Lee Fowler to Mississippi State? hits the news – SFN’s update

At the end of last week, a long time friend of the site made us promise that we would not run a piece of information that he was going to share with us until it became public from other sources.

Not expecting it to be that big of a deal, we promised to corroborate his information from multiple sources before posting anything on the site.

Then, he dropped the bombshell on us — NC State Athletics Director, Lee Fowler, was not only working to position himself for the same role that is currently vacant at Mississippi State University, but was actually a legitimate leading candidate for the post.

After being passed over by almost a dozen jobs in the last decade, including San Diego State just a few months ago, we found it hard to believe that any school – least of which an SEC school – would ever truly consider ‘Coach’ Fowler. Then, we realized that Mississippi State is one of only six BCS schools ranked worse than NC State in the latest Director’s Cup standings and…Eureka!!! Lee Fowler will fit right in!!!

Whereas NC State is currently #60 of 66 BCS Schools (#88 in the country), Mississippi State is the worst of 66 BCS schools at a miserable #146. Considering how Lee Fowler loathes tangible and measurable goals, the idea of going somewhere to work on things like ‘improving’ and ‘competing’ has to make his mouth water! Once he builds a new ‘fuhcility’ he will have hit the trifecta!!!

Since our source insisted that the Bulldogs’ brass was genuinely considering Fowler as a leading candidate, we promised to keep our mouths shut for fear that the good folks in Starkville might figure out how to get on the internet; and we’d hate to have our hopes for liberation thwarted by the ‘lunatic fringe’ and just ’50 crazy people on the internet’.

Tonight, we can break our silence as WFNZ in Charlotte is publicly reporting the rumor that we heard last week. (Click here) Additionally, the WFNZ story states the following:

Information leaking out of Mississippi is that N.C. State athletics director Lee Fowler is interviewing with officials from Mississippi State in Atlanta today about its athletic director’s job.

Additionally, Triangle Business Journal is reporting that Fowler and NC State are working on parting ways :

RALEIGH – The days of Lee Fowler’s reign as head of North Carolina State University’s sports programs appear to be drawing to a close.

Several sources with ties to the university say Fowler, top university officials and the school’s board of trustees are working on a strategy that would end his decade-long tenure as athletics director. The sources say Fowler is being given time to find another position, should he choose to do so, at which time his departure from NCSU would be announced

We do not know if Fowler was meeting with Mississippi State officials today; but, SFN can confirm for a fact that Fowler flew from Raleigh to Atlanta earlier on Thursday morning. We also do not know if Fowler’s final destination was Atlanta; we simply know that he boarded a plane in Raleigh bound for Atlanta.

As we shared with you in this entry on March 12th:

For the better part of the last month, the frequency and consistency of rumors related to a Lee Fowler departure has significantly intensified. Many different sources have shared with SFN that Lee Fowler will ‘retire/resign’ as NC State’s Athletics Director at some in the very near future. The scenarios around Fowler’s ultimate departure usually takes the form of one of the two of the following:

(1) Some of the rumors have Fowler departing NC State in May, coinciding with the end of the school year. This version centers on the premise that Fowler has been given an ultimatum to have found a new job and hit the bricks by the end of the year…or else. This would have Fowler riding into the sunset with another of SFN’s most disliked NC State administrators, Tom Stafford.

To this point, we have not explicitly shared the strong rumblings & rumors that Fowler was given some kind of ultimatum to find another job or risk the public humiliation of getting booted to the curb in a not so soft manner. Due to turnover in the Chancellorship coupled by a Board of Trustees with a record that would make Enron proud, we could never deduce exactly who supposed was to have suddenly and simultaneously grown a strategic brain and a big pair of balls to take charge of the horrible situation that has festered for the better part of the last decade.

Since we ran that entry in March, it has become almost common knowledge amongst many in/around Cary that a very wealthy and close personal friend of Fowler’s has manufactured an empty-suit role in private enterprise available for Fowler to ‘gracefully’ step to as he ‘choose’ to ‘retire’ from Athletics and NC State as he was excited and motivated for a new challenge and chapter in his career. (There is no reason to go deeper into this unless that ever becomes reality.)

The general expectation was that this move towards ‘the next phase of Fowler’s career’ would occur in the days/week(s) following the Fowler’s return from the Wolfpack Club’s trip to Ireland (May 15th-22nd). I mean, is there a soul on this planet that knows Lee Fowler and would not expect him to make sure that he got to enjoy a free trip to go do nothing and simply hang out at other people’s expense? I wonder what kind of Cougars prowl the Irish countryside?

Even good old Bob Kennel made a loose reference to Fowler’s ‘corporate opportunity’ in one of his zanier recent posts on Pack Pride’s message boards titled something like the “Last will and testament of Lee Fowler”. It was very odd if you didn’t already have this background against which to apply the comment. In addition to such an odd title, Kennel made a statement about Fowler having strong business qualifications and that a soon to be released announcement would show just how respected Fowler is for his business skills. (I am going to take a five minute pause here to allow myself to recover, but you as the reader will never know the difference).

[12 minutes of laughing, crying, head shaking, astonishment, and (most of all) pity]

(I’m back. Dear God, please give me the strength to finish without hurting myself thinking about Kennel’s craziness.)

In the end…you weren’t really wondering why Uncle Jed just happened to suddenly shave his signature Jed Clampett mustache earlier this week? Why do you think that we actually started this thread on our message boards earlier in the week highlighting ‘the shave’? That’s not something we’d typically do. This move made us excited that there was something to this MSU talk as Uncle Jed was making himself more ‘2010’ for his interview. Now, if he could only do something about that damn interwebs!

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88 Responses to Lee Fowler to Mississippi State? hits the news – SFN’s update

  1. highstick 04/30/2010 at 10:26 AM #

    Who is this Fowler person you guys keep talking about? You’d think that someone so universally hated(except for the fruitcake fringe) would have departed a long time ago.

    What has this poor man done to bring on all of these rants?

    (Snicker, snicker….I’m already forgetting who he was!!!)

    Please don’t let this be another April Fools Day a month late!!!

  2. ruffles31 04/30/2010 at 10:39 AM #

    This would be one great week for sure.

  3. 66pack 04/30/2010 at 10:39 AM #

    if lee has been interviewing for other positions for a few years as has been reported here, why would the ncsu adminstration keep him other than being incompetent or just not caring about atheletics.

  4. DrCJG 04/30/2010 at 10:42 AM #

    Im rather new to the message board (just started reading with the Leslie marathon…. GO WOLFPACK!)….

    But I dont know if it has been posted but I live near Lee Fowler and about 4 weeks ago a For SALE sign went up infront of his house… at the time I thought nothing of it…… but now…. could we really… I dont want to even jinx it

  5. one00_proof 04/30/2010 at 10:47 AM #

    Thank god it’s not busy season anymore. I’ve been completely useless at work the past 3 days.

  6. GAWolf 04/30/2010 at 10:49 AM #

    66: Contract. Fowler is quick to tell you that.

  7. Sam92 04/30/2010 at 10:52 AM #

    please, please, PLEASE – delete this post and all other negative posts about Lee Fowler immediately, and replace them with postivie posts about how great he is and how we would hate to lose him, and find out how to direct all people in Mississippi to read them right away!

  8. triadwolf 04/30/2010 at 10:58 AM #

    Mr. Fowler I thank you for all your hard work and wish you nothing but success with your future endeavors. You will leave void that is hard to fill but I promise that we’ll do our best to carry on with the proud tradition of success you have brought to Wolfpack athletics over the last 10 yrs. Time has a way of healing all wounds and I’m sure we’ll somehow be able to carry on without you. God Speed Mr. Fowler.

  9. packbackr04 04/30/2010 at 10:59 AM #

    i wont believe it until the ink is dry on his MSU contract. is there a buyout for them to get Fowler??

  10. packof81 04/30/2010 at 11:01 AM #

    As of 11:15am, it isn’t on the N&O front page yet. But it’s on WRAL’s home page.


    I keep pinching myself.

  11. UnclePen 04/30/2010 at 11:11 AM #

    Lee, If we can give you a glowing reference, let us know.

  12. old13 04/30/2010 at 11:12 AM #

    ^ Yeah, as usual the N&O is really on top of things!

  13. coach13 04/30/2010 at 11:14 AM #

    I called in to the show this morning. I guess I fell for the “piss of the State fans” angle he was running, because it was soooo stupid. He literally sounded like he was Fowler’s kid and was trying to take up for his old man without a leg to stand on.

  14. coach13 04/30/2010 at 11:20 AM #

    Antway, here’s to good news…may it keep raining down on us. May the new AD come in and unleash the long suppressed power of the Wolfpack nation! The greatest fan base in the State on North Carolina!

  15. Alpha Wolf 04/30/2010 at 11:32 AM #

    Every time I read the non-denial no comment from Woodson and Vaughn, I just laugh.

    You see this play out over and over when visible people are making changes behind the scene.

  16. highstick 04/30/2010 at 11:33 AM #

    “Thank god it’s not busy season anymore. I’ve been completely useless at work the past 3 days.”

    Got to be another beancounter coming off of the tax season high!! LOL!! I feel your pain!! I used to leave the next day and turkey hunt just to get my brain to slow down.

  17. SaccoV 04/30/2010 at 11:36 AM #

    I’m sure going to miss those episodes of “The AD, starring Lee Fowler, as The AD.” Watching that tension-packed drama unfold certainly made many of my months on the Interwebs.

  18. one00_proof 04/30/2010 at 11:38 AM #

    “Got to be another beancounter coming off of the tax season high!! LOL!! I feel your pain!! I used to leave the next day and turkey hunt just to get my brain to slow down.”

    Worst part is now I feel that a two day weekend and going home at 6-7 is a luxury. 🙁

  19. TheAliasTroll 04/30/2010 at 12:06 PM #

    Julius Hodge for AD!

  20. Alpha Wolf 04/30/2010 at 12:06 PM #

    “The AD, starring Lee Fowler, as The AD.”

    I think I made a Photoshop of that on Red and White From State a long time ago. I should log in to the old files I still have (on this server) to see if I could find that picture.

  21. Grumpy Llama 04/30/2010 at 12:37 PM #

    How about we call Mississippi State and offer to throw in an SID as a bonus gift?

  22. GAWolf 04/30/2010 at 12:41 PM #

    I’ve been watching the MSU board most of the day and I have found my first reason why Fowler would be a good fit for them… it seems they literally have only 50 people on their board. His “lunatic fringe” idiom may finally ring true for him.

  23. 97 pack alum 04/30/2010 at 1:45 PM #

    GA: Thanks for the Mark Thomas rant. I was listening to it as well and trying not to lose my mind (until I just turned the radio off). Joe Ovies is at it as well.

    I’d advise not reading it unless you want more of the same. But the main gist of it can be encapsulated in this quote:
    “Honestly, I’ve forgotten why Fowler is the target of so much angst in the first place.”
    Why do I let this stuff rile me up so bad?

  24. bradleyb123 04/30/2010 at 1:53 PM #

    Lee Fowler is AWESOME!!!

    Lee Fowler RULES!!!

    (This is how you do it — welcome MSU fans and bloggers! We loves us some Lee Fowler here. Sure do hate to see him go! You’re stealing a darn good AD away from us. Shucks, what will we do now???)

  25. GAWolf 04/30/2010 at 2:32 PM #

    Ovies forgot because most people have fallen victim to Stockholm Syndrome when it comes to Fowler’s reign over NC State Athletics. At the very least the average fan is numb to us being terrible at everything and has accepted it as an unavoidable truth.

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