The Illogical Hilarity of UNC Fans Making Excuses

To say that the last few weeks have been quite entertaining on sports radio, or on message boards and blogs where UNC fans gather would be an understatement along the lines of saying that the weather has been warm the past few weeks.  Like the 95 degree-plus weather we seem to see day after day in these parts this summer, callers to radio shows and commenters on message boards have been hot too, creating some of the best revisionist-history accidental comedy I have come across in years.

There have been times when I have needed to park the car to get a laugh out of my system, or close my office door so I don’t need to explain to my work neighbors why I am laughing out loud.

The arguments I have been reading and/or hearing regarding the pratfalls and foibles of the NCAA probing UNC Football generally run on these lines:

1) It’s all an ABC conspiracy.  Everybody who “hates Carolina” is out to get them.
2) No problem! That everybody successful does these things, it’s a sign of success

and finally,

3) That UNC is a special place, blah blah blah.

Okay, point one is a black helicopter theory.  If you happen to have any CREDIBLE evidence that the “ABC fans” (which I guess are State’s, Duke’s, Wake’s, and the rest of the ACC’s) started this to “get Carolina” let me know and I will publish it here.  Let’s be honest, whatever Carolina did, their own players did it to them.  This site, Pack Pride,, none of them got the ball rolling on this investigation (and that’s what it is.)  UNC player’s big mouths did.

Now then, let’s look at the inherent hypocrisy of  arguments 2 and 3, which are wholly incompatible.


If you are “special” you don’t need to do things the way “everyone else” does it.  You’re special.  Why do you need to cheat?   You must not be that special if you have to resort to nefarious tactics like everyone else.

At any rate, the “everyone does it” defense falls flat on its face.  AKA the “Nuremberg Defense” it was used heavily in the warcrimes trials after WWII and it didn’t work a single time.  Another example is this: say you are going down the highway speeding along with everyone else, but you get pulled.  Do you think you have an ice cube’s prayer on August pavement that the judge will let you go because “everyone else” is speeding?  Nope, it won’t happen.

Then there’s the “special place” argument.  Yes, UNC has good academics, and yes, it trains good doctors, lawyers and I suppose Indian Chiefs too.  But let’s call UNC what it is: one of the better but by no means “the best” college in the US.

UNC is not even the best public university in the country.  Carolina is no University of California, it is not UCLA, it is not even the University of Virginia — all schools it trails where-ever public colleges are ranked.  It’s a good school, it produces fine graduates, but goodness gracious, it is not the Mecca of education in world, the country or even its own conference.  If there are pearly gates to a blue heaven driving into Chapel Hill on NC-54 or Manning Drive, I’ve never seen them.

All that said, these arguments that are being bantered about are not only factually incorrect and intellectual dishonest, they must also certainly be quite embarrassing to the administration, the faculty and the alumni of UNC-Chapel Hill.  Mark Twain once famously commented that it often was “better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” Like their players, some of Carolina’s fans just need to shut their mouths before they remove any doubt of it whatsoever.

Big Four Rivals UNC Scandal

13 Responses to The Illogical Hilarity of UNC Fans Making Excuses

  1. fullmoon1 08/27/2010 at 1:53 PM #

    I love the factually incorrect claim they reported it themselves as if it were true it makes any difference. Haven’t they acknowledged that it was discovered in an interview conducted by the NCAA? On one hand I am getting excuses ranging from everybody does it to its those dirty agent’s fault. On the other hand I am hearing UNC fans say ehhhh Im not so big on football. If you listen carefully you can hear their tearful silent prayers that this investigation doesnt spill over into basketball.

  2. newt 08/27/2010 at 2:03 PM #

    Great post!

    Really at this point, regardless of how all of this turns out, the cat is out of the bag. Pretty soon, I’d say the best stance for all NC State fans is simply:

    “Y’all can STFU about State now.”

    …and now we can focus proudly on our own programs. I actually think we’ll surprise in football this year, and I really like the leadership of our program too.

  3. cWOhLFrPAiCKs 08/30/2010 at 1:55 PM #

    I would be very surprised if we do not see several programs start to self report violations in hopes of keeping the NCAA off their campus. No one else in College sports wants them knocking on their door after seeing this disaster at UNC.

    I think my favorite rationalization of these events from UNC fans is the fact that all these people (BMFD, the tutor, the players and even the agents) were actually doing the right thing and that it is the NCAA’s fault for having “unfair” rules for college atheletes. If you know what the rules are and you still choose to break them, you’re worse than the fool who didn’t know the rules in the first place. After everything that went on at USC in the last 3-4 years, you’d think a previously “squeaky-clean” program like UNC would have been on the lookout for this kind of stuff.

    Question: Is it considered self-reporting if you document your transgressions on Twitter and Facebook?

  4. wolfpacktexx 08/30/2010 at 1:58 PM #

    I rather read articles about NCSU sports than discuss the UNC problems. NCSU’ SID just released the NCSU two deep depth chart… Fullback position was very surprising…

  5. jwoerner89 08/30/2010 at 2:39 PM #

    I don’t think there are pearly gates on 54 but if my memory serves me right there was a “Welcome to Chapel Hill” sign that had buckets of red paint dumped on it a couple years back…

  6. Homeboy 08/30/2010 at 2:51 PM #

    this incident seems to be the clearest way yet to tell the difference between WalMart UNC fans and actual alums…

    the WalMart fans are the ones somehow managing to talk smack and still making excuses, while the alums I’ve been in contact with are mostly just really pissed and want some heads to roll.

    Saw a great smack down between a grad and a Carolina WalMarter at lunch today…proved the point.

  7. packof81 08/30/2010 at 2:54 PM #

    cWOhLFrPAiCKs said, “No one else in College sports wants them knocking on their door after seeing this disaster at UNC.”

    No doubt and this disaster hasn’t even unfolded. We don’t yet know what the extent of this is or what the results will be. Fear of the unknown may spook programs into coming clean.

  8. tractor57 08/30/2010 at 6:12 PM #

    Then why are you reading this?

  9. highstick 08/30/2010 at 6:33 PM #

    This guy is saying the same thing as the other poster on the other thread!!!

    On the Gamecock site, they call it a “Tater Alert”. Do we call this a “Goat Alert”? Or do we really lower ourselves and use a Rick Marcinko Navy Seal term and call it a “Goat “F” Alert???

    Alpha, it’s time for some moderation here~!~~

  10. McCallum 08/30/2010 at 6:46 PM #

    FYI: the US Constitution forbids ex post facto laws which were the basis for the judgements at Nuremberg.

    unc has a number of things in common with Berekley (a real nut house BTW), UCLA and UVA as well as Duke: massive grade inflation.

    60% of Duke students graduate with honors. If you have that many finishing up with honors then you have a problem.

    I with hold my positions on the social sciences at this time since internet hurt feelings are some of the most tenders feelings.


  11. travelwolf 08/30/2010 at 8:24 PM #

    Great post… For years I was wondering how Carolina ‘magically’ managed to attract such talented football recruits even though everyone was kicking their butt(s) the first 2 years of Davis’ tenure. It’s like wondering how Ben Johnson was able to beat everyone by so many yards in the 100 meter race… In the end, it was cheating. Contrary to the saying, cheaters DO prosper, it’s just that in this case, they got caught. I’d like to see some UNC fans tell the truth and acknowledge that perhaps they wouldn’t have been so successful in recruiting if Santa hadn’t arrived.

  12. turfpack 08/30/2010 at 10:43 PM #

    As I have stated I’m married to a UNC grad(family as well)-they are just pissed about the whole thing and think they should clean house.

  13. turfpack 08/30/2010 at 11:01 PM #

    My wife’s parents are afraid it will not stop at football ethier.Is it me or has David Glenn been on a tangent the last couple days about how easy it could happen at other schools- like it did at FSU -now at UNC…..I for one don’t think it’s that wide spread academic fraud on many college campuses….but remember it happened at UNC so it must happened everywhere….which is total BS.Also my son needs a tutor in college….anyboby out there got butchie’s number?

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