Harrow to transfer

College Basketball

123 Responses to Harrow to transfer

  1. Wolfy__79 04/26/2011 at 5:51 PM #

    L O R E N Z O B R O W N!!!

    this is our point guard and our best offensive guard all around. he will mesh well with wood and cjw ntm the rest of the players! brown is a good player… anyone remember him trying to attack and score on his own when the rest of the team was dragging.

    i hate to see ryan leave! i don’t know much else to say about him leaving.. imo, brown had a better chance at running the point under mg considering the effort i saw towards the end of the season.

  2. Thinkpack17 04/26/2011 at 5:51 PM #

    No point by committee. Lo Brown is our point guard and that’s a fitting reward for a guy who has shown loyalty and been a quiet warrior for us. He has handled business since he got on campus and PG will be his NBA position, so Harrow leaving should really help his stock. I was honestly more worried about him leaving to play point elsewhere. I look forward to seeing Brown running a team.

  3. Geno 04/26/2011 at 5:54 PM #

    Sid seemed to know this a few weeks before the end of the regular season. I remember in one of his interviews he spoke about Brown starting to look like his future was as a point guard. At the time, I wondered why he’d say that since it might alienate his boy Harrow, but then I thought Sid must have figured out that Harrow was going to be gone after this season, and he might as well help Brown’s transition into the role. Brown will be fine. Maybe we can get the transfer kid that had originally committed to Alabama before Coach G resigned there. If we do, we’ll be in reasonably good shape at point guard.

  4. scndshot 04/26/2011 at 5:59 PM #

    Haven’t heard any good recruiting announcements yet…lost Uchebo, Mikulic and now Harrow. Maybe all for the best, but would like to hear some positive news for a change. ANY NEWS besides Raymond and Harris and 2012-Lewis?

    Have either Leslie or Wood said publicly that they are definitely coming back?

    Who can handle the ball besides Brown? Raymond sounds like a project. MG needs to hit the JC circuit and dig up some guards pronto.

    Can Wood play 2 guard?

    If Leslie, Howell, Wood, Brown, Vandenburg start…we only have 2 players with any experience coming off the bench..Williams and Painter..all the more reason to start combing the junior colleges.

  5. Wolfy__79 04/26/2011 at 6:02 PM #

    my lineup would be:

    brown cjw wood howell leslie/painter

  6. Wolfy__79 04/26/2011 at 6:03 PM #

    so correct me if i’m wrong.. this gives us three scholarships to deal?

  7. JT 04/26/2011 at 6:04 PM #

    Wish he stayed. Lots of potential and hope he gets it together wherever he goes. But this will benefit Brown, who was already playing better at PG than Harrow- a much better creator for others.
    Anyway, with MG’s interest in PG’s and Lewis coming in next year I started getting the feeling that Harrow was gone. Can’t say I feel too strongly about it one way or the other. I got a lot of faith in Lo and that makes it less of a big deal for me.

  8. baxter 04/26/2011 at 6:05 PM #

    Haven’t heard any good news recruiting???????????
    NOT losing Lewis was HUGE. By the time he gets here, Lewis could very well be in the top 5 PG’s in 2012’s class. Raymond can do spot duty for Brown, he is a PG and can handle the UCLA offense, and is a shooter. Harris is supposed to be a pretty good wing threat.

    2011 is pretty wrapped up recruiting wise, but 2012 has the potential over the next month or so to become a monster class, more later.

  9. JT 04/26/2011 at 6:07 PM #

    One thing I hope the staff does is help Wood round out his game. He HAS to become more than a catch-and-shoot guy. If he can develop a handle and shoot off the dribble, two things he should be able to do, he’d make a fine 2 guard. With Harrow leaving Wood needs to do that.

  10. Thinkpack17 04/26/2011 at 6:09 PM #

    ^Mine too.

    And no…we have no one else that can dribble. Wood ran the point in high school but I have not seen him put the ball on the floor with any confidence since then. CJW is going to have to live in the gym this summer and work on his handles. Maybe Ryan can hook him up with Mark Edwards.

  11. gopack10 04/26/2011 at 6:24 PM #

    Just speculation here but does anyone think that Trevor Lacey might come to State. One of his big things was PT and with Harrow gone and an overall lack of depth he could get plenty of it here. He recently added State to his list and with UK loaded with wings next year and Kansas picking up McLemore and Tharpe plus Tyshawn Taylor staying he might see Raleigh as the place to be. Wishful thinking I know but I can dream.

  12. scndshot 04/26/2011 at 6:26 PM #

    Haven’t heard any good news recruiting???????????

    Did I stutter? Harris has potential, Raymond is a big question mark and for all the people bitching about Harrow’s size, guess what…Lewis ain’t any bigger. He looks like a good future player, but he won’t be here next year. None of the 3 are ranked above 3 star or in the top 100.

    Like I said, we need depth and experience…hit the JUCO trail immediately.

  13. chriscgray 04/26/2011 at 6:32 PM #

    Thanks for your effort towards our program Ryan, I can’t blame you for leaving because this is where you need to do whats best for you. To CJ Leslie and Lorenzo, thanks for staying and you are in great hands. You will be tremendous assets to our team and this experience will only make you great players for NC STATE and your future basketball career. Gottfried will bring in new guys for support roles. PG is now a little thin, but its Lorenzo’s time to shine. I only thought it was obvious he is better at the PG position, was impressed with his passing capabilities, use of size, and ability to attack. CJ will be more fine tuned and will have last years experience to push him to that level we all expected to see.

    I think we have enough tools to be successful, now we just need to find a consistency that will provide us with success as a team and as individual players.

  14. PoppaJohn 04/26/2011 at 6:51 PM #

    Emotional decision, we hurt his feelings firing Sid.
    This what happens when you change coaches, it’s just going to happen. Hopefully we can keep the rest. Still not convinced CJL won’t transfer too.

  15. codebrown 04/26/2011 at 7:04 PM #

    Our defense just got better instantly.

  16. Wolfy__79 04/26/2011 at 7:27 PM #

    i’m ready to hear of what MG may have in store for us this year recruiting wise to deepen the bench.. they’ve pretty much been on the recruiting trail right at the time of their hire.. so i do have some expectations!!

  17. 808WOLF 04/26/2011 at 7:40 PM #

    Cully Payne is headed to loyola….wtf

  18. Packfan28 04/26/2011 at 8:13 PM #

    Cully Payne? He’s not that good and he has to sit out a year. Why the big heartburn over Cully Payne?

  19. ryebread 04/26/2011 at 8:22 PM #

    Bad news for the Wolfpack. We need every existing player who had eligibility to come back next season, and I personally wanted them all to come back.

    While disappointing, I can’t say it is a shock. I always felt that Harrow had a stronger tie to Lowe than he did NC State. With Lowe moving on, I can understand why he may want to as well.

    This is a significant loss for the team next year as we’re going to be woefully thin at guard. I doubt there are any decent PGs left this late, so I’m guessing we’ll see if we can bring a JUCO player to add guard depth.

    I don’t think Cully was the answer (even before he announced he was transferring to Loyola). He may have been a great kid, but he wasn’t going to be eligible to play next season due to transfer rules. We’d have still been in the same bind at the guard positions next year and then would have had a logjam the following season.

  20. swamppack 04/26/2011 at 8:55 PM #

    I hate it that he left but for him to stay and not do what he really wanted to do would have been VERY bad for the team as a whole. Thanks Ryan for not making us suffer through a half-hearted effort next season.

    If he would have been a true ‘Packer, he and Brown together I still say could have been one of the elite guard tandems in the country. Now that he’s gone I still think Brown will be all-ACC. His game does not depend on Harrow’s presence by any means.

    Harrow did have a sweet tear-drop floater and good court vision that will be missed, but here’s that old cliche’: one monkey doesn’t stop the show.

  21. rawolf 04/26/2011 at 9:00 PM #

    I feel this will be the biggest transfer we had in a long time. I really liked this kid, but in the system that MG plays Harrow would have not worked and from what some of my buds who watched MG coach told me we are in for some very boring basketball. I sure hope they are wrong.

  22. 61Packer 04/26/2011 at 9:01 PM #

    Bad news? Disappointing? A loss?

    Not in my book.

  23. JeremyH 04/26/2011 at 9:10 PM #

    huge loss

  24. swamppack 04/26/2011 at 9:10 PM #

    rawolf, this is not directed at you, it’s just a comment on what your buds informed you of:

    How do you get any more boring than the last 5 years?

    If MG instills some fundamentals in our players that will be exciting just by itself.

  25. choppack1 04/26/2011 at 9:11 PM #

    We now have very little margin for error in the backcourt. We’re in a pretty similar situation as we were when Lowe took over. In other words, if Brown pulls a hammy, we’re ….

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