Let your post game meltdowns fly

As @OntheDunk said on Twitter in the closing minute of the game “LOL. UNC scrubs up 2 on our regulars and took 1 more charge than State has all season.”

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10-11 Basketball

149 Responses to Let your post game meltdowns fly

  1. bradleyb123 01/29/2011 at 10:09 PM #

    There is no sense in berating or belittling ANY of our players. If we want to unite and call for Sid’s job, that’s fine. We’re probably already there. But if you REALLY believe Sid is not a good coach, then you have to also know that what these kids do in games are a result of HIS training and teaching. And they are also young and inexperienced. I just hope we get them a good coach before they get much older.

  2. theghost 01/29/2011 at 10:10 PM #

    Happened to catch the end of the ASU game. Haven’t followed them this year, so as I listened to the announcers rave about how “Sendek coached teams never quit, and rarely make a mistake,” etc., etc., I figured they had to be in the top 3 or 4 in the PAC-10, the way they were being described.

    I fully realize how poorly the Pack played, and I expect Yow will make the move at the end of this year (I thought the clemson game was the last nail in the coffin, actually), but all of that said, with honest refs, I think the Pack wins that game. It continually astounds me how they continue to throw calls even when the blues are up 20, and how complicit the announcers are on it.

  3. bradleyb123 01/29/2011 at 10:15 PM #

    The implosion is almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Sid is a bad coach. The players don’t play as well as we hoped. We’re rightfully disappointed in Sidney as coach, and we have meltdowns after each game. Our meltdowns probably CONTRIBUTE to the players not being fired up to play. They probably see us, the fans, almost as the enemy right now. I almost wouldn’t BLAME them if they didn’t want to get fired up to win for US, the way some of us are badmouthing them.

    This is why Sidney’s removal needs to be swift. I think NOW is the right time. Because then the fans would MAYBE tone it down a little. Right now, we’re just turning the players against us, probably. We shouldn’t focus our frustrations on them. We need to focus it on Sidney and/or Debbie Yow. I think we may actually be contributing to this trainwreck of a season.

    I hope everyone will tone it down some. ESPECIALLY what some of you are saying about 17- and 18-year-old kids that are doing the best they know how to entertain us. It’s downright despicable.

    Shut your pie-holes. Contact Debbie Yow and focus your anger in a positive way. Then maybe we can keep this talent long enough to get them a GOOD coach. If this continues, I wouldn’t blame them for transferring before the season is even over.

  4. Archdale Pack Fan 01/29/2011 at 10:23 PM #

    Packalum44, I must reapectfully disagree. What exactly does Leslie do well? Maybe rebound? He can’t shoot, he is terrible at the FT line, and he plays no defense whatsoever. I think Harrow and Brown are the real deal and will be great players if they stay at State, but Leslie is overrated. Maybe he will develop into a great player and prove me wrong. I hope he does, but I’m not holding my breath.

  5. packfan03 01/29/2011 at 10:37 PM #

    Well said bradley, I agree entirely.

  6. packfan03 01/29/2011 at 10:40 PM #

    Also, at least we aren’t ASU :-). Sendek’s squad is 9-12 on the year. Brando was too busy with his Herbgasm to mention all of the facts

  7. Pack Mentality 01/29/2011 at 10:41 PM #

    “Our meltdowns probably CONTRIBUTE to the players not being fired up to play. They probably see us, the fans, almost as the enemy right now. I almost wouldn’t BLAME them if they didn’t want to get fired up to win for US”

    Gotta call BS on that.

  8. wolfpack4ever 01/29/2011 at 10:43 PM #

    bradleyb123 Says:

    “There is no sense in berating or belittling ANY of our players. If we want to unite and call for Sid’s job, that’s fine. We’re probably already there. But if you REALLY believe Sid is not a good coach, then you have to also know that what these kids do in games are a result of HIS training and teaching. And they are also young and inexperienced. I just hope we get them a good coach before they get much older.”

    I agree 100%. I have heartily booed professional players that are paid to “play sports”. I have do not think that I have ever been openly critical of one of our college players.

    The fact that our previous athletic director, previous chancellor and past and present coaching staffs were and are inept deserve all the blame. That group deserves and should get all of our wrath.

    Some of our players are talented and some not so much, but let’s quit throwing them under the bus. Sid has done that often enough during his tenure. Sid has stated multiple times that they (our players) just did not execute the game plan well enough.

    I can’t imagine Sidney getting fired before the end of the season. Which one of the “Three Stooges” assistants would be put in charge?

  9. novawolf 01/29/2011 at 10:57 PM #

    Why in the world any of us would say something like “sprained his vagina” or “self-entitled pussy” is beyond me. I should hope that none of us would imagine or post crap like that. Please let us do a better job of policing what we post. While I like Sid as a person, but don’t particularly like him as our coach, these players who are busting their butts do not deserve such. And it really can’t look good to persons who are thinking of attending our great university!!!

  10. turfpack 01/29/2011 at 11:01 PM #

    After 40years of watching BB in the ACC,I did not watch this game today because I knew what was going to happen.I instead my son and I went to our farm and worked on his truck.I had fun being outside on a beautiful day and didn’t listen to the radio.I truthfully did not know the score of the game until I read this thread about 8:00 clock tonight.I will no longer put myself though it watching games and ruining my day.My wife and kids don’t like being around me during games because of my anger.I will no longer attend games or watch NCSTATE BB this year or any year until things change.I have truely gotten to the point I no longer care about BB.When does Football practice start at State?Highschool?NFL? That’s what I looking foward to.

  11. BladenWolf 01/29/2011 at 11:01 PM #

    Calling out players that don’t play defense or hog the ball without passing it while three defenders are on them is NOT belittling or throwing them under the bus. It’s an observation. This is DI college basketball gentlemen – grow some thicker skin. We stunk today. The coaches AND the players were embarrassed on national television.
    BTW- we ARE paying these players to play basketball. It’s called scholarships.
    And apathetic play IS the players fault. Lack of execution IS the players fault.
    Lack of rotation and/or changing the offense/defense schemes during an opponents run is the coaches fault. We were both outplayed and outcoached today.
    Don’t get pissy about a fan base that is tired of seeing twenty years of mediocrity. The players shouldn’t need our sugar-coated threads to get pumped up to play ball at NC State.

  12. jbpackfan 01/29/2011 at 11:01 PM #

    Leave the players out of it from here on out. They aren’t being coached properly. Everything is on the coaches.

  13. Wulfpack 01/29/2011 at 11:08 PM #

    None of our players did anything worth a damn to warrant any praise. Maybe Lo Brown. That’s it. It was a pathetic performance against our rival, with any hopes for a successful season on the line. They deserve to be called out.

    As much as I think Sidney Lowe sucks ass a basketball coach, the players still have to go out on the floor and play. They didn’t. They didn’t even try to get the rebound. Carolina out classed us in the effort department, and that’s inexcusable. A coach should not have to do much motivating when the rival is on the docket.

    We have the talent to keep up with the top programs. We just lack the desire.

  14. rawolf 01/29/2011 at 11:11 PM #

    I dont know what to say anymore. I was on Lowe’s side hard and heavy up till now and I dont know what to think. I know he is getting the players that I want here. I just dont know if he can coach them. Lord I want to belive in him, but 5 years in a row now. These last three games have showed alot. I don’t like what we see in the way of coaching. I love our boys and I will never pull against them no matter what. I belive they are working their ass off trying to do what Lowe tells them to do. I thank them alot for picking us as their school and I hope by so stroke of god things turn around and they win. I just want the guys to know it is not them that people are upset with. The life of a Wolfpack basketball fan who seen the glory days of pack basketball. GO PACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. MA Wolfpack 01/29/2011 at 11:20 PM #

    What did Harrow say that everyone keeps referencing?

  16. 61Packer 01/29/2011 at 11:31 PM #

    If Statefansnation were a real country, tonight it would be Egypt.

    This to me was our worst performance of the season, period. This was nothing more than streetball, with the smaller team getting pounded and quitting in the last 5 minutes. I’m not only disappointed with Low but am angry at him for not letting his bench players even get in the game after UNC emptied its bench. That was inexcusable. The guys on the floor should’ve been pulled for the abysmal lack of effort shown against UNC, who has now beaten us (like a drum) 9 straight times. Not to be outdone, Low himself is now oh for 9 in Chapel Hill as a player and a coach, a term I use loosely here.

    And some of the players shouldn’t be left out of it. I don’t know what happened to Gonzo with the apparent double foul, but it looked to me like he gave the UNC player a cheap shot. Gonzo, who I would’ve kicked off the team last season for his deliberate foul in the GT game, has again shown everyone coast-to-coast why he has no business wearing our uniform. And I don’t mind saying, since no one else addressed it, that if Harrow was too damned sick (not injured) to play, he should’ve been in street clothes, or better yet, stayed home.

    Now that Wake has shown it can win in the ACC, and after this disgrace, we have a real shot at what was only two months ago unthinkable- last place in the ACC. Our next game against VT comes, appropriately, on Ground Hog Day. The more things change, the more they remain the same.

  17. wufpup76 01/29/2011 at 11:37 PM #

    “Leave the players out of it from here on out. They aren’t being coached properly. Everything is on the coaches.”

    I agree for the most part, but I don’t think calling out selfish play or shoddy effort is belittling. (There again though, the coach runs these guys out there).

    That said, I was way too hard on Leslie today. I don’t normally single out players and trash them, and that’s out of line. I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt up to this point in the season, but he continues to make crazy (and sometimes very selfish) decisions.

    The coach determines his playing time though – so that’s where the frustration should be directed.

    He is clearly athletic and shows promise at times – especially on the boards, but it is certainly not clicking for him.

    MA Wolfpack:

    Harrow facebook comments referenced here:


  18. BureauOfMines 01/29/2011 at 11:54 PM #

    Why are Dykes, Patrick, Elmore and Gminski allowed in the RBC Center?

    Why isn’t someone from the university officially calling them out on the nonsense they spew on the air?

    Is there no forum for rebuttal?

    How about a lawsuit?

    What do you think this constant barrage of lies does for recruiting?

    The leadership is asleep at the switch if they allow this to continue. Hardly a game goes by with out one of these clowns dredging up Sendek and now that G.D. Fowler. This has got to stop.

  19. bigwolfpacker 01/30/2011 at 12:42 AM #

    dont get on the freshmen. they just arent ready. they shouldnt be playing so much.

  20. WV Wolf 01/30/2011 at 1:00 AM #

    I spent the day with family doing NHL All-Star game activities. I didn’t see a minute of a State v Carolina game and it doesn’t bother me one bit. I have no idea what happened in the game and I don’t care.

    That is an incredibly sad statement. In the past you couldn’t pry me away from a State vs Carolina game. Not anymore. It’s taken years to wear me down but NCSU basketball has beaten me.

  21. Wolfy__79 01/30/2011 at 2:19 AM #

    how is everyone overlooking this?? noone has mentioned sidney’s expression on his face in both the 1st and 2nd half. he KNEW he was done! he shrank into the bench beside towe and couldn’t even get up! it took a streak of 4 or 5 points for him to get back on his feet.

    i’m not bringing this up to riducule him, i feel that he has arrived at the point where he know’s he cannot win!

  22. Wolfy__79 01/30/2011 at 2:27 AM #

    with these players going into chapel hill and losing.. reference my earlier comments about what they would learn today! they did, lorenzo is our competitor.. he will be our most prolific scorer. i don’t expect these kids to shoulder any of the blame, we do not have the right coach!

    leslie is a talented athlete. but that is it, if he were to TRY to enter the nba he would never see the light of day.. he is no where near ready. he needs two more years atleast to be competitive! a HEAD COACH wouldn’t stand for him jacking up threes like that.. last year, we saw howell jacking junk up, not as much as cjl, but junk all the same. sidney did get him under control.. but sidney has learning finally this year that this isn’t working. reference his expression today.

    so now, both duke and unc-ch players have LAUGHED at our players! LAUGHED, TAUNTED! lorenzo recognized this and continued to compete. he was a little selfish for a bit, but he actually got some chemistry going with cjwilliams today late. those two were our players of the game. scott wood has gotten lost in all this NONSENSE. he’s got the highest bball iq out there, but what sidney is trying to do is just not good basketball.

  23. Wolfy__79 01/30/2011 at 2:30 AM #

    today was not as painful as i thought. hell, it wasn’t painful at ALL!!! today highlighted why sidney lowe wasn’t going to work out. i sure as hell didn’t pull for unc-ch, but i have no problem losing to them right now. he could actually step down right now without any problem i feel. there isn’t any real good option to interim, but i would respect it now or at the end of the season.

  24. Wolfy__79 01/30/2011 at 2:38 AM #

    LET THOSE DUTCHBAGS TALK ABOUT HERB SMOKETEK ALL THEY WANT! people can think whatever they want, NC STATE will return to playing championship caliber basketball, SOONER than later! these idiots sympathize with this fool b/c they are exactly like he is,LOSERS! he lost at state for 10 years. any coach at nc state that cannot win a single conference championhship in ten years is not good at this job! now he’s losing in a pitiful west coast has been conference! hey, i hate to toot the blew boys horns, but the ACC has continued its greatness!

    ESPN IS A JOKE. if i had my way, we wouldn’t schedule any game with them before 730pm! they insult not only us but unx by playing runovers and overtime games for the big yeast?!

    those commentators suck! their analysis is lacking. bilas should have had the game, not those jerkoffs!

  25. Wolfy__79 01/30/2011 at 2:41 AM #

    let’s see….JAVI GONZALEZ.
    he kills me! i agree, his behavior is not what we are looking for in a player wearing our jersey! the funny thing is henson was laughing at him because it was an idiotic thing to do, and just made nc state look WORSE.

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