Bill Friday Says the System Needs Reform

Defenders of the “Carolina Way” want to make it painfully clear that there is no lack of institutional control over at the Flagship. They want to make sure we all know the system is to blame, not the University or any of the administrators, coaches or players associated with it.

Bill Friday wants to make sure this is very clear to us all ( link):

“It’s very sad, unspeakably sad in my view, for these are talented men, but the system broke down,” said Friday, a founding co-chairman of the Knight Foundation Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics, which has tried for two decades to reform college sports.


Friday didn’t assign any blame with the UNC situation, saying there will be plenty to go around once all of the facts are in and due process has run its course.

Wait, I’m confused, he just blamed it on the “system” didn’t he? Clearly this is a widespread problem among NCAA member institutions and we can all find numerous examples where coaches and players were acting as runners for agents. Right?

No? Wait, so is this or is this not a problem with the system? Now I’m just confused.

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UNC Scandal

16 Responses to Bill Friday Says the System Needs Reform

  1. Old MacDonald 10/12/2010 at 10:57 AM #

    The UNC-CH apologists need to get their story straight. Either it is a nationwide systemic problem or a few rogue agents, coaches, and players at UNC-CH. Which is it?

    They really need to get a unified message together because the ones they are putting out there are mutually exclusive.

  2. Ismael 10/12/2010 at 10:59 AM #


    seriously though, has Swofford made a singleee comment yet??

  3. newt 10/12/2010 at 10:59 AM #

    Here’s the video…

  4. Lunatic Fringe 10/12/2010 at 11:03 AM #

    (sarcasm coming) Bill clearly does not understand the effectiness of the controls that UNC is putting in place. The sign out sheet is clearly a foolproof system that will fix these issues. (sarcasm complete)

    The absurdity of UNC stating this is a realistic control just makes our point for us:
    – UNC officials don’t get it (incompetent)
    – UNC officials simply don’t care (corrupt)

    I would be embarassed if our admin and coaches had stated this was one of our policies.

    Personally, I think UNC should consider ankle bracelets worn by prisoners on house arrest. I look at it as preparation for their future careers. (I could not resist)

  5. Alpha Wolf 10/12/2010 at 11:05 AM #

    Well, if they had gotten that compliance software upgrade, none of this would have ever happened!

  6. LRM 10/12/2010 at 11:10 AM #

    Sign-out sheets would have prevented all of this.

  7. Phang 10/12/2010 at 11:18 AM #

    @Lunatic Fringe: are those ankle bracelets Black Diamond?

  8. Wufpacker 10/12/2010 at 11:32 AM #

    et tu, Dr. Friday?

  9. Texpack 10/12/2010 at 11:39 AM #

    The only system that broke down in this case was the system that was in place for keeping all of this quiet and it was defeated by a couple of guys with IQ’s that aren’t much higher than their jersey numbers.

    “It is better to remain silent and appear to be a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” Maybe they should add this to the training program for their future AD.

  10. wolf_at_my_door 10/12/2010 at 11:43 AM #

    Look you guys have your hissy fit. Bill Friday talks this way but he knows “the system” is run by men and that these Carolina men screwed the pooch. Look at the last sentence in the article. It implies that there was a LOIC. It is the fault of men that operate the system.

    Bill Friday is not a fire breathing dragon. He is understated. Anybody that knows Bill Friday understands what he is saying. He is also right about the NCAA compliance rules. He doesn’t mean that they should be thrown out and replaced with nothing.

    Carolina cheated on a grand scale with the intent to buy a top-notch program. Bill Friday knows this and he knows they will pay the price.

  11. Wufpacker 10/12/2010 at 11:50 AM #

    Hissy fit?

  12. Hungwolf 10/12/2010 at 11:54 AM #

    Due process and all the facts will never be forthcoming until an independent investigation is conducted. The System is the “Carolina Way” as outsiders have watched for years as UNC bball and football players have driven new cars, walked out of local malls with bags full of goodies, eat at the best resturants in chapel hill, family members getting well paying jobs from UNC boosters. and players wearing expensive clothes including expensive suits. AlL while never getting caught and having their so called Mr. Perfect Coach not so much as reporting a minor infraction in 25 years of coaching. Yet all of a sudden the system in too blame when for years we heard from Friday and others that Carolina won doing it the right way! Mr. Friday is full of Bull!

    What we all wait for now is the whole truth to come out cause we all know if boosters and others were lining the pockets of football players, it totally a given they doing the same and more for the basketball players!

  13. gcpack 10/12/2010 at 12:37 PM #

    More heat from another media source on the UNCheats.

    Nothing really new here just another outlet fanning the flames.

    The more the merrier. In the old days we only needed Frank Daniels’

    News & Observer style putting contrived negative news about State on the

    front page every day.

    Thank goodness we have so many outlets now to reveal the true story on

    the Butch Davis double talk show.


  14. wolf_at_my_door 10/12/2010 at 3:47 PM #

    Sorry Wufpacker. I was over the top with that one.

    Where Bill Friday goes wrong is in failing to publicly recognize that UNC cheats. He knows they do.

    He also knows that the NCAA can’t properly police schools. What they can do is hammer the ones they catch. Is it going to stop others from blatantly cheating? Hell no. The money flying around is huge and there is no effective way to control it. That is why he says the system is broken.

    I know him to be a good man but he should publicly criticize Carolina.

  15. packof81 10/12/2010 at 5:00 PM #

    Yes, the system is broken. But that doesn’t mitigate what has happened.

    Part of what attracted the attention of the NCAA was the players flaunting their non-compliance. And now, having lied to NCAA, they have essentially dared them to act. Does Bill Friday really think they lied because of the system? Does he also blame the system for the tutor scandal?

    This whole thing is really doing a great job of showing the essence of Carolina and it’s leadership. They really seem to think they can make all this go away. They really deserve to crater for such hubris.

  16. Lunatic Fringe 10/12/2010 at 6:27 PM #

    @ Phang: LOL. Why not? It’s just a little more bling bling for the guys. It’s not like anyone over there would notice.

    I realize UNC is a liberal arts school, but they should really embrace technology. 🙂

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