NC State coaches bring in top 15 recruiting haul since 1998

You hear it over and over how hard NC State’s job is supposed to be. Yet, the national guys never look at the real facts that NC State fans have known about for years. We hear how hard NC State’s job is because of the proximity to UNC and Duke.

Can one of those guys explain how NC State coaches have managed to recruit among the top 15 programs in the nation since 1998?

Full link.

    Top 100 players signed since 1998:

-#12 nationally(24)
-tied for #4 in the ACC

    Top 50 players signed since 1998:

-Tied for #14 nationally(12)
-Tied for #3 in the ACC

    Top 10 players signed since 1998:

-Tied for #13 nationally(2)
-#4 in the ACC


19 Responses to NC State coaches bring in top 15 recruiting haul since 1998

  1. Wufpacker 03/28/2011 at 3:31 PM #

    One reason I’m not worrying too much about name. Get a guy in here who can teach execution and motivate and I think we’re good.

  2. PoppaJohn 03/28/2011 at 4:02 PM #

    And yet, we’re never ranked in the top 15 …

  3. wufpup76 03/28/2011 at 4:19 PM #

    404 Error: National Experts Not Found.

  4. triadwolf 03/28/2011 at 4:29 PM #

    That speaks volumes with regard to the quality of coaching we’ve had over the last 15 years.

  5. UnclePen 03/28/2011 at 5:00 PM #

    The Coaches did recruit them, but couldn’t win with them. We do need someone who can do both.

  6. triadwolf 03/28/2011 at 5:22 PM #

    ^ Perhaps that should have read “lack of quality”…

  7. leewolf 03/28/2011 at 5:32 PM #

    A good coach will do very well here because recruits will come here. He just has to be able to keep them here and make them better once they get here. That has been the main issue over the past two decades.

  8. Avid109 03/28/2011 at 6:10 PM #

    Knowing our luck, the new hire will be able to coach, but not recruit….

  9. Wufpacker 03/28/2011 at 6:48 PM #

    ^ Given the topic of this blog entry, I think that’s probably the trait we should hope for in a new coach (IF we can’t get someone who can do both, of course).

  10. WeAreCured 03/28/2011 at 7:21 PM #

    Maybe the coach doesn’t have to be able to recruit. Maybe the fact that State plays in the ACC on tobacco road, with multiple high profile, nationally televised games against Puke and UNCheat, and 2 NC banners hanging from the rafters is a better recruiting tool than the coach. Sid and Herb could recruit, even thought the players more than likely knew their coaching limitations. Maybe we shouldn’t even worry about how well the coach can recruit at his current school because recruiting on tobacco road is easier than people think. That’s just a mybe, bit it’s probably got some truth to it.

  11. mwcric 03/28/2011 at 7:47 PM #

    Interesting. On the one hand, Kentucky is fourth and Connecticut is seventh. On the other, VCU and Butler do not appear on the list. Kudos to the little guys for doing more with less.

  12. novawolf 03/28/2011 at 8:11 PM #

    Best give some kudos to Gary Williams then, who managed to win a national title with some pretty lean pickings.

  13. GoldenChain 03/28/2011 at 9:09 PM #

    You seriously have to wonder if herb’s system restrained some of his better recruits……well, no you don’t, it did.
    Sid just didn’t have the wherewithall to make hay.

  14. scopro 03/29/2011 at 7:28 AM #

    Recruiting class rank and $1.25 will get you a Coke from the vending machine. State’s location to Carolina and Duke is an asset we should use it to our advantage.

  15. runwiththepack 05/16/2011 at 10:03 AM #

    Hmm… looked for Butler on top-100. Maybe I missed it?
    WVU only 3 top-100! Seems like they’re always in Sweet16 or better.
    I have wondered at times how such a list like this would take shape. This list shows what we already know about how our two closest neighbors, who are heads-and-shoulders above not only the rest of the acc, but the whole country.
    I’m not saying our closest neighbors don’t have good coaches, but this clearly reinforces the impression that our closest neighbors are better recruiters than coaches, esp UNC-CH.
    i would also doff my hat to:
    UCONN 3 NC’s (!!) with only 3 “top 10” recruits over the 14 yr. period covered by this list of recruits. That’s a NC for each of the 3 top-10 recruits.
    Duke (A.K.A. Coach K) has equaled UNC in Final4’s in HALF the time.

  16. runwiththepack 05/16/2011 at 10:41 AM #

    But… getting back to NCSU’s recruiting, this list surprises me. I suppose because our recruits still don’t come close to comparing to those of our rivals (or who we like to think are our rivals).
    The #90 recruit almost always pales in comparison to the #9, as indicated here. The #9 is almost always at the “end of the bell curve”, while the #90 is closer in talent, although not mathematically, to the #190 than the #9. Statistics, huh?

  17. runwiththepack 05/16/2011 at 10:48 AM #

    scopro, disagree with your first comment, but agree with your second. Maybe now we finally, (after how many years?) have a coach that can take advantage of the proximity to Durham and Chapel Hill. Got my fingers crossed (again).
    Any kid with guts would absolutely LOVE to be on the same court with top competition, especially if he feels he has something to prove.
    I was small, slow, and wore thick glasses. I loved to play ball, but could only admire the kids with a lot of natural talent – especially those who didn’t take it for granted and played with a lot of heart. Those types of players also make good team players.

  18. runwiththepack 05/16/2011 at 11:04 AM #

    OBITUARY for one of the NC State grads that “went pro in something other than sports”:

    I wish i knew more about other great fellow alumni like Ed Vick. All I have to do, though, is take a little time to do so.

    In case anyone reading this doesn’t know, Jim Goodnight is one of the most successful and brilliant men in the WORLD.

  19. Daily Update 05/19/2011 at 12:09 PM #

    Vawolf: I am not sure I agree with counting defensive player awards at all or at least equally. I would think that some guys would count more than once in that scenario. Not to mention, the media consider defensive ability when selecting all-ACC teams to begin with.

    By just all-ACC awards, we are 5th in the league. By the stats I posted, we are top 4 based on recruiting rankings. There really isn’t that much of a discrepancy in the numbers IMO.

    The larger point I was making is that our results were nowhere near top 15 nationally like our recruiting results. Even if our talent wasn’t quite top 15, then it was at least good enough for us to be a top 25 program with quality coaching.

    Yet, we have 1 top 25 finish in the last 15 years of NC State basketball. The problem with our program hasn’t been proximity to Duke and UNC. It hasn’t been not having access to good players because of who we are or where we are. We simply haven’t had the right people in place running the athletic department and basketball program making the decisions on a daily basis.

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