John Blake’s World Could Come Crashing Down

There was very heavy conversation about John Blake’s resignation that can be reviewed by clicking here. Today has given us a very interesting entry from the Sports Agent Blog is making its way around the internet. The full article is linked here.

When I first brought up the Blake/Wichard tie, my source wanted me to write more. At that point-in-time, it would have been too risky to do so. All that could be proved was that the two had been friends and “business partners” in the past and might still have had a relationship. Now that Marvin Austin, the defensive tackle that Blake used to coach, has been subpoenaed by investigators from the office of North Carolina Secretary of State Elaine Marshall, much more could come out about Blake’s connections with Wichard. If that occurs, it would not be surprising that Blake gets slapped with his own subpoena. Then it will be a free-for-all.

The end of the entry does a good job of throwing out some questions that should give readers some things about which to think. Relatedly, we have been compiling a solid list of questions related to the scandal – and its coverage by the media – that you will enjoy here.

If Wichard had never gone down to UNC to recruit Austin or any other UNC player, that would imply that he also never went to the school to recruit Kentwan Balmer. If that is the case, then how did Wichard sign Balmer? How did Wichard meet Balmer, considering that Wichard is all the way on the West Coast? Who took Balmer to meet him? Was Blake somehow involved there, as well? Did he make the trip out west with Balmer?

There are many unanswered questions that may be solved depending on the depth of forthcoming investigations. Various parties are already taking protective measures. UNC and Blake have cut ties after Blake’s resignation and Blake has hired multiple prominent lawyers.

UNC Scandal

36 Responses to John Blake’s World Could Come Crashing Down

  1. packalum44 09/07/2010 at 3:46 PM #

    Blake will be screwed because the kids will be offered immunity – assuming what they did was illegal and they NEED to be immune – and if they squeal on him – as their lawyers will counsel them to do – then Blake is screwed. His only hope would be to plead the 5th but that only works when you have everyone in your tent pissing out. How do you collude to “piss out” with college kids. You can’t and if the kids are dumb enough to lie they will be obstructing justice and it would be the worst thing they could do. No upside huge downside (jail time).

    Lawyers if my simple analysis is misguided please help….

  2. bradleyb123 09/07/2010 at 4:30 PM #

    Alpha, I just read your article entitled, “An Independent Investigation Is Needed To Restore Confidence In UNC’s Football Program”. But then it disappeared. Where did it go?

    Anyway, just wanted to say it was a good read. I hope SFN puts it back up soon.

  3. MrPlywood 09/07/2010 at 4:30 PM #

    I’m not a lawyer, don’t even play one on TV, but that sounds plausible to me. Everyone will be lawyered up and in full CYA mode.

    And I for one love the implosion coverage – I can hear the blasts 3,000 miles away!

  4. tuckerdorm1983 09/07/2010 at 4:34 PM #

    Dear Santa
    Please bring me the following:
    1. BD gone (like yesterday)
    2. DB gone (resigns)
    3. Blake in jail
    4. Gang of 13 suspended and all withdraw from UNC to go play in the NFL or elsewhere.
    5. Whip the snot out of them Nov 20th making it 4 for 4
    6. More than half their upcoming recruits decommit
    7. Program on probation for 2 years
    8. All wins during the BD era vacated by NCAA

  5. bradleyb123 09/07/2010 at 4:55 PM #

    You don’t ask for much, Tucker! LOL

  6. highstick 09/07/2010 at 4:58 PM #

    9. If they have any good looking coeds who are smart,they all transfer to State!! Leave the rest of the sheep-eds over there!

  7. Bowlpack 09/07/2010 at 5:15 PM #


    Haha. Oddly, when I was at State (1996-2000) there didn’t seem to be as many coeds that I would consider above average. However, in recent years, that ratio is much different as it would appear that an influx of very attractive young women have decided to attend State. It was always understood that UNC had the better looking girls, but when I went to the UNC/Miami Football game with my wife’s family (Carolina fans – my wife is a UNC grad but not into sports), I noticed that there really wasn’t as much “talent” as compared to way back when. By comparison, we now have the upper-hand in terms of attractive coeds. Maybe last Saturday was an anomaly, but I was very impressed while driving to C-F down Trinity. Jus’ sayin’…

  8. Bowlpack 09/07/2010 at 5:20 PM #

    Also, why do I keep reading tidbits on message boards (including this one) that lead me to believe that some major event is going down tomorrow in regard to UNC Football? Have I missed something or are we speculating that justice will be continued?

  9. highstick 09/07/2010 at 6:05 PM #

    Bowlpack, keep in mind that I said “if” there were any….LOL. I was in CH a few weeks ago and they have their share of “unattractive young ladies”!!

  10. tuckerdorm1983 09/07/2010 at 6:27 PM #

    seems I remember a joke about the difference between carolina coeds and a bowling ball. Whatever the punchline is I remember it sure was funny.

    P.S.(I know the punchline but can’t repeat it. I tell you what, I learned more from the bathroom walls in Tucker Dorm, than I ever learned going to class)

  11. McCallum 09/07/2010 at 9:47 PM #

    You white breads need to be pourin’ sum of your 40 oz on the ground for tha departed homey.

    It is time to take down the Big Chief.

    A short story before the coup de grass, something along the lines of Bury My Heart at IC.

    WAR WOOP!!!(now all together, give that Indian war call)


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