Investigation not complete and Baddour is already claiming no negligence

Dick Baddour and a Rams Club employee made back-to-back appearances on The Insiders’ Show on local station 620AM this morning. Considering the Heels have an open date this weekend, the timing of these appearances seemed rather strange. Baddour discussed the scandal in Chapel Hill while the representative from the Rams Club covered the expansion of Kenan stadium.

There were lots of interesting comments from the interview:

Sure I have a sense of responsibility. I don’t have a sense of negligence. I don’t have a sense of us not having the measures in place. Certainly those haven’t worked in some situations, I can’t deny that,” Baddour told Mark and Mike on The Insiders on 620 The Buzz. “I have comfort in that we had the education and prevention programs in place. I also know that we must do better and it’s my responsibility to sort out how we are going to do that.”

Oh really? No sense of negligence? Not having measures in place?Maybe Baddour is simply incompetent.

Based on these comments, then one wonders how this whole scandal even occurred. With Baddour already having a “sense” that he wasn’t negligent and that all measures were in place, then that really calls into question Baddour being involved with the investigation in the first place. How can he already be making claims at this point when the investigation isn’t even complete? Not to mention, it is very difficult for someone leading an investigation that includes making a final judgement on whether they were to blame for the scandal being investigated. Is anyone really surprised by Baddour’s claims of lack of negligence and that they had all needed measures in place? Of course, this will be Baddour’s conclusion.

Maybe at some point, the local media will start calling out UNC for the conflicts of interest in the leaders at UNC involved and responsible for the scandal also leading the investigation.

Of course, we aren’t the only ones leading the local media in specific directions. Baddour apparently thinks he needs to tell our local journalists how to do their jobs:

I’m for as much information to the media as possible. What I hope in return is that the media will not chase the Internet sites or the message boards and that they will use the professional approach that they’ve been taught.

More of the spin that we have come to expect from UNC athletic department. The media needs to do the job the way they were taught(what university has the leading school of journalism in the UNC system?). Baddour should be worrying about doing his own job.

Does anyone else see the irony in Baddour telling the local media not to chase Internet sites and message boards considering it was Marvin Austin’s participation on Twitter and UNC’s lack of monitoring that led the NCAA to investigate UNC’s football program?

You can’t make this stuff up.

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General UNC Scandal

41 Responses to Investigation not complete and Baddour is already claiming no negligence

  1. WULF 09/10/2010 at 1:23 PM #

    bradleyb, it should be entitled:

    “Intentional Fouls: The Carolina Way”
    From LT to the Anchorman, UNC’s blatant disregard for rules and regulations on their attempted rise to the top.
    Foreword by Matt Doherty

  2. wolf_at_my_door 09/10/2010 at 1:30 PM #

    We need to write the NCAAand make sure they do not try to let Baddour weasle out of this. The man (?) is spinning so bad that it looks like lies.

    Also I don’t think they will release any news of a firing of BD on a Friday. Saturday IS the #! college football day. Look for stories to be out on Sunday morning. Sunday is the 1st NFL regular season’s first full day of games and the day after 9/11 rememberance.


  3. primacyone 09/10/2010 at 1:32 PM #

    And Mr. Baddour:

    There has been a massive case of academic fraud discovered in your department that either you were unaware of or turned a blind eye to the events. IMO just the single fact that the fraud occurred in the department that you are responsible for, make you negligent. You may not necessarily be responsible for it, but you are negligent.

    IMO, the single primary reason for the media blitz is to try and prevent the mass media from putting something out suggesting/requesting/demanding an independent investigation. That is their primary reason for the media blitz. Same goes for the scripted stage act of Erskine yesterday.

    If there is nothing to hide Mr. Baddour, you should be encouraging an independent investigation, not trying to prevent one from occurring. If there is nothing there, seems and independent investigation would make your life a lot easier and do a far better job of validating your non-negligence and any statement you could provide to the media. If you really want to restore the integrity of the University, then you should be encouraging and independent investigation, not threatening the media.

  4. highstick 09/10/2010 at 2:15 PM #

    How about “Flagrant Fouls” with the sequel being “They Gave Me A License to Cheat and Then Acted Innocent When We Got Caught”..The sequel to be written by Chief Butch Davis with a prologue by Black Santa…

  5. package5 09/10/2010 at 2:59 PM #

    SFN. how easy would it be to use the Freedom of Information Act to get info from UNC?

    get Butch’s emails. Get blake’s phone calls.

    N&O has them but is releasing them slowly or not at all.

    The N&O knew info before Baddour did based on Butch’s emails.

  6. WolftownVA81 09/10/2010 at 3:00 PM #

    ^ Love it.

  7. NCSU88 09/10/2010 at 3:07 PM #

    Highstick +1

  8. gcpack 09/10/2010 at 3:26 PM #

    I have a friend who works with a tarhole in his office that told him on August 20 that Blake was gone. He also said Austin was not going to play. This tarhole is pretty involved as a booster and related to a high ACC official. So that proved to be true.

    The latest I hear from my friend through his tarhole contact is that Butch Davis will resign before the GaTech game.

    That may be a stretch but so far his information has been reliable.

    I wonder if Chief Butch Davis is gone who coaches the baby blue and what do any of you think will happen to the recruits?

    Do those who did not grow up UNC fans stay or are they likely to bail and move on to a school that knows what its doing with it’s football program?

  9. packalum08 09/10/2010 at 3:55 PM #

    ^The fans will likely stay UNC BBall fans. As for football, I could see them staying, especially if UNC pulls some PR BS out of its hole. Fans that didn’t go there for school are less likely to be offended by the academic and agent problems. These fans also probably have a “2nd place” school that will become their focus school for now.

    My analogy for the UNC scandal:
    BOG: Parents (also Homeowners Assoc. leaders, for those fans of the Carolina Way)
    NCAA: Next door neighbors
    Butch, Baddour, and Thorp: Children of parents
    Football players, tutor, etc.: Friends of children

    The parents leave for vacation, putting the children in charge, and allowing them to have friends over for the weekend. The children invite their friends, and things go well until the noise starts to get loud. The neighbors look over, hear the loud noise, and see signs of other problems (beer cans in the yard, etc.) when the parents come home, the neighbors tell the parents about the incident.

    Then the parents decide to let the CHILDREN determine what really happened and suggest their own punishment!

    That is a dysfunctional family, and this is a dysfunctional system. Heads need to roll and independent investigators (which the BOG SHOULD BE) need to come in and clean this up!

  10. NCSUPackfan 09/10/2010 at 4:02 PM #

    I like the book title “Pass Interference”

  11. gcpack 09/10/2010 at 4:04 PM #

    Thanks for your comments alum but I was really wondering about the recruits that Davis has signed. Those RECRUITS that grew up UNC fans will likely stay. But what about those who did not grow up as baby bluers and have committed to UNC? And what about those who have actually signed?
    If Davis goes will UNX let those out of their commitment if they want to bail out of a sinking ship.

  12. packalum08 09/10/2010 at 4:22 PM #
  13. BJD95 09/10/2010 at 4:39 PM #

    Here’s a possibility to consider – what if Baddour is being allowed to be out front because he’s going to get his head chopped off, too. He’s certainly expendable, at a bare minimum.

  14. highstick 09/10/2010 at 5:32 PM #

    The absolutely most incredible thing is that they must think that the “entire rest of the free world is totally stupid”! Can they honestly convince themselves that we can’t see right through their fluff?

    This makes me almost feel sorry for their lack of intelligence! The only group of people that they are fooling is themselves!

  15. Texpack 09/10/2010 at 7:58 PM #

    This approach won’t endear them to the NCAA. The NCAA likes contrition. What they are doing now is trying to limit the long term effects of all of this. It will work since they(tarhole nation) have the media in their back pocket and they are all willing to circle the wagons. During the Valvano investigations, the UNC-CH media was out for blood as were many within the NC State community. That is the biggest difference in how these two situations will be remembered 5-10 years down the road.

  16. JeremyH 09/10/2010 at 9:50 PM #

    Why were many within the NC State community out for blood?

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