Let your post game meltdowns fly

As @OntheDunk said on Twitter in the closing minute of the game “LOL. UNC scrubs up 2 on our regulars and took 1 more charge than State has all season.”

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10-11 Basketball

149 Responses to Let your post game meltdowns fly

  1. Wolfy__79 01/30/2011 at 2:45 AM #

    there was no meltdown for me or the team today. that would have to consist of there being something to meltdown from. part of me expected these/actually worse results and the other part thought this would be just one of the few good moments SL has while he’s still at his alma mater! the whole game was equally miserable.

    unx sucks, they should have been up by thirty in the first half and won by forty! i hate hearing this said unx player is having his coming out party against us! GARBAGE!

  2. PackerInRussia 01/30/2011 at 3:06 AM #

    I was excited to see that the game would be showed here and I’d get to watch my first NC State basketball game of the season. Unfortunately, they didn’t bother to play basketball, so I flipped around to other things. I felt like I was watching a pick-up game or a re-enactment of a girls’ high school game I had gone to the day before (really bad game) except with more talented players.

  3. PackerInRussia 01/30/2011 at 3:08 AM #

    “I have often wondered over the last twenty one years if the administration at NC State would ever grow weary of total irrelevance in basketball”

    I have been wondering lately if the fans have grown too weary to care anymore. Based just on posts from this site, it seems that many have skipped out on games to focus on the “more important” things of life. I want to care, but it’s hard to.

  4. NCSU@UNCG 01/30/2011 at 4:35 AM #

    @ Wolfy 79… Don’t bitch about Javi, he played hard. Brown needs to shoot more from here on out, he’s our best scoring guard (which isn’t saying much) and he’s also a good distributor. If you want to bitch at anyone Tracy and CJL have both given you the green light for that. They refuse to play good defense. Defense isn’t about talent as much as it is hustling. When you have guys who aren’t willing to bust it on both ends you’re gonna lose games. Also, has anyone tried to set a screen for Scott Wood??? I don’t blame Sidney as much as I blame the players for their lack of effort. Not all the guys deserve my criticism but those who do will continue to receive it from me and the rest of the pack nation who realize why we continue to lose ball games.

  5. mak4dpak 01/30/2011 at 5:35 AM #

    So we keep Sidney for 5 years, and that is okay, but we are ready to send a freshman, CJL of his way, because he is not taught how to play properly in Division I college basketball. Get real guys. He can be taught how to play properly, but Lowe on the other hand, should pay back money to the university, for a salary he doesn’t deserve. What a joke. While we are collecting, I think ole Jed owes us to. I am confident when we get a competent, winning coach at State, that the problems with the players will dissolve. Again, I knew we were in trouble the day Sid was hired. But gave him his chance, only to see exactly what I figured. And I do blame Sidney, nothing has changed with his coaching, though the players have. with the same results. Bring back the glory days of Men’s basketball. In Yow we trust. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  6. formerwinner 01/30/2011 at 8:28 AM #

    Sendek was mediocre–not my goal. Lowe does not qualify even at that level. Would Bobby Knight come to State and play Coach K head to head? I’d bet we would have effort, box out and play hard on D. I’d rather take a thrown chair across the floor than live through another season with no teaching or development of our young talented players.

  7. leewolf 01/30/2011 at 9:13 AM #

    Melt down? Why? Didn’t we all already know this was going to be the outcome?

    Nine more games left before the nightmare is over. Until then, there is no point in dissecting every game, different plays, coaching moves, etc. Might as well start focusing on potential candidates. I know what Debbie said about it, and she has to say that. But for all intents and purposes, it is just posturing, and she knows what has to be done too.

  8. swamppack 01/30/2011 at 9:27 AM #

    I am 42 now and still have vivid memories of how immature I was when I was 18-22yrs. old. These kids don’t need to be ripped on, they need constructive criticism. IF a player DOES read this sight what you post WILL influence him.

    Concerning Sid I have to just focus on the buisiness side of that issue. It is hard to witness what he’s going through considering the role he played in State’s glorious past. LEE FOWLER used no wisdom whatsoever in hiring him. Sid showed poor judgement too but very few would turn down a million dollars a year to “come back home”.

    As for ESPN and thier lack of disrespect for sports broadcasting, it reached an all-time low yesterday. Patrick and Elmore are very low I.Q. game announcers anyway and to compensate for this they took to railing on State’s players and orginization as a whole. Never seen anything like it.

  9. Wulfpack 01/30/2011 at 9:33 AM #

    “Why are Dykes, Patrick, Elmore and Gminski allowed in the RBC Center?”

    The game was in the Dean Dome yesterday. As for other games, they are “allowed” in due to television contracts. Would you rather our games not be shown? Have fun attracting any kind of worthy candidate, and recruits, with that strategy.

    “Why isn’t someone from the university officially calling them out on the nonsense they spew on the air?”

    What “non-sense” (aside from the Herb garbage, which is universal, i.e. nothing new) do you speak of? They were a hell lot easier on us than they could have been. When you don’t even care to show up against your chief rival, don’t expect cupcakes to be thrown your way during the broadcast. It was fair. We stunk. Get over it.

    “Is there no forum for rebuttal?”

    Not really. I sppose you could contact ESPN’s ombudsman Don Ohlmeyer and see if he cares. Or, you could just not watch. That seems to be the strategy most seem to be adopting for the sake of their and their families’ collective sanity. I think that is quite a good one.

    “How about a lawsuit?”

    What would be your legal cause of action? Have fun with that one.

    “What do you think this constant barrage of lies does for recruiting?”

    Hasn’t seemed to hurt us. News flash: We had an incredible recruiting class come in this year by NCSU’s standards. Too bad we don’t have a coach to teach them anything. Maybe, just maybe, that is part of the problem???

    “The leadership is asleep at the switch if they allow this to continue. Hardly a game goes by with out one of these clowns dredging up Sendek and now that G.D. Fowler. This has got to stop.”

    It stops when we actually take control over our program and hire a competent head coach that actually wins games. Until that happens, expect more of the same to continue. As a I said on another thread, I don’t blame Herb and I don’t blame Sid. They are what they are (one a slightly above average college coach on his best days and the other a sorry excuse for a coach on any level). I hold the NCSU administration directly responsible. It is now in Debbie Yow’s hands to buck the trend. If she chooses to turn a blind eye as so many others have, I’ll be immediately off her bandwagon in March. I don’t suspect that will be an issue. This is really an elementary decision. It’s not a question of if, but rather when. And of course, I am certain she is already making her list of who to call first the second the buzzer sounds when we lose in the ACC Tournament.

  10. WolfInVolCountry 01/30/2011 at 9:43 AM #

    No angst here either. As with last year about this time, I gave up. Wife and I had a late lunch with our youngest son and then went to a movie.

    Did see the score as I was walking through a Dick’s Sporting Goods. Shrugged my shoulders and moved along.

    As passionate as I once was about Pack BB; I am now totally ambivalent.

    Did run an experiment earlier in the year though by watching an ASU game. Observation and Conclusions: Herbie in his fifth year there still sucks as much as he did here. Did not make me feel much better.

    The UNX games used to be one of the highpoints of my BB viewing season. Now as much as I hate them, I could care less when we play them.

    All this sounds like whining… meh.

  11. Hungwolf 01/30/2011 at 9:55 AM #

    Just thinking… why wait till the end of the season? We got two former head coaches on the bench, why not see if someone else can motivate theses kids and give the team a chance the rest of the season. I supported Lowe cause he had two good recruiting classes coming in, but they here now and need a coach. Matt D. brought in the talent at UNC and Williams coached them to success, we got a similar opportunity here!

  12. swamppack 01/30/2011 at 9:57 AM #

    Wulfpack, I understand the frustration involved in the post by BureauOfMines as well as I agree totally with your last paragraph as to the only way to keep it from continuing to happen.

    I think of this bit of old-fashioned applied courtesy concerning the situation. If the baby is ugly, mama and daddy can call it ugly but nobody else better.

    I sure hope Yow is calling the baby ugly.

  13. JT 01/30/2011 at 9:57 AM #

    Lowe’s place is as a respected NBA assistant- he is good in that role but unfortunately it doesn’t always translate to being a good college head coach. I imagine next year he’ll be on an NBA bench doing well. There’s a long list of good coaches changing from pro to college or vice versa and it not working out. No shame in it, just the way it is.
    All I hope is that Yow goes after proven up and comers, guys whose next and final step up could be coaching at NC State. Barnes-types need not apply.
    In fact Sendek was theoretically a good hire. Unfortunately he proved over 10 years to be only a decent coach unable to be competitive on the highest level, or even a regular top 25 type or even worse, competitive with…f’ing WAKE! Nonetheless, that’s the direction I hope the search goes in, a younger guy with apparent potential to be top-shelf.
    As far as players go, Leslie seems shockingly mediocre in almost every category. If he does go pro I seriously don’t see him making a dent in the NBDL- few skills, not strong, bad body language, bad decisions on court, etc. Seems to have a lot of potential he is as unpolished as they come. Harrow and Brown, otoh, are already good and have the potential to be NC State all-timers. And even if he’s checked out a bit through frustration, I appreciate Tracy Smith’s work over the last 4 years and efforts this year; Smith is a true NC State guy in my book.

  14. Pack1998 01/30/2011 at 10:14 AM #

    Good luck to Sid after this season, his experiment is over and Fowler can be blamed for root cause on that hire. Sid was not the right choice. A good guy, he did State well as a player, but he was never trained to coach in college.

    I’ve been apathetic for 4 years now. Step one to eliminate apathy was a new leader at the top, Yow. Step two will play out, justified by poor competitive results, at the end of this year.

    I trust Yow knows what she is doing and can select a high quality coach that can compete in the upper half of the ACC. Need to make sure we keep these existing players at State though, pretty solid talent to build off of IMHO. That talent, along with the lucrative contract that will be presented, will put State in a position to pull any coach around except K, Roy and Izzo. Throw in the fact that Raleigh is a great place for a family, and you have a perfect package. I stress to people to think big, actually excpect big, on this next hire.

  15. wolfmanmat 01/30/2011 at 10:20 AM #

    the reason the commentators look back on Herb is because the last time we made the tourney was with Herb. IE, we haven’t even been relavent with Sid. Say what you want about Herb; I was ready for him to move on too. I don’t think the announcers are saying Herb is/was a great coach, just a much better coach than Sid.

  16. mak4dpak 01/30/2011 at 10:20 AM #

    Wake me up when the season is over. Anticipation for a new coach on the sidelines, and my return to the RBC. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

  17. Packfan28 01/30/2011 at 11:00 AM #

    No meltdown here either. Totally expected.

    The only meltdown I have is when I read statements from moronic simpletons who say we need to give Sid one more year. Unbelievable as it may seem, there are still some of those people out there.

  18. wolfpacktexx 01/30/2011 at 11:01 AM #

    ESPN did not pull any punches on the pack in yesterday’s game. Even the halftime commentators called a spade a spade by stating we were awful during the first half and showed no effort.

    The graphic comparison between Herb and Sidney Lowe was bias and unfair (not productive). They compared Herb’s last 5 seasons at NCSU with Lowes first 5 seasons which this season is not complete (not completed but horrid so far). Look at Sendeck’s record this season and you will see it is a losing record and he is in the bottom on the PAC 10.

    I am not advocating we give Lowe anymore seasons. The Lee Fowl-up decision was a failure. Our administration will need to concentrate on keeping our current returning players and recruits and make a change for new leadership for next year.

  19. JT 01/30/2011 at 11:06 AM #

    I went on a bike ride yesterday after the game and it took me about 15 miles to stop thinking about the announcers lamenting Sendek being “forced out” and wrongly attributing that injustice to Fowler (Sendek’s protector). Seth Davis made the same remarks about State screwing Sendek the other day. It drives me nuts. I will always love Sid. I will always get pissed when I think about Sendek. The phrase “chopping wood” still rings in my head occasionally- which I hear as, “We just got our ass beat by Wake but we’ll do what we’ve been doing so in 40 years we’ll be .500 with the Deacs.” I loved some of the players from that era (Atsur, Evtimov, JULES, Harrison, Gainey, etc.), but the Tommy Bowdenesque half-assed level of success and unbelievably boring AND often ineffective system killed me. Sendek is the reason people think State is a big cut below the UNC’s and Dukes in potential, and i will always resent him for letting that happen.
    Long story short, the only coach I can think of in football or b-ball whom I do not consider part of the NC State family is Sendek. The ONLY one.
    And though it seems bleak, I will never stop pulling for Sid. Go on a run and make something of the season… it can happen…

  20. JT 01/30/2011 at 11:10 AM #

    And just checking, Bowden made 9 straight bowl games (declining one invitation). Where’s the outrage over his resignation, or being forced out? (far as I remember, he actually was forced out, unlike with Herbie)

  21. PackerInRussia 01/30/2011 at 11:15 AM #

    I didn’t really have a problem with the commentators. They were just pointing out obvious things. It was probably just as painful for them to watch as it was for anyone else. If they hadn’t made negative comments about the team’s play, there would have been nothing said about NC State during the game. They also noted UNC’s less than stellar play. When the game’s over 5 minutes in (or less), what else are you supposed to talk about?

  22. Wolfpack_1995 01/30/2011 at 11:19 AM #

    After reading throught the posts it is just sad how much apathy has set in.

    As like others it didn’t even seem to bother me that we lost. UNC games have become just another game because our Athletic Dept’s ineptness over the past 20years.

    Thank God TOB is kick their ass in football.

  23. bradleyb123 01/30/2011 at 12:12 PM #

    “Our meltdowns probably CONTRIBUTE to the players not being fired up to play. They probably see us, the fans, almost as the enemy right now. I almost wouldn’t BLAME them if they didn’t want to get fired up to win for US”

    Gotta call BS on that.

    Guess you missed Ryan Harrow’s recent rant about the fans, then.

  24. kyjelly 01/30/2011 at 1:00 PM #

    Announcers for the most part have been preety freaking tame as to their comments concerning Sid’s coaching or lack of his coaching.I think it is about time they made mention of his lack of any real success in 5 years in what has been to be fair for the most part a very very weak ACC!
    The display this team put on yesterday was a disgrace they just threw up shots ,got beat down the floor everytime down. It has to reflect on someone.

  25. Pack Mentality 01/30/2011 at 1:02 PM #

    ^^bradleyb123, definitely saw it and am very critical of him for it. I don’t think that has anything to do with the level of play on the court. They know that winning cures the fan discontent. They aren’t plaing poorly because of the fans…that is something I will never believe.

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