UNC’s Draughn cleared for UNC/GT game; has he figured out his classes yet?

Football Faction – 1
Integrity – 0

Full story here.

UNC cleared running back Shaun Draughn for Saturday’s game against Georgia Tech on Monday.

Draughn, the team’s leading rusher in 2008, was one of 13 UNC players who missed the LSU loss because of the NCAA investigation into the program.

Draughn was the only player of the 13 cleared as of Monday morning. UNC’s running game could use the boost. The Heels rushed for 24 yards in a 30-24 loss to LSU on Sept. 4.

Note this story only indicates Draughn is cleared for the Georgia Tech game. There has been discussion of “rolling suspensions”, so this news doesn’t necessarily mean that Draughn will be available for the entire season. That point will likely be clarified later in the week.

Of course, how would anyone question the academic integrity and prowess of Draughn considering how hard he seems to apply himself in his classes?

News on the scandal in Chapel Hill has been slow since last Thursday afternoon when rumors were running rampant on various websites. Check these links to get up to speed on topics we covered on Friday:

Chancellor Thorp says college football is hazardous; UNC’s Hawkins deemed an agent by NCAA

Asked, prior to a meeting with UNC’s faculty, if he could definitively say that Davis would remain as the football coach, Thorp began his response by saying it wasn’t a fair question. Then he added: “Competitive, big-time football is a hazardous undertaking, but the plan right now is for him to be the coach next year. He’s done everything we’ve asked him to do to get to the bottom of this, and we’re pleased with him.”

Butch has multiple decade relationship with John Calipari contact Worldwide Wes.

The only other information on this scandal since last Thursday came from Twitter.

Synrygy Sports

Here’s the truth: Hawkins situation is scary & cld be enough alone to do damage to UNC, but Blake situation makes Hawkins look like an angel
about 3 hours ago via web

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Food 4 thought: If Hawkins says it’s no big deal 2 throw ‘pocket change’ ($1000) @ AJ Green, what r chances he threw pocket change @ others?
about 3 hours ago via web

What r implications 4 UNC re Hawkins? He’s been working out in their facilities, courting their plyrs, & travlng w them 2 meet agents. Scary
about 3 hours ago via web

Yahoo! article on Hawkins indicates that he HAS been asking for extra bennies. Make sense why the NCAA found him to be an ‘agent’ now?
about 4 hours ago via web

More frm Yahoo! article: “Several agents, runners, & financial advisors r expected 2 b referenced in the report”. Goes beyond UGA USCe & UNC
about 4 hours ago via web

From Yahoo! article: “Per our sources, Hawkins has been arranging meetings for players with agents and has requested extra benefits.”
about 4 hours ago via web

Yahoo! Sports: NFLPA awaiting NCAA report on agents. Several expected to be implicated. http://yhoo.it/bGC0Q2
about 4 hours ago via web

Eye-opening article on Tank Black (Once-imprisoned former agent). If agent issues interest u, this is a worthwhile read http://bit.ly/9tFh5H
about 14 hours ago via web

The focus has been on UNC but when Austin was outed 4 training in Cali @ Wichard’s facility of choice, Notre Dame plyrs were on list too.
about 16 hours ago via web

Unfortunately, yes. For reference, It’s more damaging than anything that came out @ USC. RT @TarHeelWire Is “shocking” the same as damaging?
about 21 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to TarHeelWire

@TarHeelWire No revision. Also no definitive timeline. That said, I assure u, the most shocking news re UNC’s agent probs is on the horizon.
about 22 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to TarHeelWire

Also, re Plyr trips, it’s not only a Q of whether they paid their own way. Also a Q of did they pay for everything once they touched down.
about 23 hours ago via web

Inconceivable? No. Unlikely given circumstances, imho, yes. @ChapelHilRealty is it inconceivable 2 think a plyr cld pay his own way (100%)?
about 23 hours ago via web

Burney takes trips 2 Vegas & Atlanta, w Hawkins, who purchased AJ Green’s jersey for $1000, but the plyrs paid their own way for each trip?
about 23 hours ago via web

@Mark_Schlabach ‘s latest states UNC plyrs told NCAA Chris Hawkins set up mtgs w Schaffer 4 them. Note: Schaffer’s firm reps Hakeem Nicks.

UNC Scandal

32 Responses to UNC’s Draughn cleared for UNC/GT game; has he figured out his classes yet?

  1. GAWolf 09/13/2010 at 5:36 PM #

    Clarksa: I think the information from some agents is due to bad blood with agencies that are likely to be involved with the underhanded shenanigans going on on college campuses such as UNC.

    I’ve got good reason and information to believe that some very high profile agents were on the fringe of what is going down in Chapel Hill.

  2. jpack 09/13/2010 at 8:05 PM #

    It only takes one ineligible player to cause a forfeit. The NCAA investigation continues…

  3. MattN 09/13/2010 at 8:58 PM #

    “The way it is being handled is that players are being forced to prove their innocence instead of prove their guilt.”

    Having been involved on the wrong side of the student judicial system when I was at NCSU, I can tell you for a fact THAT IS THE WAY IT IS! You absolutely ARE GUILTY until you prove yourself innocent.

    This is NOT a state or federal court of law. Those rules do not apply.

  4. Pack Mentality 09/13/2010 at 9:16 PM #

    Do you think a rich white man gets the same treatment by law enforcement as a poor minority? Are you expecting Carolina to be treated as harshly as other schools would be on this? Whatever happens to them we can rest assured would be much different if it were another school.

  5. Pack Mentality 09/13/2010 at 9:26 PM #

    Iisn’t widespread cheating and rule breaking supposed to make you better? We have sucked the past 3 years but still managed to beat their ass. I would like to think that widespread cheating could do more for you than 8-5, with losses to your rival and a loss in the tire bowl. Maybe they purposely lost all those games to try to hide the fact that they were dirty.

  6. Wufpacker 09/14/2010 at 2:17 AM #

    ^ Precisely. That’s why no matter what ELSE happens to UNC, I hope like hell that Butchy keeps his job.

    ^^ “Whatever happens to them we can rest assured WILL be much different THAN WHEN it was NC STATE.”


  7. Wufpacker 09/14/2010 at 2:35 AM #

    “Speaking from experience, I was at State from 88-92 and I didn’t want us to get probation, lose scholarships and whatever – and I would have wanted to handle quietly.”

    I didn’t want us to get probation or the rest either. The difference is that we didn’t DESERVE the level of “sanctions” we received. Don’t forget, a lot of that (most?) was self-imposed. The parts that crippled our program for 20 years and counting were definitely self imposed.

    Now, maybe Carolina doesn’t deserve severe sanctions either. But we’ll never know because the facts and the public stories have ALREADY been tainted by a media that is reluctant to report on the issues.

    As far as handling it quietly, I don’t think that’s ever good, especially in today’s society. Too many folks out there that want to ask “why are they handling it so quietly?”.

    Problem is, most of those folks are in the media. The ones that ask that who aren’t in the media (like us) don’t have a pulpit from which to be heard most of the time. The ONLY reason ANY of this has hit the media is because of SFN (bravo to you guys, btw).

    Make no mistake, UNC is being ALLOWED to handle this quietly. Allowed by the media and now apparently the BOGs too.

    In our situation, handling it quietly vs. publicly was not the issue. Nor was there ever any option one way or another, thanks to that same media and BOGs, I might add. The issue was that our public relations was so piss poor (still is, btw) that when the media ran with the non-story at the beginning, we were left playing catch up. We never caught up and then went WAY overboard trying one last ditch effort to clear our own name, which shouldn’t have needed clearing. We believed that if we basically sacrificed ourselves athletically, whether or not it was deserved or even necessary, our public image would eventually recover.

    I’m here to tell you that it hasn’t. The media still portrays us as a bunch of cheating bastard children that couldn’t get into UNC on a bet. And I’m also here to tell you….MOST people STILL believe it.

    Our mistake was not hiring a PR firm to get ahead of the story 20 years ago. Carolina doesn’t have to worry about that because for whatever reason, they are NCAA and Media darlings and don’t even need the ability to speak English to handle the media pressure they’re currently receiving.

    As soon as someone decides to publicly put pressure on them to account for some of the things for which they’ve yet to account; as soon as the media starts asking the right questions, or ANY questions for that matter; as soon as anyone becomes involved with the investigation who does NOT have a degree from UNC-CHeat; then maybe we’ll see them sweat….maybe.

    Right now, they have no reason to sweat. I don’t expect they will any time soon, either.

    I hope I’m wrong about that.

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