Let your post game meltdowns fly

As @OntheDunk said on Twitter in the closing minute of the game “LOL. UNC scrubs up 2 on our regulars and took 1 more charge than State has all season.”

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10-11 Basketball

149 Responses to Let your post game meltdowns fly

  1. ncsukyle 01/29/2011 at 7:24 PM #

    I don’t know what I was angrier about the awful loss where we quit at the end or the slander that ESPN continues to allow Len Elmore propagate. We didn’t force HWSNBN out nor did Lee Fowler who I’m not sure knew he could fire people. The fact that they are allowed to say this is maddening.

  2. coyotejoe 01/29/2011 at 7:26 PM #

    I spent a relaxing afternoon with my son cutting wood and burning a pile of brush on the property. I had the game on the radio of my truck. It was close right up until tip-off. I must admit that I had zero expectations of a win, and my expectations were realized within the first two minutes of the game. I have often wondered over the last twenty one years if the administration at NC State would ever grow weary of total irrelevance in basketball…maybe this will be the year.

  3. NCSU84 01/29/2011 at 7:31 PM #

    This is going to sound horrible, but I must be honest with myself. Things have gotten so bad, in the second half I actually found myself…well…um..er.. pulling for the heels (there, I said it). I guess my logic is the more games we lose, the faster Debbie will pull the plug on Sid. I know that sounds terrible, but that is just how bad things are – almost hopeless.

  4. project29 01/29/2011 at 7:37 PM #

    Ha. Not only was he not forced out, I have not once heard the media reference the abysmal state HWSNBN willingly left our program in. He saw the writing on the wall. Bald charlatan chipmunk-looking loser piece of dung.

  5. swamppack 01/29/2011 at 7:46 PM #

    If there was a ligitimate interim candidate on the coaching staff I would not object to a move now. We have reached critical-mass. The team is scary-pathetic.

    I believe it would send a message for the good of everyone. If some jumped ship based on a decision to move forward with authority rather than to continue to wallow in patheticness(is that a word?), let them make thier decision and go.

    The only problem with this scenario is that as far as I can tell there is no ligitimate candidate on the current coaching staff.

  6. project29 01/29/2011 at 7:48 PM #

    Hodge for interim coach.

  7. RegularExpression 01/29/2011 at 7:55 PM #

    I had the misfortune of attending todays game. The only levity came when Carolina got the technical for 6 players on the court and some Carolina fans thought the refs were counting Javi as one of their players.

    No doubt Harrow was missed today on the offensive end of the court, but the lack of emotion displayed was discouraging. If there is good news from this situation, there will be no rift in the fanbase concerning the future of the coach.

  8. Archdale Pack Fan 01/29/2011 at 8:06 PM #

    Where to start? I didn’t expect a win, but I did expect some emotion and fire because of who we were playing. If this team can’t get fired up for UNC, there is no hope. Lowe should just resign now and let one of the assistants take over. They couldn’t be any worse, could they? This team has no guts and no heart. What do they work on in practice, or do they even practice? It certainly doesn’t look like it. And if you think today was bad, wait till next Saturday at Duke. Thanks for letting me vent.

  9. swamppack 01/29/2011 at 8:07 PM #

    Yes State is a horribly inept basketball program but is it Mike Patrick and Lin Elmore’s place to be constantly calling out the Pack for this?

    That was a very unprofessional broadcast by ESPN. Then the producer decides to pile on by putting that stupid-looking image on the screen comparing Herb to Sid.

    A complete image would have shown Droopy’s record since he got to Arizona St.

    Then for one last great display of in-game journalism they told a bald-faced lie and reported he was forced out at State.

  10. Gowolves 01/29/2011 at 8:15 PM #

    I know this sounds a little self righteous but I had a good feeling that this season would play out like this. He says these these freshman are not saviors. Why does he play them the minutes he does. Cj Leslie was out for him self. You could see it in the second half. He would draw three or defenders and never give up the rock. I think all three should be playing just ten or twelve minutes a game. They are not ready for the big time. Now if we ran a disciplined offense and not some street ball then I could see more time. But for them to play street ball against the acc it will not work.

  11. heavy 01/29/2011 at 8:16 PM #

    I wish someone would force me out of my job so I could bilk Arizona State out of $1M a year…

  12. wolf pack 01/29/2011 at 8:23 PM #

    New coach needed

  13. Rochester 01/29/2011 at 8:23 PM #

    I have no problem with Harrow and Brown playing significant minutes. They are our best options at the guard spots. Leslie, however, is not our best option up front. He has no clue out there what smart basketball is. He should be yanked any time he shoots from beyond the free throw line. He can’t even make free throws. How can he think he can make anything beyond that? And every time he dribbles the ball in the lane the only question is which player on the other team will take it from him. He is completely out of control. Yes, he has a ton of athletic ability, but most games he’s a net minus to our efforts. Henson abused him at will today. Any time he wanted to go to the hole he just juked Leslie out of his shorts and went right on by.

  14. swamppack 01/29/2011 at 8:34 PM #

    Very good assesment of Leslie Rochester. What you pointed out about yanking him when he shoots from beyond the FT line is called coaching, something we are a little short on right now.

    I don’t think he’s ready to admit to himself he’s not playing high school ball still.

  15. tuckerdorm1983 01/29/2011 at 8:38 PM #

    The three freshmen have tremendous potential

    CJL he has more athleticism than all the other players combined. He will be a top player college and pros. He is way down on the learning curve. He needs to learn to play within his game and develop his shot.

    Harrow is quick is lightening. With a more deadly three point shot and bulking up a little he will be deadly. Four years of making every defender back up. He can be in the lane so fast it makes your head spin.

    Brown showed today why he is a five star player. He needs to play a little outside his game. Barnes better watch out for Mr. Brown. He will not forget all that laughing and high-fiving over on the carolina bench today.

  16. tuckerdorm1983 01/29/2011 at 8:42 PM #

    If I was Sid before every game I would show a video of Barnes and the UNC bench yuking it up at our expense. Thats motivation baby. At least Javi has the passion to know when he is being humiliated. He should have pulled his razor out of his sock and took a swipe at Henson.

  17. wolf pack 01/29/2011 at 8:44 PM #

    Just need a bball coach.

  18. Wulfpack 01/29/2011 at 8:58 PM #

    “Thats motivation baby.”

    Something we are sorely lacking. Season is over. Time to come to grips with it.

  19. Texpack 01/29/2011 at 9:25 PM #

    I just hope CJ Leslie will leave when Lowe gets fired. How anyone with brains could rate him as a top five prospect is beyond be.

  20. gashousepack 01/29/2011 at 9:27 PM #


  21. packalum44 01/29/2011 at 9:33 PM #

    “LOL. UNC scrubs up 2 on our regulars and took 1 more charge than State has all season.”

    I don’t find that amusing at all. In my mind, comments like this are belittling the players. I’ve been down on Lowe since YEAR TWO. Go check my posts from 3 years ago if you don’t believe me. I remember being timid about posting negative comments on this site (for those who forget he had a good run in the tourney year 1).

    However, I sympathize with Harrow at this point. As much as I’m disappointed in our team and program, I will never condescend to the kids who wear our jersey, and comments such as the aforementioned and many more are in that scope. Maybe this is just my take on this, but I believe there are many level headed fans/recruits that read this board and side with me.

  22. jwrenn29 01/29/2011 at 9:34 PM #

    I’d been hoping it wasn’t the coach, as I like Sid and want him to succeed. But seeing the recent struggles the Bobcats had, and how their situation was very similar to the NC State one (talented roster, not living up to the hype, coach placing blame on the players in public, general feeling of despondency on the team) seems to say a coaching change is in order. The Bobcats are playing lights out now, and the roster is exactly the same. I think we have the talent to win NOW, but the talent isn’t coming together on the court.

  23. packalum44 01/29/2011 at 9:42 PM #

    “I just hope CJ Leslie will leave when Lowe gets fired. How anyone with brains could rate him as a top five prospect is beyond be.”

    Are you an i—–? I’m rarely an asshole on this board, but for you to wish someone as talented as CJ away from our program really pisses me off.

    First of all, he wasn’t a top 5 prospect, but rather a 10-15 prospect. Speaking of top 5, he was playing against a sophomore top 5 prospect in John Henson!!! A program as pathetic as ours needs to get on their knees and kiss his feet (and more) for even considering us. Not CJ’s fault for being thrown into the ACC fire before he’s ready. Do you realize how many 5 star guys ride the pine for a year or TWO at Duke and UNC and other relevant programs? Of course not because you are part of the fan base that Harrow refers to and rightfully so.

  24. EdMar 01/29/2011 at 9:47 PM #

    I decided not to waste a beautiful afternoon, get ill, and spend the rest of the weekend feeling miserable so I went to play golf and did not care to check the score until I arrived home.

    “If a team plays like s- – – in an arena, and you are not there to see it or care, does it really matter?”

    Thank you Sid

  25. BladenWolf 01/29/2011 at 10:01 PM #

    I witnessed the meltdown today at Chapel Hill. In fact I had excellent seats to watch the most apathetic effort from a NC State basketball team in recent memory. Thoughts while watching the train wreck:

    Yow needs to start looking for a good coach… now (Tubby Smith was mentioned as “interested” in a heated discussion on the way home).

    Lowe needs to update his resume. He’s through coaching NC State at the end of this season (and as a head coach in general).

    CJ Leslie has no business with the ball beyond the paint. He still thinks this is High School b-ball and loses the ball with every other globe-trotter-esque penetration. Stop it.

    Brown can be very exciting when he wants to be. Where has he been this season?

    Smith is just an average player and can be shut down by a better than average player (he’s certainly no better than Ben McCauley).

    Gonzales still plays more out-of-control than in control and obviously dislikes the pressure with the PG position.

    Wood has disappeared and can be easily neutralized when he sets up on the wing.

    Painter and Howell should be ashamed at how they were outplayed and outhustled by much smaller players.

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