that I do root for Wisconsin, but I despise Auburn (I have a lot of UGA friends).

  14. rtpack24 06/15/2011 at 11:49 AM #

    RW leaves baseball early he will have to pay back $150,000 of his 250,000 signing bonus. At this point he should call TOB and finish out the year with baseball and report to State when baseball is over and accept the roll as back up and see what happens. Otherwise if he leaves early he will have made his decision concerning baseball because he will not only owe the bonus money back to the Rockies, they will probably release him. Great kid and I hope good things happen for him.

  15. novawolf 06/15/2011 at 12:48 PM #

    I know this is off subject, but not as savvy with the posts as many. ESPN had a nice story on NC State basketball yesterday. Here is the link:


  16. Tau837 06/15/2011 at 1:03 PM #

    “Frankly I’m surprised that a top ten BCS school is ready to hitch up to an undersized scrambling QB for one year.”

    Frankly, I’m surprised that anyone would be surprised about this. Odds are that quite a few top teams are either weak at QB and make up for it in other areas or in a given need to replace their previous QB due to graduation or other reasons. So it shouldn’t be surprising that there is a need.

    And given that, why wouldn’t such a team that has title aspirations prefer a veteran QB over an inexperienced QB when the veteran has these attributes:

    – Has already started for 3 seasons
    – Has finished in the top 15 in NCAA passing yards (2010), passing TDs (2010), total TDs (2010), and passer rating (2009)
    – Holds the career record for pass attempts without an interception
    – Has been the 1st team QB and the 2nd team QB in a BCS conference (and should have been 1st or 2nd team the other season, too)
    – Has had no off field problems and has generally conducted himself as a model student-athlete

    It makes perfect sense for Wisconsin, especially with what is going on at Ohio State. The Big 10 championship is there for the taking.

    I hope Wilson has tremendous success if he plays football again, with the only exception being if his team plays State. I don’t really understand how any State fan could feel otherwise.

  17. 808WOLF 06/15/2011 at 1:12 PM #

    Russell Wilson to wisconsin is like masoli to ole miss. Interesting but ultimately irrelevant

  18. Packfan28 06/15/2011 at 1:13 PM #

    To me its a little like Brett Favre minus the photography hobby.

  19. Hungwolf 06/15/2011 at 1:14 PM #

    Hard to watch Wilson this days. Clearly he’s a young man in a bind. He is realizing he not making it in baseball and wants to see if he can play another year of college football and hope some NFL team will draft him. Maybe he be better off keeping the 250K as a great head start in life and move on to the real world like the rest of us. Either that or see his baseball career through and see if someone will give him a chance as a receiver or defense back for one year and maybe try the NFL that way, maybe be another Randle El. He was an undersized scrambling good college quaterback that made it in NFL.

  20. tjfoose1 06/15/2011 at 3:07 PM #

    The bottom line is, all he wants to do is play college football for one more year.

    I’ve known plenty of young men who would’ve practically sold their soul for a chance to play just one more game… for a chance just to play college football, period.

    It’s a tight spot RW is in, but there is no betrayal here. No shame is warranted. We should all wish him well.

  21. PackerInRussia 06/15/2011 at 3:23 PM #

    “If Baggot’s correct, however, any uncertainty could be resolved as early as some point tomorrow. Maybe.”

    That summarizes the level of certainty that’s characterized this whole thing. Any article that mentions Russell Wilson’s future is guaranteed to have many of the following words: a, an, the, and maybe.

  22. Pack Mentality 06/15/2011 at 4:54 PM #

    I will be pulling for Wilson’s new team to have a worse record than State. I also hope that Glennon has a better season than Wilson.

  23. BJD95 06/15/2011 at 5:41 PM #

    It would be utter lunacy to give back that bonus. I hope he listens to his brain instead of his heart on this one. But I will wish him well, regardless.

    Ultimately, his best shot in any pro sport is the CFL. He doesn’t need more college experience to get a shot there.

  24. mak4dpak 06/15/2011 at 7:27 PM #

    As my site name states 4dpak, not the badgers or anyone else. RW is not a wolfpacker, so I will not waste my time rooting for him wherever that may be. He made the choice to play baseball instead of spending time with the team in the spring. I appreciate his contributions as the QB for State, but it is over, and time to focus on the upcoming season and the important guy we should be talking about. Mike Glennon!

  25. Wolfy__79 06/15/2011 at 7:33 PM #


    why does he want to go to another college school? cfl is a definite option for him right now. if tyrod stinking taylor can get DRAFTED.. RW can get DRAFTED. tt is no better than RW!

    i’m going to pull for RW no matter where he goes.. the only chance i wouldn’t is if we matched up in a bowl game. i’d like to see him transfer to a school that plays unc this year too.. how sweet would that be..

    i still can’t understand why he wants to come back to college.. he’s a pro athlete now, cfl is a much better option imo!

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