UNC opens a 2.5 favorite over State

The Wynn has Carolina opening as a 3.0 point favorite over the Wolfpack for Saturday’s renewal of the rivalry (at noon). Other sports books are at 2.0 points. Blend them together, and you get an opening line of 2.5 points for the Tar heels.

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39 Responses to UNC opens a 2.5 favorite over State

  1. mak4dpak 11/14/2010 at 9:29 PM #

    Glad we are the underdog. Just like our last visit in Chapel Hill. Hopefully the same results. But just as long as we win, I will take a 1 point win.

  2. blpack 11/14/2010 at 10:24 PM #

    This is good. We want to be disrespected.

  3. NCSUPackfan 11/14/2010 at 10:27 PM #

    We need a Wolfpack win and an FSU win over Maryland on Saturday. That would eliminate Maryland and knock the wind out of Maryland reducing some of their motivation when they play us. Anyone see it differently?

  4. NCStatePride 11/14/2010 at 10:30 PM #

    NC State is 15th in passing, 91st in rushing, and 30th in points for and against. Carolina is 36th in passing, 92nd in rushing, 81st in points for and 45th in points against.

    …but the baby-blue uniform is instant kudos from anyone with a website or a TV station so, yeah UNC -2.5 sounds about right.

  5. wvillepack 11/14/2010 at 10:41 PM #

    If there was ever a unc team that deserved an ass whoopin’….this is it! And I hope we kick every (high paid) 4 star recruits ass up and down the field!

  6. wolfpack815 11/14/2010 at 10:42 PM #

    FSU beating Maryland doesn’t help us if we lose to Maryland, because we will have the same number of losses as them, and they’d have the tie-breaker. We can’t go to Charlotte unless we win against Maryland. So we want them to beat FSU. That way, if we lose to Carolina (hopefully we won’t) and beat Maryland, we stay ahead of FSU.

  7. NCSU84 11/14/2010 at 10:44 PM #

    This game scares me like no other. UNC will be very pumped and motivated for this game. Unlike years past, they have an opportunity to keep State out of a championship game. We only have to think back to an earlier game in Greenville this year when another in state team was motivated and had something to prove – the results were not good. If we do not bring our A game, it will be a long ride back from Chapel Hill.

  8. bigjake1708 11/14/2010 at 10:53 PM #

    NCSUPackFan, I think we should pull for Maryland to win against FSU. This knocks FSU down to 3 conference losses and they are done with conference play. Clemson already has 4 losses in conference so there out of it. So if Maryland beats FSU than we can lose against UNC and it wouldn’t matter as long as we beat Maryland. I would take having to win one game instead of both, so i say pull for Maryland this weekend.

  9. baxter 11/14/2010 at 10:57 PM #

    ^ There’s a pretty big difference between a game that means nothing to NCSU as far as the title vs a team that constantly disrespects us and is our number one rival.

    And as pumped as they may be, that ass whooping that just got handed to them exposed very much how to beat them. Take away Dwight Jones and that offense sputters like a pinto.

    I think its going to be an evenly matched game till the 4th, and I expect us to fully pull away at that point. If they choose to not blitz like they have all season, I see a RW with time and space that is going to be a nightmare.

  10. wvillepack 11/14/2010 at 11:06 PM #

    Caoches had a great game plan against BC. I expect nothing less this weekend. They need am ass whoopin’ and then NCAA sanction announced immediately after the ass whoopin’!

  11. wolfonthehill 11/14/2010 at 11:17 PM #

    I’ve got a terrible feeling about this game.

    But then, I don’t recall the last time I had anything BUT a terrible feeling when we play these guys. I simply expect the worst, every single time.

  12. LKNpackfan 11/15/2010 at 12:08 AM #

    This Tar Heel team isn’t as good as last year’s. Yates may be playing better, but no other position is. I’m expecting to see something like 30-21.

  13. wufpup76 11/15/2010 at 12:25 AM #

    Confidence … we can continue to own them.

    They have spent years thinking they own us, the shoe can be on the other foot for a while.

  14. Ismael 11/15/2010 at 12:48 AM #

    now’s the time to do some research.

    if you stop their running game, and it looks like at this point, the only person whose gonna run is Elzy, you can really hamper what they are trying to do. If Butch wasn’t going to burn Houston’s red-shirt last week, i don’t think he’ll burn it this week, but butch is a very dumb coach, so only God knows.

    So has anyone stopped their running game? and yes, take away Dwight Jones, and Yates just doesn’t have the confidence to throw it to anyone else in Bashful Blue.

    Actually UNC’s rushing game has been shutdown a few times they just happened to be playing fairly inept offenses like Rutgers and Clemson. Miami shut them down as well, and if you take away Johnny White’s one long run, Bill and Mary really shut them down as well. so did VT pretty much.

    the key is that all those teams have speed at LB and we have as well.

    One thing for sure is that Shoop will call an ill-advised Boyd reverse and the other thing they like to run, they run it every game, is the fake reverse and Yates rolls out and throws it long to Jones. VT’s CB’s and Safeties feasted on that all day.

  15. mtholme3 11/15/2010 at 12:56 AM #

    Here are the 2 possible scenarios that could play out Saturday to help us get to Charlotte.

    1. We go to Chapel Hill and wax the heels. We wouldn’t need any help from the FSU vs. Maryland game since we face the turtles the following week to decide our fate.

    2. For some reason, and I hate even mentioning it, we do not prevail against the holes. We would then NEED an FSU loss. If they win, FSU would be Atlantic division champs with only 2 losses to State’s and Maryland’s 3. They have no remaining conference games after Saturday. If they do lose, we go to Maryland with title game on the line. Yes, Maryland would only have 2 losses to our 3 at that point, but if we win, we hold the tie breaker.

    1 game at a time though.

    Gonna be an emotionally Saturday. That’s for sure.

  16. theTHRILL 11/15/2010 at 2:42 AM #

    If we win: we want FSU to win

    If we lose: we want MD to win

    If we lose and FSU wins, they win the division regardless of the outcome of our game with MD. This, as far as I can tell, is the only scenario that makes our game vs. MD meaningless for both teams.

  17. El Lobo Loco! 11/15/2010 at 3:52 AM #

    sounds about right….. beware of the underwolves!

    now we need some victory bell 😉

  18. Dr. BadgerPack 11/15/2010 at 7:24 AM #

    What’s home field advantage worth? 3 points if I remember right… So this line has us 0.5 points better than UNC on a neutral field. Meh. Based on the way the season has gone, that sounds about right.

  19. Master 11/15/2010 at 9:17 AM #

    UNC has surprised almost everyone this year by remaining competitive with a good number of their players missing. I have been around long enough to witness games where we were the big favorite, but we either laid an egg or UNC had some unknown play out of their minds.

    Our defense will play well enough to win and Tenuta may be particularly interested in shutting down his former team.

    Our receivers MUST catch the ball plus make some big-time catches. They need to step up their game and make some plays.

    I don’t know too much about UNC’s run defense, but I have been having thoughts of Mustafa with a career type day.

    In my mind, this is Russell Wilson’s game to win or lose. If he shows up and plays to full potential, we’ll win by two scores.

  20. BJD95 11/15/2010 at 9:19 AM #

    Home field is definitely worth 3 in setting NFL lines, it might be 4 in college. Of course, there might also be a fudge factor in knowing that UNC football doesn’t have a great homefield advantage, especially against us in the craigslist era.

    Like someone mentioned earlier, I think this game could be (maybe even likely will be) a blowout either way. Thank goodness the Noles and Turtles play late so we know who to cheer for.

  21. Daily Update 11/15/2010 at 9:32 AM #

    BJD95: We pull for Maryland no matter what. Even if we beat UNC, then we still have to beat Maryland even if FSU beats Maryland. Unless you are hoping that if we beat UNC, then FSU puts an ass whipping on Maryland so that maybe they will be less confident and have less to play for the following weekend against us.

  22. ShavlikLeague 11/15/2010 at 9:37 AM #

    “Tenuta may be particularly interested in shutting down his former team.” –Master

    I think Tenuta is interested in shutting down EVERY team he faces, otherwise his defensive style wouldn’t be to force the issue on almost every play. Plus, is one year enough time to develop deep attachments to a program (unless you like late night grub sessions at Time-Out)? He wasn’t even at the head DC position at that point in his career.

  23. dbo2874 11/15/2010 at 9:38 AM #

    if we beat UNC and FSU beats MD then MD has nothing to play for when they play us. I dont know if i’d rather play a potentially tight MD team that is playing for a title, or a potentiall loose team that doesnt have a title to play for but a better bowl.

    The only way i even think abuot pulling for MD is if we lose to UNC.

  24. Daily Update 11/15/2010 at 9:57 AM #

    Maryland would still be playing for a better bowl bid.

  25. Ismael 11/15/2010 at 10:13 AM #

    MD has to have the easiest schedule up to this pt in time. they have played the easiest teams in the conference AND the two good teams they’ve played they’ve lost. the good OoC team they played, WVU, they also lost.

    We have to play the games of course, UMD gives us trouble, its on the road, yada yada, but UMD is not a strong team. And even against all those cupcakes they still rank pretty low in offensive categories.

    Beating UNC is key, as it always is, to not only triple-bliss (state win + unc loss + state beating unc) but to getting us ready for post season and being in a good frame of mind for UMD

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