Reports: Osama Bin Laden Dead

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Reporting he was killed a week ago by a US bomb.

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38 Responses to Reports: Osama Bin Laden Dead

  1. sundropdrinker13 05/02/2011 at 9:49 AM #

    Don’t believe everything you are told. He has been reported killed several times before, and thought to be dead several other times just from his illness, yet has always managed to come back to life. Also remember, the US is the one that trained him and first armed him. I won’t believe until the body of the tallest Arabic man ever is shown, with his dialysis equipment still attached to him.

  2. triadwolf 05/02/2011 at 9:50 AM #

    ^Unsustainable growth with no real basis in advance of a pending, unavoidable collapse in 6 years? No thank you, I’ll just take real meat & potatoes economic growth, slow (relatively) and steady for the next 20 or 30 years.

    Back on tread, Great News for the good guys! I doubt it has much affect from a day to day operations standpoint, as I don’t think Osama was that involved anymore. But symbols are important in radical causes and we just removed a fairly substantial one. Through all the political infighting we ultimately still found a way to stay committed enough to get the job done.

  3. ADVENTUROO 05/02/2011 at 10:53 AM #

    The question is….IS THE ECONOMY UP SINCE 2001? If you do some stock charting, look at IBM for a decade (that would be 4 months PRIOR to 9/11). IBM is up about 52%. The S&P500 is up 10%. If you throw in GE, it is DOWN 60%. So, are we better or worse? Don’t know… If you stayed invested and made good decisions and did not do any panic selling, you net worth should be at least double since then. There was a MAJOR run-up AFTER 2001 and after the meltdown in 2008. If you re-invested at these points, then you were DEFINITELY doing well. I took a MAJOR hit in my net worth in 2000, when the Clinton Bubble Burst. If WJC had pulled the trigger on Osama when we had him in the Missile Sights and was LOCKED ON, then we would probably NEVER have had 9/11.

    I also looked at some of my investments back then (on May 1, 2001). I had a GREAT profit in GE. I had major losses in Cisco and JDS and some other high tech items.

    Therefore, I was STILL hurting in 2001….but it got WORSE after 9/11. Fortunately, I was in a position where I did not need to sell and kept re-investing and eventually peeling off the losers to offset gains and keep from paying taxes. It took me 5 – 6 years to FINALLY get rid of the Clinton and 9/11 losses….but my net worth increased very nicely.

    I was LUCKY….and I know it.

    Today, our economy is WAY MORE FRAGILE than in 2001. I was in Richmond this weekend. In an older neighborhood (much like the older homes INSIDE the beltline), there were more FOR SALE signs than I have ever seen near the friends house.

    Another friend just bought a golf course home on a lake in TN. It was valued around $600K five years ago….when it was completed and sold. He bought it for $320K. Now, that is a bargain. BUT, he his home in CT was valued around the same then…real estate was BOOMING. He finally sold his business in 2008 and his home in 2009. He got a little over $400K for it, so he too, took a beating.

    I will give credit to Obama for “keeping the faith”. I will also give credit to Bush for what he did for the country after 9/11. What happened this time is that we finally got someone who was willing to “rat” on Osama….and we paid a pretty penny for it…or we did some “hard interrogation” and squeezed the info out of folks….probably using WORSE tactics than the Obama administration chastized Bush and Cheney for.

    I will STILL hold a political grudge against Clinton for NOT having the balls to take him out when we had him located in a convoy….his politically correct advisors overruled. I think that Hillary would have blown him up, quite happily.

    NOW…it will be interesting to see how much of a LONG RANGE bounce the polls give Obama. Last night, for the very first and ONLY time, he sounded presidential….but….

    If gas keeps going up and if the supply of existing homes stays at record levels and inflations (it is HERE) continues to go up, then Obama will have….given a reasonable opponent, a TOUGH time…and will probably be a one-termer….

    Jimmy Carter’s raid on Iran to free the hostages failed. Obama’s raid on Osama succeeded….

    I am happy for the country and will give Obama an “atta boy”….but he has got so many “OH FECES” that it will take a plethoria of them just to be even.


  4. TOBtime 05/02/2011 at 11:02 AM #

    Jeremy, did we go back to the way we were on December 6 1941?

    From the MSN article – “the information was shared with no other government”. There, in a succint statement, is the reason for the successful mission.

    I’m not the guys biggest fan but hats off to the President for issuing a kill order. This dog needed to die.

  5. Prowling Woofie 05/02/2011 at 11:04 AM #

    I’m sure all the goats and sheep in Pakistan are breathing a sigh of relief this morning…

  6. Howler 05/02/2011 at 12:59 PM #

    Can anyone say “Fish Food”?

  7. choppack1 05/02/2011 at 6:26 PM #

    Beautiful day. I get so pumped up thinking of how all of the service-men who have given everything must feel.

    Think about those Seals – knowing that they had that SOB!!

    And yes – this sends a message to evil-doers – no more Mr. Nice Guy – no matter whom is in the oval office – we’ll hunt you down and kill your arse if push it too far…and give credit to Obama – he took a risk here in sending in the Seals instead of choosing the “targeted air-strike” route. I like this better – much more personal.

  8. turfpack 05/02/2011 at 9:29 PM #

    But,I’m sure where you went it’s hot as HELLLLLL!

  9. redterror16 05/02/2011 at 10:56 PM #

    What do TLC and Bin Laden have in common? No more left eye

  10. camel77 05/03/2011 at 12:54 AM #

    ADVENTUROO. How can you put the blame on Clinton for the stock market crash? When he left office, he left the country with a surplus and the stock market crash wasn’t until Bush’s second term.

    Bush may have done a good job right after 9/11, but he is the main reason this country is in the shape it is now by being in a war we should have never been in (Iraq). If you remember correctly, he is also the one that started the bailout (with no restriction on what to do with the money). Obama did give a bailout but his had restriction where the companies couldn’t do just anything they wanted. Obama was using a Republican idea that spending money helps stimulate the economy. So it is ok when the Republican do it, and bad when the Democrats use it. I hate to see where this country would be if hadn’t done it and let these big companies fail. We can all see that these companies are rebounding.

    All this is coming from a person who voted Republican for over 32 years, until I open my eyes realized what was going on.

  11. Lock 05/03/2011 at 11:39 AM #

    Masters of Reporting, might want to correct that little snippet there.

  12. bradleyb123 05/03/2011 at 1:15 PM #

    How can you put the blame on Clinton for the stock market crash? When he left office, he left the country with a surplus and the stock market crash wasn’t until Bush’s second term.

    I don’t want to start a political battle here. People are going to think what they want to think. But I will try to answer this question. The stock market was poised to fall back when Clinton was in office. It just had not happened yet. Problem companies that were doing very bad things (e.g., Enron) were not yet busted. The dot-com-turned-dot-bomb phenomena was still in the “dot-com” phase. Regular joe shmoes were getting involved in buying sticks with the advent of websites like eTrade. And they were buying up and super-inflating stocks beyond what they should have been worth. Companies like Yahoo! were worth BILLIONS on paper, well before they were worth that much, simply because people were in the stock market that didn’t have a clue what they were doing. So of course our stock portfolios were growing at an unreal pace — because it WAS an unreal pace. Literally. Bill Clinton just happen to leave office before that house of cards came tumbling down.

    I’m not blaming Clinton for this. But Bush shouldn’t be blamed for it, either. It was a house of cards waiting to tumble, regardless of who was in office at the time. People like to give Clinton credit for the surging stock market, but he shouldn’t get credit for that, either. It was all smoke and mirrors. Neither president should get credit or blame for it.

    This is not a political post.

  13. bradleyb123 05/03/2011 at 1:17 PM #

    In my previous post… it should say “stocks”, not “sticks”.

    Sure wish we could edit posts.

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