Harrow to transfer

College Basketball

123 Responses to Harrow to transfer

  1. choppack1 04/26/2011 at 9:14 PM #

    Some rumblings about Wood now…

  2. BJD95 04/26/2011 at 9:15 PM #

    As with Uchebo, it would be foolish to neglect the handler issue. If you remember correctly, I mentioned this when advocating changing coaches last offseason.

    We’re just damned lucky that Lorenzo Brown is such a high character kid. I’m proud that he represents NC State.

  3. coach13 04/26/2011 at 9:15 PM #

    What gets me is….Sid aint coaching…anywhere. So why not try the new coach. Still, if ya want out go. Good luck. I think he physically and emotionally needs to grow for college basketball. Wish him luck. Lets move on.

  4. Wolfy__79 04/26/2011 at 9:15 PM #

    there is plenty of youtube footage out there for those who are interested in seeing what a mg coached game looks like.. there’s some coaching clips too on the high post game. i’m not too worried about a “boring” style of play right now.. what can be more boring than the weave + heave anyway?

    ryan’s “tear drop” was good but he went to it way too much! it appeared to be his only go to move when driving.. that’s all good and fine until you try that against say henson and he swats it back in your face at home and calls it “WEAK” to your face.. jes saying…

  5. swamppack 04/26/2011 at 9:15 PM #

    ^^If Brown pulls a hammy, V-burg will have to show some of those ball-handling skills and run point.

  6. BJD95 04/26/2011 at 9:23 PM #

    The key is not to make things worse by doing something not in our longterm interests to try to be slightly less sucky next season. The key is laying a foundation. There’s no way around the interim sucking.

    But it was going to happen eventually. Lowe sucked, and wasn’t getting any better. And the methods he used to recruit were always going to leave us vulnerable when the axe finally swung.

    Good for MG not kissing Harrow’s ass or playing footsie with WOG over Uchebo. At least we will suck with a little dignity. Because we’ve sucked without it for quite some time.

  7. Wolfy__79 04/26/2011 at 9:27 PM #

    hahahaha bjd95 weighing in with some good ol sad but true humor!!

    yeap.. at the peak of the past five years we were still fighting for the scraps at the bottom of the barrel… it’s sad really!

  8. swamppack 04/26/2011 at 9:31 PM #

    The high-post game will be fine. No problem there. The big question may be………………Is State finally getting a coach that can teach the players how to finish a fast break?

    I know i’m getting off of the transfer subject, can’t help it. Just so glad I don’t have to face another Lowe season. Love the man, hated the coaching.

    Yes Wolfy_79, the “tear-drop” was his only dependable shot, and you know what they say about going to the well one too many times.

  9. Rochester 04/26/2011 at 9:33 PM #

    So long, Princess.

    Enough drama, already. We probably suffered through an extra year of Lowe & Co. because of Harrow. If Leslie winds up leaving it will really prove to not have been worth it.

    I seriously hope there’s no legs to the Wood rumors. I like him a lot and would be disappointed to see him go. He always showed up with a great attitude and gave it his all. More than you can say for some of the other guys, at least from what I could see on TV.

  10. swamppack 04/26/2011 at 9:37 PM #

    Great anger management BJD95. Just talk it out. Let it go. Take a deep breath. Now, don’t we feel better?

    God it’s been a long 20 years.

  11. Boyd 04/26/2011 at 9:49 PM #

    How do we know that CJL is staying? We know he’s not going to the NBA, but no word on whether or not he’s staying in Raleigh.

  12. bluelena69 04/26/2011 at 9:49 PM #

    i don’t get this. He wants to leave because we may win more than 15 games? Fine. Now maybe we can get one of those Pgs that looks like a linebacker…It would be a step up from one that weighs 120lb. Just my opinion

  13. wufpup76 04/26/2011 at 10:10 PM #

    Good luck.

  14. Wolfy__79 04/26/2011 at 10:13 PM #

    wood is a winner! you can see it in his behavior on and off the court..

  15. packof81 04/26/2011 at 10:24 PM #

    No word yet on where Harrow might go. Reckon he’ll be a starter somewhere else?

  16. JSRy2k 04/26/2011 at 10:49 PM #

    Real question is, who is our BACKUP PG is we don’t get a JuCo guy or late signee?

    If I’m not mistaken, Scott Wood ran PG his Sr. yr of High School, and he’s the steadiest possibility of the guard-types after LoBrown. Regardless, I can’t wait to see Wood round out his game w/ drives & mid-range jumpers under a new staff. Film of his HS days shows he can do a lot more than jack up 3-balls.

  17. tvp1 04/26/2011 at 11:24 PM #

    BJD: Agreed on Zo Brown. I think he’ll quickly become a big time fan favorite.

    Harrow has obvious talent at some aspects of the game. And I won’t knock him personally – I don’t know him. But the facts are, he had the WORST SHOOTING PERCENTAGE of ANY player in the ACC in conference play last year. And he couldn’t guard a traffic cone. He will need a lot of hard work to be an impact player anywhere. Even before Lowe was fired, his effort was not good down the stretch last year.

    This hurts next year but I don’t think it hurts long term.

    Rumor has it that CJ Leslie has gotten his head on straight and seems willing to buy in and work hard. If the staff can get CJL playing to even 80% of his potential, and get Howell to lose 30 pounds, then between those two and Brown we’ll have some dangerous players next year.

  18. redwolf87 04/26/2011 at 11:42 PM #

    ” At least we will suck with a little dignity. Because we’ve sucked without it for quite some time.”

    Sucking without dignity–or results–is about as low as it gets.

    Not to say they are mutually exclusive.

  19. travelwolf 04/27/2011 at 12:49 AM #

    Well, just another RED flag from MG – and even for Wolfpack fans, this ‘red’ doesn’t not mean ‘go’. Not looking good, unless MG’s the next Wooden. Losing a talent like Harrow and then another talent like Uchebo seems to indicate that he might be a little removed from today’s youth – or a control freak.

    I’d like to think that perhaps he has some ‘master plan’ behind these defections, but in the last 10 years, I’ve come to realize otherwise… these guys (Fowler, Lowe, D. Yow) didn’t have any secret weapon – except basically falling on their face.

    God, I hope I’m wrong…

  20. baxter 04/27/2011 at 1:10 AM #

    Its not a red flag if the kid wasn’t going to by in, was going to be a cancer, and didn’t fit into the system. Sorry, but Ryan Harrow is a freaking drama queen, who didn’t put in nearly enough work in the gym to make up for his shortcomings. Look at Lo and look at Harrow. HUGE difference in character and mental makeup. The staff is VERY into Brown, think he is going to be very special. Next year will be thin, but 2012 is shaping up very nice, and Raymond, CJW, and Wood will be able to give Lo spot duty.

    Cully Payne isn’t coming here. But check out Hodge’s twitter account if you want an idea of who might be willing to drop their verbal and come here.

    By the way, most people who have seen him, and most of the analysts think Tyler Lewis is straight up, the real deal. 4 star now, don’t be shocked if he is a 5 star and in the top 5 – 10 PGs by the end of 2012. Add to that players saying they WANT to play with Tyler. 2012 is going to be a nasty class.

  21. russwuf 04/27/2011 at 2:31 AM #

    seems as if the true colors are coming out now….he is a ME player and not a TEAM player…don’t let the door hit ya on the way out! buh-bye!

  22. BassPacker 04/27/2011 at 7:09 AM #

    If Harrow wants to leave NCSU, good luck. IMO a very bad move, obviously a decision more in anger over Lowe than in his best interest. If it is all about Lowe, then maybe Harrow should look at it as Lowe left him, not NCSU took Lowe away from him. His anger or desire to leave is more a poor statement against NCSU and perhaps even the fans….very misguided young man right now. Rumor on the street is that he maybe looking to transfer to U of Tenn. Where ever he goes, I wish him happiness but loyality for a coach who failed at every aspect of the game should not have been the major reason to leave. Loyality to a school and team should be priority one. Time to move on..

  23. Rochester 04/27/2011 at 7:27 AM #

    Shavlik, Those pictures are very telling. After seeing them I feel even less bad about him leaving. Not only is he sulking like a baby, but he’s sitting off by himself while the rest of the team is together, respectfully listening to the PC. I wonder how the other guys on the team feel. Maybe they’re not sorry to see him go.

  24. tuckerdorm1983 04/27/2011 at 7:35 AM #

    i figure that we will be ranked preseason next year somewhere in the vicinity of wake forest and GT. 10th would be my guess. We only won five games in the ACC. We won only one ACC on the road and that was Wake. We beat Wake twice. We beat Miami, GT and Clemson in Raleigh. Then we laid an egg in the ACC tourney against a pretty weak MD team that in the next round took a thrubbing by Duke and then didn’t even get to the NIT.

    We can not go down much further. This just may take some time to get new players. We are just gonna have to suck it up a little while longer. Maybe MG can make a silk purse out of a sows ear but I am not sure. We have some potentially good players on the team that next year could win some games and get to some postseason. But, I will not pull my hair out if it does not happen right away,

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