Harrow to transfer

College Basketball

123 Responses to Harrow to transfer

  1. ADVENTUROO 04/27/2011 at 8:14 AM #

    This is a very interesting discussion. When we were (and MOST of the posters fall into this category) SO EXCITED about Harrow coming and he was tweeting and writing and came to Raleigh for his signing, he was OUR little Drama Queen. Now that he is leaving, he is an EVIL Drama Queen. Had he not come, with Lo last year, we probably would not have have C. J. Leslie. I’ll bet there is STILL some drama in the background….that is why CJL is NOT talking. I don’t have any inside info….just an opinion. Most of the folks bought into the “HOLD ON, we’re coming” hoopla last year. It was a bit overhyped and fate (Tracy’s injury and Harrow’s illness and Leslie’s “unspecified suspension”) stepped in. These guys came here to play for Lowe and also improve their skills and their standing when it came time for their “entrance” at the big dance. Reality set in and they, as well as Coach Lowe, did not reap the full potential.

    Lowe was probably a father figure to Harrow….so you really should not blame the kid for being disappointed. Maybe he should be mature enough to understand that it would be in his best interest to stay….BUT, when, based on the reports, he is being courted by KY and some other schools, it is obvious that THEY think he has talent. We may rue the day when he puts up some great numbers that he left.

    BUT, that is our lot. I think that next season will be a little better than last season. BUT, if Coach Lowe and the whole squad and the incoming recruits had STAYED, we would win MORE games.

    NOW, with the holes, unless the new staff pulls some fancy rabbits out of the hat, the MOST we can expect is to win about the same number, if we are lucky, than HYPOTHETICALLY Coach Lowe and company would have won.

    All the gnashing of teeth and the petty comments about Lowe and Harrow are of NO VALUE HERE. We have made the change. We need to be REALISTIC in what is going to happen. There are those, be they far and few between, that predicted some player and recruits losses when Coach Lowe resigned….my HOPE is that we have seen the last…but I would not be surprised to see one or two more…..that is the way it goes in ANY top management change. The “team” has a new look and some of your talented players find, in their opinion, a new team that will better utilize their talents. I went through about 25 – 30 boss changes in my career and this happens.

    OK….enough of the GLOOM and DOOM and BASHING. I think that Coach Gottfried will weather this little storm, but he will not reap the fat (low hanging) bonuses in his contract next year. BUT, our 2013 recruiting class will be solid. We can not turn back the hands of history….not that we would want to….but the reality that changes will be happen (they have) and that other changes may (and I hope not) will occur is reality.

    I am solidly behind Coach Gottfried and am excited about the future…..but I refused to put on the rose (red) colored glasses last year when Brown, Harrow and Leslie signed on….and I was disappointed that Mays left….we could have used him last year. So, those glasses are for others.

    We will have a winning season next year, barely, but don’t expect an ACC tourney run and don’t expect an invite to the big dance. The NIT ain’t looking too bad for next year’s goal…

    That is MHO….others will differ.

  2. mak4dpak 04/27/2011 at 8:24 AM #

    It is nice to see the optimism of so many because Harrow is leaving, and Uchebo, aint coming. We will survive. I am also excited about the new staff and will refrain from negativity toward MG, until he gives me reason to feel otherwise. Let’s support out coach and our team.

  3. VaWolf82 04/27/2011 at 8:28 AM #

    Evidently, many State fans are mind readers….who knew?

    MG may or may not work out long-term. It will be up to him. But as much as it saddens me to say this, State is better off with Sidney gone….even IF (and that’s a big IF), Sidney would have won more games next year than MG does.

  4. wolffpride 04/27/2011 at 8:38 AM #

    I am really getting tired of you pessimistic State Fans. If you dont have anything positive to say then shut the F up. We all know that we have been down the past 20 years. We know that it takes time, and we will have to build to get back to an elite status. That is what we want, to be an elite program again? To strike fear into everyone we play. A positive attitude from the fans is absolutely essential to building confidence into the players and coaches. They need our support now more than anything.

  5. ncsuinpa 04/27/2011 at 8:44 AM #

    Can’t worry about Trevor Lacey. As of April 22, he’s narrowed his list down to Alabama, Kentucky, or Kansas. State was never even mentioned.

    But time to see how MG will handle this transition. I was also hoping his assistants with their years of experience would be able to squelch any grumblings. But let’s see…

    Best wishes to Harrow.

  6. ADVENTUROO 04/27/2011 at 8:50 AM #


    good comment…..my wife read the postings this morning and made an interesting comment. Wonder if Harrow got tired of reading the comments about Coach Lowe? Some of the comments here get a little “over the edge”. But, I guess that is what makes us the Lunatic Lupine Lobo’s or whatever we are called. Less rhetoric might be better, but is history is an indicator, the beat will go on and the comments will continue.

    I do believe that we have a made a change for the better, in the LONG run…..but don’t see any major short term improvements. The “hand” is looking a lot weaker now, so, we need to shut up and fold ’em. Coach Gottfried will bring a new look to the team and he will probably have a new level of discipline and culture. That will take some getting used to….but there has never been a TOP MANAGEMENT change, in the course of recorded history, that did NOT have some downside.

    Looking forward to meeting Coach G and his staff on Thursday night…it will be interesting to hear his remarks. I sort of hope that NONE of the three coaches are there….that they are still on airplanes or camped out at HS gymn’s or on the front doors of certain young men with BB athleticism.

    GO PACK…Time to move on, realisitically, of course.

  7. PackerInRussia 04/27/2011 at 8:56 AM #

    This quote was very interesting to me:
    “I stayed loyal to N.C. State for two years when I committed,” Harrow said. “After this year, I actually want to have a recruiting process and see what other schools have to offer.”

    I know that happens during the recruitment process at times where as recruit committed early and then decides he’d like to open things up and be courted. I’ve never heard that said by someone who was a year into playing. Sounds real similar to Uchebo: I want to be shown some more love. I don’t want to insinuate anything, so I’ll just leave it up to you to decipher what kind of “love” they’re looking for because I really don’t know and don’t want to just throw out something damaging, but completely unsubstantiated. Or perhaps BJD’s mention of handlers already addresses this?

  8. MickQ 04/27/2011 at 8:57 AM #

    I would have liked to see Harrow stay and develop here, but not my opinion or anyone elses really matters. Harrow has made up his own mind. That being said, I would rather have a player that wants to be at State, that wants to play for Gott, that wants to win here. Coaching transition does carry with it player casualties. Harrow will be replaced, and the program will move on. It will take some time for Gott to build the program to where he wants it to be, but with or without Harrow, you should see improvement next year.

  9. wolffpride 04/27/2011 at 8:58 AM #

    Understand that our basketball program (and our football program for that matter) doesn’t owe us anything. I read some of these posts and its just fans complaining about how we are gonna have another losing season, and how we are gonna have to wait while the program rebuilds, and that the players we have just arent good enough. They owe you NOTHING. If you cant handle rooting for a team that is in a rough spot then dont, we wont miss you. I think we have a lot of talent on our roster.

    Zo is going to be an amazing PG, Painter is an absolute animal in the Post. Richard Howell is a do everything PF with a lot of potential still left. Leslie will come back this year focused on making himself a better player, and will be hard to contain. Scott Wood is arguably the best 3 point shooter in the ACC and will have help from Raymond and Harris coming in. CJ Willliams is a lock down defender and great Senior Leader. And Berg is Henson with 50 pounds added. We have a loaded roster. 5 of our 9 players were in the ESPN Top 150 coming out of highschool. And that doesn’t include Scott Wood. Even more importnatly is our new coach is a beast. Look what he did with Bama, a football school!!! All he needs is players, which we have.

  10. BJD95 04/27/2011 at 9:09 AM #

    Saying we’re going to have another losing season isn’t necessarily complaining about it – and certainly not laying it at the feet of the current coaches and players.

    At best, we will have nine scholarship players, two of which are more “developmental” type true freshmen. Guard depth is frightening. That’s not a recipe for a good season. Pointing out that simple fact is nothing to gnash one’s teeth about. If it is for you, then you’re on the wrong website.

  11. inhoc... 04/27/2011 at 9:12 AM #

    Dont let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!

    Get the hell out of here! if you had problems here, you’ll have the same problems somewhere else.

    He had two options: grow up and mature into a great player at a school who is turning things around or be a narcissistic baby. Guess you chose the latter…

  12. Paramarine 04/27/2011 at 9:25 AM #

    We’ll miss you, Damien.

  13. JasonP 04/27/2011 at 9:42 AM #

    “And Berg is Henson with 50 pounds added. We have a loaded roster.”

    Were you able to type that with a straight face?

  14. tann84 04/27/2011 at 9:45 AM #

    I thought lil homie would stay. But if you need a year to mature then its wise to take that year.

    I don’t blame harrow, but to the fans who personally attacked Harrow directly via facebook/twitter, you ought to turn in your NCSU fan card now. We knew before hand that the kid wasn’t mature enough to handle that type of criticism. He even warned us in his letter, yet some fools still had to say something to him. I’m sorry last time I check NC State basketball needed Harrow more than Harrow needed NC State basketball. When you are cheering for a school who has struggled as much as we have the last 20 years you don’t go running off one of your best young players that you were counting on rebuilding. Those fans who was so full of themselves needed to shut up and put the NCSU basketball program before your selfish need to complain. Was he playing great every night? No. But he was better than Javi G. Look at his stats and he was a freshman too, had plenty of time to grow.

    Now not only are we thin in the backcourt but now we are thin in the frontcourt. Thats not a good combination. Now what if Tyler Lewis does the same, are ya’ll gonna run him off too? Some of you fans need to get over yourself and understand that NCSU needs all the help it can get. We aren’t in a position like UNC where we can run off a PG and have a better one waiting in the bench. Brown will move to point but then what? CJW at the 2? Then who is coming off the bench? A freshman. People forget about minutes, fatigue, fouls. Harrow 9pts/gm could have turned into 15 pts/gm this next year. We don’t know.

    I am still behind Mark G. and will cheer for NCSU but its no secret he is going to need a couple of years to try to get us back to the tourney.

  15. mafpack 04/27/2011 at 9:59 AM #

    Wolffpride – Serious question, have you ever actually paid money for a game or forked over your own hard earned cash to the WPC? Do you realize that WE pay for these students scholarships?

  16. buclark 04/27/2011 at 10:10 AM #

    Many of the so called “State Fans” on here deserve the 20 years you have recently had. A coach in cobb county GA who has coached future NBA players and played against future NBA players called Ryan “the best high school player he had coached against in over 30 years”. For you guys to be trashing him for deciding to leave due to a coaching change shows just how pathetic you are. With help from you, we’ll probably have another 20 and I will not have to worry about it anymore as I will either be dead or senile.

  17. Bowlpack 04/27/2011 at 10:39 AM #

    I’m with you buclark. Many of the posters on this site are starting to sound like a bunch of petulant brats. Grow up. Don’t trash the kid for making a decision about his future. You are all uninformed and don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes…that was made very evident by the “inside info” regarding the coaching search.

  18. ShavlikLeague 04/27/2011 at 10:40 AM #

    “Was he playing great every night? No. But he was better than Javi G.”

    I have NEVER been a big fan of Javi’s. It’s nothing personal towards him, but if Harrow hadn’t come in and taken over some starts, I would wager that Javi could have gone down as the worst four-year starting PG in ACC history. However, at least Javi would play some defense and had a chance of not being tossed around. So sure, Harrow scores some points, but he sure did give up a bunch too.

    “A coach…called Ryan “the best high school player he had coached against in over 30 years”.

    Yeah, that’s his play in _high_school_. He was playing against a lot of smaller players. Just because he played so well and excelled in high school doesn’t mean his game is going to translate into the ACC/Div I. And it didn’t translate very well this past season.

    Obviously he should improve going forward, but to what level? Sure, he has a lot of time to bulk up, develop a consistent stroke from outside, work on his defensive game…but right now, MHO opinion is that he was coddled by Lowe, was not pushed very hard and his performance on the floor is evidence. His remarks mentioned by PackerinRussia and his behavior at the MG Presser are signs that he has not matured very much mentally either.

    Sometimes things don’t work out. Maybe in this case it’s in the best interest of both Harrow and the Pack’s basketball program to part ways? I think so.

  19. sundropdrinker13 04/27/2011 at 11:05 AM #

    Someone mentioned Tyler Lewis being moved up to 4-Stars. According to ESPN, he is ranked 70th overall and the number 8 PG. I have NEVER seen such glowing praise for a Pack commit from any media source. Could Coach Gott’s time at ESPN be an influence for this?


  20. blpack 04/27/2011 at 11:05 AM #

    Best of luck to him. It is a privilege to wear the Red and White and if he wants to go that is up to him.

  21. triadwolf 04/27/2011 at 11:28 AM #

    This is not a knock on Harrow personally, but I just feel that HIS decision was more a mutual one than we think. I would not be surprised to learn that he was told by MG that Lo Brown was currently ahead of him and that Harrow did not buy into (or was insulted by) the developmental plan presented to him. If it was a just a Lowe thing I think he would have announced something earlier. Just my gut feeling, but who knows with a teenage kid?

    As far as who’s left, we may end up being surprised next year. We know how bad these kids can play, but we have no idea how well they can play. We’ll definitely be thin at guard, but I think we’ll see a marked improvement in individual and team play. How much improvement remains to be seen, but I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch that we end up middle of the pack and on the NCAA bubble.

  22. leewolf 04/27/2011 at 11:52 AM #

    It is a loss, but if the guy doesn’t want to here then let him move on. And we’ll leave it at that.

    As for next year, it might be rough. But rather than do what Sid did and try to plug the gaps and make it less sucky (as others have already discussed on this thread), we need to take our lumps and focus on the 2012 class and beyond. This appears to be exactly what the current staff is doing, which is the right move. This needs to be about building for the future, next year is already a lost cause. But don’t waste scholarships on guys still sitting out there that have no business playing in the ACC just to have warm bodies on the court and bench.

    We have 9 players on the team next year, the biggest concern for me is who plays center and how well Painter/Vandenburg can develop this off-season. The key for the whole team is going to be off-season conditioning for the starting guys because they are going to have a ton of weight on their shoulders. In addition, the two freshmen are going to have to be ready to play some minutes. It won’t be pretty next year, but with an actual college basketball coaching staff to work with them over the off-season, I don’t see it being a train wreck. And there is enough talent on the roster that we shouldn’t dip to Wake Forest 2010-2011 levels of awfulness.

  23. baxter 04/27/2011 at 12:02 PM #

    Sundrop, Lewis has been tearing it up on the AAU circuit, w/ a bum ankle. The recent tourney he played in he flat out dominated, and if it wasn’t for their star wing man Andrew White going down in the Semi-finals, they would have most likely won the final (still did pretty damn good). White is now being courted by MG as well, and has had a huge jump in production since switching schools. Players want to play w/ Lewis because he is a true point guard, he creates for his team mates first, and people love playing with him.

    Like I said, expect to hear a lot of good things about Tyler, his knock on his size is nothing compared to his gifts of IQ and vision. He is already working on bulking up so he can play in the ACC. Something Harrow didn’t seem to be able to do yet.

  24. Wolfy__79 04/27/2011 at 12:14 PM #

    painter will be fine… he put together some good efforts and about mid conference play he never saw the light of day. tell me why that happened please. vandenburg will be fine as well.. i don’t know how much of an offensive force he’ll be but no worries with him.

    howell/painter/leslie/vandenburg.. that should be a pretty good rotation.
    brown/cjw/wood.. guard is thin but can work. uva has been playing well with a thin rotation for a couple of years now.

    with two new additions in harris and raymond that still leaves us thin. so all of our guys should receive plenty of playing time which i think would benefit the team alot by playing together.

    why are there still question marks around tyler lewis? he’s already on board with mg & co.

  25. Wolfy__79 04/27/2011 at 12:17 PM #

    i don’t get it with people throwing a size limitation out there for point guard? anyone remember spud or bogues? what about seth curry, ty lawson, chris paul or felton? none of them are giants among giants?? point guards need to score but size isn’t a limiting factor to me!

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