Harrow to transfer

College Basketball

123 Responses to Harrow to transfer

  1. WolftownVA81 04/27/2011 at 12:30 PM #

    First I’ll say best of luck to you Ryan. Glad you chose the Pack and hope you don’t regret your decision to leave it. It sucks for us but I can see some rational in the decison. By leaving he gets a year to work on developing his skills and put on some weight. If he were to stay, he probably wouldn’t be allowed to redshirt so he might have been looking at another year of less than desired results on the court which would hurt his chances at the next level.

    Next, I have to agree with mafpack’s sentiments concerning this quote from Wolffpride: “Understand that our basketball program (and our football program for that matter) doesn’t owe us anything.”

    Many of us on this site, in addition to being die hard fans who are passionate about our team, contribute our hard earned cash to enable NCSU to field the various teams. While they don’t owe us a win every night, they (and the school) owe us the best effort they can give, to make smart decisions, and do everything they can to promote a positive image of NCSU. There are many more things that could be added to this list but those are the first to come to my mind. So, please stop the preaching and the presumption of telling other fans how to feel – especially if you don’t have any skin in the game. Of course, you could be one those people who don’t mind giving away their money with out any conditions, expections of how it will be used, or results acheived. But understand, most rational people don’t fall into that category.

  2. Howler 04/27/2011 at 12:40 PM #

    Next season is really in the hands of Brown, as far as the players go. I think our bigs will improve, and in CJL’s case, hopefully a lot. I think Wood will be a solid contributor. But Brown’s performance at point guard will determine if we are slightly better than mediocre vs. pretty lousy. We have a talented point guard on the way for 2012-2013, so for 2011-2012, I plan to sit back and evaluate MG’s performance more than any of our players next season to see how I really feel about the next several years of Pack basketball.

  3. sundropdrinker13 04/27/2011 at 12:50 PM #

    @ baxter… Oh, I know. I can’t wait for Lewis to get here. How long has it been since we have a had a true PG, one that is selfless, a team player, and a great player as well? The bulk of my comment was basically about the praise for one of our recruits. The only thing that they really knocked him on was his speed, and even then said that he makes adjustments to compensate for his lack of speed. I’m just not used to that from ESPN, and was just wondering if Gott’s time with them might be in play here for the change in tune, and also wonder if it will help with a little more positive PR from them.

    This coming year will be harder than we first thought, but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. The players will get vast experience this coming year, and having to play as many minutes a game that we think they will have to play will wear them down, but also give them more stamina as well. The 12-13 season we will have several players back that will have run the gauntlet this coming year, be better conditioned because of it; we will also have one of the classes best PGs, and who knows who else will be in the class.

    I’m football first, and am excited and look forward to this coming season with the Glennon/Moose Era. However, I think I am actually looking more forward to and more excited about the basketball season. Maybe I’m just having Sun Drop withdrawels, who knows.

  4. JSRy2k 04/27/2011 at 12:58 PM #

    How about LoBrown’s defense? Lowe never had a strong defender at the point. If Gott & Co. can coach ’em up on D, we will be vastly improved. Just consider the havoc wreaked by former ACC PG’s such as WoJo, Derrick Phelps and our own Cliff Crawford on the defensive end of the court. It is the ‘point’ of attack on both ends of the floor.

  5. Boyd 04/27/2011 at 1:02 PM #

    “i don’t get it with people throwing a size limitation out there for point guard? anyone remember spud or bogues? what about seth curry, ty lawson, chris paul or felton? none of them are giants among giants?? point guards need to score but size isn’t a limiting factor to me!”

    They’re not talking about height. They’re talking about physical size (bulkiness, strength). Every one of the guards you named (except curry) has great size. They aren’t scrawny.

  6. mafpack 04/27/2011 at 1:54 PM #

    To Boyd’s point, if you’re short (still tall to me, lol) you need more bulk to keep up:

    Ty Lawson 5’11 195
    Kemba Walker 6’1 172
    Chris Paul 6’0 175
    Raymond Felton 6’1 205

    Ryan Harrow 6’1 160

  7. TLeo 04/27/2011 at 2:12 PM #

    I don’t want to bash the kid but with all of his talent, I haven’t seen a lot of effort out of him — or the rest of the team for that matter under Lowe. This sort of seems to me like he and Uchebo are upset that the new coach is not kissing their a## and judging from his comments at the PC, MG expects them to work hard and earn their playing time. I don’t know or understand how Lowe worked out playing time but it sure looked like he was not making them work hard. Let’s just wish them good luck and move on.

  8. Boyd 04/27/2011 at 2:16 PM #


    Good figures, but I’d say that Harrow is 160 dripping wet with all of his clothes on. That kid makes Hodge look bulk. Haha, sorry Jules. I had to throw a malnourished joke in there.

  9. Wolfy__79 04/27/2011 at 2:44 PM #

    good point.. i think harrow will keep adding weight but who knows how much. for highly talented point guards.. i think there are ways to make up for a lack of bulk. for harrow in particular.. i’d say he’d have to have a higher basketball iq plus a little more weight by the end of his career to move on..

    if i were him.. this would be just one more thing to prove.. of course, he will now have to do this elsewhere!

  10. bigwolfpacker 04/27/2011 at 2:50 PM #

    I liked his game and enjoyed watching him. However he had to know that lowe was on a major hot seat and if he and his class didn’t win last year, lowe would be fired. They couldn’t win so its his fault the coach was fired not the fans. Very immature kid to put it nicely.

  11. mafpack 04/27/2011 at 2:51 PM #

    Haha, agreed Boyd. I chose not to add in my own commentary on the ‘160’ figure and ruin the fun for anyone else who noticed/disagreed with it 🙂

  12. Rick 04/27/2011 at 3:20 PM #

    Quickness is more important than size but you have to be strong enough not to be pushed around.

  13. Boyd 04/27/2011 at 4:17 PM #

    Apparently his relationship with Lowe wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Sources close to Ryan say that his family was very vocal about him not getting to start over Javi at the beginning of the year.

    It sounds to me like Lowe was promising these kids one thing and doing another. Either way, we’ve still got a great guard in Lo and CJL seems to have matured a little given his recent interview. I really don’t think we will be as bad as everybody thinks. We’re not going to make it to the tourney next year, but we definitely won’t be the next WF.

  14. Lunatic Fringe 04/27/2011 at 4:49 PM #


    I guess there goes the theory that some were saying that new coaches could not relate to young athletes. Leslie appears to be pretty happy with them…

    Interesting article about using Ole Miss graduated guards to add immediate D1 talent that only cost a ship for 1 year. I would say go get them both if they only need a ship for one year (much better than using it for Iowa kid who may not have been eligible & would take up ships for 2-3 years).


  15. Lunatic Fringe 04/27/2011 at 4:53 PM #

    One other thing regarding last link above…

    *snickers* …at Parish comment about Harrow “throwing name” into the NBA hat. Parish continues to impress with his brilliance.

  16. Wolfy__79 04/27/2011 at 6:19 PM #

    i like the idea of getting someone from the juco level or a player with a year left on his eligibility. i wonder what MG can come up with??

    i’m optimistic about next year.. and i think we are closer than what i’ve read from some posters.. i don’t have expectations of making the ncaas next year.. but i am hoping for some sort of postseason play..

  17. JT 04/27/2011 at 6:32 PM #

    Getting a solid backup point from wherever is paramount. I actually felt that Brown was a better creator for others than Harrow- Harrow usually put up tear-drops or little runners instead of finding the big guys; in fact, I can’t remember an assist of his that stands out. Brown is already one of my fav State guys and I think he has huge potential at point and swinging to 2 guard at times.
    But re. Harrow, anybody who even plays pick up ball knows that going up against a much stronger person of about the same skill and height is a huge disadvantage. I didn’t get the impression that Harrow would carry sufficient weight anytime soon. Brown has a much better frame for the job.

  18. wolffpride 04/27/2011 at 8:08 PM #

    JasonP, defensively Berg is every bit as effective as Henson is. I dont think his offensive skill set is any worse. Lowe never let Jordan go to work on the post. He actually has a nice shot. With some encouragement, you will see Berg become a real factor on both ends this year. Remember half of Henson’s offense was him simply getting put backs.

    Mafpack, I dont donate to the WPC (Paying for my MBA is enough of a headache) but i had bought season tickets for 3 seasons when I was still in Raleigh. I dont view it as an investment. I cheer on my school when we win and lick the wounds when we dont. Trust me I get as irritated and frustrated as anyone, I have a patched over hole in my wall where a remote went. I just think as fans we represent the university as much as the teams do if not more. The world holds us to what we say about our school.

  19. wolffpride 04/27/2011 at 8:48 PM #

    I apparently am the only one who thinks that we will finish in the top half of the ACC this year. As I have posted before I believe we have the talent, and now we have the coach. I know our depth is thin but we will have 9 guys. Duke and Carolina never played more than 9 in a game last year. Our post will be real deep and our off guards should be fine given the versatility of our players. Point is our only real concern. But with Zo I am confident we can have a successful year. Look what duke did with just Scheyer 2 years ago. We have some guys that can help Lorenzo out and give him a breather. Also, look at the ACC team projections next year…Not very impressive. Outside of the Blues it is wide open. Especially if Chris Singleton, Jordan Williams, Reggie Jackson, and Iman Shumpert all stay in the draft. I think Jackson is the only one that they have said will pull out.

    VT, Clemson, and BC all lose crucial seniors. With BC losing 6!!! If Maryland loses Williams then they will have no post next year (Gregory graduated). FSU is the only one who will probably be fine. The teams that finished in the bottom half last year dont look like they are getting any better. Wake probably still has a little ways to go, UVA loses crucial seniors, GT and Miami have new coaches and haven’t added any real talent. Forgive my optimism but I cant see why we dont have a legitimate shot at being in the top 6 next year

  20. Rochester 04/28/2011 at 8:07 AM #

    I’m optimistic as well. I don’t see an ACC title next year or anything crazy like that, but with better coaching there’s no reason this team can’t finish with a better conference record than it did in 2011. If Coach G comes up with another decent guard I like our odds even better.

    I reserve the right to downgrade this if anyone else leaves. I hope no one does. We need them all.

  21. JasonP 04/28/2011 at 8:49 AM #

    wolffpride, first I’m going to point out that in no way am I a Henson fan. I like V-berg, especially the effort he gave toward the end of the season.

    That said, Henson’s a first round pick when he leaves school. His footwork, instinct and athleticism are things that put him in position to be a game changer. Vandenberg will develop a better game, and I look forward to seeing it but he’s just not the same calibre of player that Henson is.

  22. wolffpride 04/28/2011 at 9:37 AM #

    JasonP, I see your point. Vandenberg is not the athlete that Henson is nor is he a first round pick. I think Henson is overated simply because he cant put the ball on the floor or hit an outside shot. He is a nightmare on defense and a hell of a rebounder but that is it. His post moves have gotten better and are enough to get him some points in college but he scores a lot of garbage baskets. I think if Berg had the same attention that Henson did in terms of development that he would be as effective in the college game. He could put up 14 points and 12 boards on any given night. That is all I meant when I wrote that post, his impact could be equal to that of Hensons’. But there is no question that Henson is a better athlete and has potential Vandenberg doesn’t. I think both Painter and Vandenberg can be really good post players, I hope they break out this year.

  23. Frank Koontz 04/29/2011 at 11:19 AM #

    If Harrow does not want to be a wolfpacker, anymore then goodbye!!! MG will fine a great replacement, just as Debbie Yow did!!!!!! Go Pack. All I want is for them to be winners with excellent BB skills that are excuted for the entire game.

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