DTH > Deunta Williams on culture of flippancy

At almost the exact moment that UNC athlete, Deunta Williams, was tweeting his warped view that everybody else must also behave with irresponsibility, immaturity and entitlement…

Link to Tweet:

To all those concerned about these parking tickets… How bout we air out all of your traffic violations and then talk about it publicly

The Daily Tarheel’s Jonathan Jones was making the case that about 90% of the world would share while looking at some of the recent UNC scandal news through a lense of common sense. (Link)

I guess you can tell whose point of view I respect and can identify with.

Full disclosure: I have never been ticketed by UNC’s Department of Public Safety.

I’m no Dudley Do-Right by any stretch of the imagination. The name of my column is “Not a Role Model.” And I don’t think that I’m holier than thou.

But still, not once since I’ve been in Chapel Hill — whether it be visiting or living — have I been ticketed.

Yet, during the course of 41 months, fewer than 12 UNC football players were able to rack up 395 tickets totaling more than $13,000. At first glance it’s a staggering stat. Then I measure it down to about one ticket per one athlete per month.

Then I realized I have none.

The documents released Thursday that The Daily Tar Heel fought so hard to make public don’t explicitly show a big-time agent buying cars for UNC football players. Oh wait, did you think they were supposed to?

These documents highlight a culture at UNC that extends beyond a dysfunctional ticketing process that allows for a ratio of about one towed or booted car for every 40 tickets. They subtly show the flippancy former and current football players have toward authority outside the Kenan Football Center.

Sure, some of these tickets are trivial — an unpaid meter here, a permit turned the wrong way there. Then you get seven tickets for blocking handicap spots and one player with at least 93 tickets to his name.

Numbers like that prove there were some players who thought they were untouchable.

And they were never given a reason to think otherwise. There are still 30 tickets out of the bunch that remain unpaid. Players included in the records owe at least $1,715 in unpaid fines, meaning the football team might as well throw the next DPS Christmas Party at the Carolina Inn.

And who should be the guest of honor? None other than Greg Little, who is as gifted athletically as he is verbally. The former UNC wide receiver who would be ruled permanently ineligible by the NCAA for violating rules on preferential treatment and ethical conduct was recently drafted in the second round of the NFL draft and will make a lot more money than I do.

That could explain his glib apology at UNC Pro Day when he discussed the regret for his transgressions against the University and his teammates.

For the record…I like Deunta’s idea of full disclosing everyone’ parking records! In good faith…I will start and look forward to getting FULL disclosure of ALL of the athletes in Chapel Hill in return.

In the between the lines below is a copy of all of the parking citation for the 15 authors of StateFansNation:

Cool! What do we ALL want to share next?

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UNC Scandal

39 Responses to DTH > Deunta Williams on culture of flippancy

  1. jadarsey 06/17/2011 at 3:47 PM #

    Dating myself, but when I was there a parking sticker was ~450 for the year. I was on Centenital when it was just starting and it was rarely patrolled. Only one of my four years did they ticketed me enough that paying for a parking pass was a push with the sticker, the rest were one or two ticket years. But a kid that did not have enough money for a parking pass and is trying to better himself and making tactical decisions to outsmart the system is way different than the arrogance of just parking whereever you want, no matter the penality. And no I never ever parked in a handicapped spot, and would gladly pay for a pass now to dodge the stress of “breakin the law”…..I wish these kids would just stay in Chapel Hill for life, I really do not want them out in the real world with me.

  2. Lunatic Fringe 06/17/2011 at 3:54 PM #

    “Been around the world and found that only stupid people are tweeting”

    Denuta inspired update to Harvey Danger’s Flagpole Sitta line.

  3. highstick 06/17/2011 at 4:23 PM #

    highstick, you must have had a NCSU sticker on your car when you were keyed in Chapel Hill, right? Classy Chapel Hill.

    I was “asking for trouble”..NCSU sticker on one side and a Gamecock one on the other!!

    I did tell Tarhole fan one night that I was his worst nightmare, a State grad, a WPC member, a Gamecock Club member, and and ECU Grad school alum!
    Bite me, Baby Blue!

  4. TAEdisonHokie 06/17/2011 at 4:32 PM #

    I lived seven years in Blacksburg, VA (including three summers), while earning two degrees at Virginia Tech. Zero parking tickets or citations of any kind. Was I model student who never did anything illegal? Here’s a clue…I attended school from 1969-1976.

  5. PackHowler 06/17/2011 at 6:06 PM #

    In my three years running of parking on NCSU’s campus, I have never incurred a parking ticket.

    I did receive one ($10) while visiting friends at Appalachian State. The policy of the parking deck had changed since I was there last. After I went to the office to pay it, I explained I was an NC State student visiting; the man saw that I wasn’t enrolled at App, waived the ticket, and let me off with a warning. I thanked him and politely drove back to Raleigh.

  6. runwiththepack 06/17/2011 at 8:23 PM #


    I have warmed up to playing ECU (in football). Even though they whupped us this year, I think NCSU should consider making a pact with ECU to play every year. Now that UNC may be sliding into oblivion (wishful thinking?), it could be billed as “THE GAME” between the top two programs in the state.

    Not sure at ALL Yow or TOB would agree, but I think it would be real cool to have a football “fest” with our sister school down east, and, if possible, convey to the ECU fan base that we like playing them. Bury the hatchet and enjoy a good ‘ole healthy rivalry.

    … unlike the rivalry in Orange County.

  7. hpack 06/17/2011 at 9:24 PM #

    I got over $700 worth of tickets in 3 years. One license tag…one crappy old truck. University sent a bill home the week before graduation. I could walk but not “officially graduate” until the tickets were paid. It was a very embarrassing situation the week before graduation. On the plus side, I parked just about everywhere for the bargain basement price of ~$250/year

  8. hpack 06/17/2011 at 9:28 PM #

    I got over $700 worth of tickets in 3 years. One license tag…one crappy old truck. University sent a bill home the week before graduation. I could walk but not “officially graduate” until the tickets were paid. It was a very embarrassing situation the week before graduation.

    On the plus side, I parked just about everywhere on campus for the bargain basement price of ~$250/year

  9. packalum44 06/17/2011 at 9:41 PM #

    No smoking gun. We need something better.

  10. WolftownVA81 06/17/2011 at 9:43 PM #

    Two years at State and no tickets. Course my wife drove our only car and she got one. I did have my bike stollen in front of the CE building though it was locked.

  11. Pano Fasoulas 06/18/2011 at 5:10 AM #

    In my 4.5 years, I sort of got two tickets. My parents loaned me a car for the weekend at the end of the school year to pack up in and drive home. The guy who wrote the ticket marked my plates as from NC when my tags were from VA. I put that ticket on my window the next day (hoping they’d think I’d already been ticketed) and got another. And the dude just copied the previous ticket wrong state and all. So, I got away with that one (2). I’ve always wondered if some old lady in someplace like Albemarle, or New Bern was getting nasty notes from NCSU demanding that she pay her parking tickets.

  12. Pack78 06/18/2011 at 7:24 AM #

    Had a car my last two years at State; no tix; occasionally got to take mom’s ’76 MGB (her reward after the station wagon years) and was always VERY careful to park legally and avoid the ticket/tow daily double. Anyone remember the ‘Jack the Pack’ cartoon in the Technician due to the prevalence of the daily double on campus? Must not be a problem for athletes at the hole…

  13. Mike 06/18/2011 at 11:03 AM #

    I had a ticket one time for parking about 1 hour and 3 minutes in a 1 hour meter. That ticket nazi must have been taking a break at my car waiting for the meter to expire. I was always very careful and made mental notes to times I had to be gone, and this one was truly 1 hour and 3 minutes – will never forget that one.

    Also, I had a friend who kept a ticket in his glove box. He would pull into the spot, pull the ticket out and put it on his own windshield. The thought being, that a ticket officer would see the ticket and move on. He said he never received another ticket while his car was “ticketed”. Dont know the truth but sounds like a great theory.

  14. travelwolf 06/19/2011 at 3:56 PM #

    One thing that this whole fiasco with Butch’s “lack of control” is that it’s just another reason (as if I need another reason) that I’m SOOOO happy we have TOB! I can guarantee you that he wouldn’t put up with this behavior.

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