NC State 59, Virginia Tech 71

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09-10 Basketball

282 Responses to NC State 59, Virginia Tech 71

  1. Pack Mentality 03/04/2010 at 8:40 AM #

    I only found out the score when I tuned in to the Duke – Maryland game. It was nice watching two teams that had talent and played with passion. The better team won. When we play it’s the worse team loses.

  2. tuckerdorm1983 03/04/2010 at 9:05 AM #

    the only way we are 12th is if we lose to BC and Miami beats Florida State. I don’t see that that puts us at 11th win or lose against BC next saturday. That means we play maybe Wake, Clemson or Florida State in the first round of ACC tourny. Maybe we even get VT again. Still, one more win and that will get us to the NIT. We get to the NIT where we go all the way to NYNY baby.

  3. TOB4PREZ 03/04/2010 at 9:18 AM #

    “We get to the NIT where we go all the way to NYNY baby.”
    I dunno bat dat….. but, if we get invited to the NIT, it would be a mild success.. .given that we were picked to finish DFL with NO post-season on the horizon.
    I personally think we need to win Sunday, and at least make it to Friday in the ACCt to get the invite. Sid is from the Jimmy V “never give up” school though, so anything’s possible.

  4. jbpackfan 03/04/2010 at 9:24 AM #

    I think at this point the NIT is a stretch. State would have to win at least 2 in the ACC Tourney.

  5. tuckerdorm1983 03/04/2010 at 9:28 AM #

    i ain’t giving up on this season until the last second winds off the clock. Hell we might be the first team to win the ACC tourney having to play 4 games.

    Look a mild success is better than a colossal failure. If we were to make it to the NIT and UNX did not I would consider that a great success.

  6. TOB4PREZ 03/04/2010 at 9:33 AM #

    I feel ya tucker, but I think as long as UNitC finishes at .500 or above they’re a shoe in for the NIT. that pastel blue speaks volumes to “those in charge”…. as sad as that is.

  7. jbpackfan 03/04/2010 at 9:34 AM #

    What’s ridiculous is that Haith will probably get canned at a school that doesn’t care about basketball, while we claim to be a basketball school yet retain a coach who averages 4.75 conference wins per year.

  8. Wulfpack 03/04/2010 at 9:40 AM #

    UNC will be in the NIT. If you finish last, or second to last, an NIT bid probably isn’t in your future. Again, they don’t take everyone that doesn’t qualify for the tourney. 3 or 4 slots for the ACC is about what you would expect, and a lot of that will depend on how many of our bubble teams get left out of the NCAA.

  9. TOB4PREZ 03/04/2010 at 9:47 AM #

    “while we claim to be a basketball school yet retain a coach who averages 4.75 conference wins per year.”
    does this imply that you were all for firing Herb after 5 years of averaging 5.2 league wins per year???
    I wonder what would have happened those next 5 years had he been shoved out the door after his 5th consecutive losing season.

  10. jbpackfan 03/04/2010 at 9:53 AM #

    ^Yes. Don’t know what would have happened. but don’t think his final 5 years were that great. His 5 years should be the floor of this program. And I’ve been on the fence about Lowe, because I see the value in making sure Harrow and Brown get here. I just don’t see any signs that he can coach at the ACC level.

  11. TOB4PREZ 03/04/2010 at 10:02 AM #

    “I just don’t see any signs that he can coach at the ACC level.”
    so State was just “lucky” when they beat duke or won at fsu???
    I got ya.
    Once Sid is afforded the ability to compete on a level playing field at the guard spot (the MOST important position in college hoops) I think we’ll be able to more adequately assess his ability to coach. Hell, he did pretty well when Engin was healthy. If next year Sid’s unable to finish above .500 and get an invite to the big dance, then I think he should be shown the door…. but clearly NOT now. Firing Sid now would damage the program FAR more than waiting one more year. Hell, we’ve patient for 20 years… what the hell is ONE more gonna hurt??? That’s all I’m saying… you will NOT hear me saying any “wait til next year” talk next year (barring a substantial amount of injuries and lost playing time for starters) …. he either shits or it’s time to get off the pot.

  12. TOB4PREZ 03/04/2010 at 10:09 AM #

    what happened to my last post???

    It was flagged as spam. Who did you piss off? 😉

    Don’t sweat it. This happens from time to time…but I usually see it happen when people put links in their posts. Don’t know what happened to yours.

    no problem…. at least it was reinstated… it was clearly NOT spam… it was just an opinion that someone was scared for others to see. Makes ya wonder.

  13. VaWolf82 03/04/2010 at 10:19 AM #

    Firing Sid now would damage the program FAR more than waiting one more year.

    Hopefully you understand that this is only your opinion (which you are entitled to) and not everyone shares it (which is also their right).

  14. Rochester 03/04/2010 at 10:22 AM #

    Once Sid is afforded the ability to compete on a level playing field at the guard spot

    This kills me. He’s been afforded plenty of opportunity to recruit better guards than Degand, Marques Johnson, Javi, Mays, and CJ Williams. For whatever reason, he didn’t until now.

    If you want to argue he should get a shot with his recruits, well, I don’t agree, but I can understand your argument. But don’t try to claim he wasn’t afforded the opportunity to put a better roster together. There were no NCAA restrictions prohibiting him from finding a competent point guard.

  15. TOB4PREZ 03/04/2010 at 10:25 AM #

    “Hopefully you understand that this is only your opinion (which you are entitled to) and not everyone shares it (which is also their right).”

    Of course I do. I just take a great deal of solace in the fact that my opinion is shared by the masses, and (most importantly) those with the money, and those in charge. The positives to be gained from one more year (at least) with Sid at the helm certainly outweigh the negatives associated with showing him the door after this season. Again, my patience will run through next season…. so basically, he has ONE more shot to get it done. Considering his predecessor was given SIX years to “make it happen”, I harldy see a problem with giving someone as dynamic and instrumental to the history of our program FIVE years to do the same.
    I would say “maybe it’s just me”, but it’s not.

  16. TOB4PREZ 03/04/2010 at 10:31 AM #

    “There were no NCAA restrictions prohibiting him from finding a competent point guard.”
    no, there weren’t. There was however, this little reality of Sid having NO relationships with high school coaches or AAU coaches. Certainly there was a learning curve that had to be played out there, and quite frankly… in order to sign the “big time” recruits you have to be close to them for more than a year or two (JJ Hickson was an anomaly on this front). Sid’s been associating with Brown, Harrow, Leslie, and Cothron for quite a while, and their devotion to him has grown accordingly…. CJL just likes the mass amounts of attention being “unsigned” brings with it… hard to fault a 16/17 year old for that. He’s still very much in Sid’s camp, you can rest assured of that.
    Add to that, that Sid basically LOST that first season (when he signed Javi and Farnold), because he’d lost all but one of the previously signed recruits. If Chris Wright had not de-committed, I doubt we’d even be having this conversation right now.

  17. choppack1 03/04/2010 at 10:35 AM #

    TOB – You realize that you are comparing him to a coach that divided the fanbase and to a coach that no one who knows ACC basketball would call – “A great ACC coach.”…and at this point – he doesn’t meet those comparisons.

    You, like Lee Fowler – seem to believe that he just needs time and he’ll show us he’s a great coach. These losing records in the past – well, they’ve just been bad luck and bad situations, where no coach in America could be expected to succeed.

    It’s true -Sid may have enough talent next year to get us back to the NCAAs – but he’s now missed an at-large bid 4 years in a row…and this after we made it 5 years in a row – and that’s a very different situation than what the previous coach inherited.

  18. jbpackfan 03/04/2010 at 10:39 AM #

    TOB, I understand where you’re coming from. I just can’t take another year of 4-12 or 5-11. It shouldn’t take a competent coach more than a couple years to build a program, especially one that was fairly respectable. I think we can all agree that most of our problems can be traced to one man who is so completely incompetent, that he couldn’t handle one of his primary job functions. I guess the best argument in support of Lowe is that its not his fault that he was hired for a job for which he wasn’t qualified, so he can’t be held responsible for the results.

  19. Rochester 03/04/2010 at 10:40 AM #

    By the logic of using Sendek as the measuring stick, you should argue next year that if Sid goes 13-16 we bring him back.

    Two wrongs don’t make a right.

  20. choppack1 03/04/2010 at 10:41 AM #

    “If Chris Wright had not de-committed, I doubt we’d even be having this conversation right now.”

    Yea, if the refs didn’t help out Duke in our ACC finals in 2003, we’d have an ACC championship banner.

    If Hodge didn’t get a BS call against him vs. Vandy, we were going to the Sweet 16.

    If Scooter doesn’t turn his ankle that same year -maybe we win the ACC title and have a fantastic tourney run.

    But these things didn’t happen. You can consider someone perpetually unlucky – or you can chalk it up to the fact that EVERYONE has near misses and bad luck.

    We’ll see what Sid can do w/ some highly rated guards. However, I’m not sure these guards will help us rebound and defend – 2 areas where we’ve sucked royally since he’s arrived.

  21. Rochester 03/04/2010 at 10:46 AM #

    As for Sid not having any recruiting connections, what was the point of bringing back Larry Harris, and bringing in Monte Towe, Pete Strickland, etc.? If they weren’t able to help make up for Sid’s lack of recruiting contacts they should have been jettisoned a long time ago. God knows they’re not around for their coaching ability.

    The Mays/CJ class wasn’t a last minute class. Sid and Co. offered them early, decided they were good enough and didn’t bother looking for better options. That decision has set the program back two years.

  22. TOB4PREZ 03/04/2010 at 11:01 AM #

    “I just can’t take another year of 4-12 or 5-11”
    nor can I, but if we blow Sid out, we’re destined to MORE than one more year of that. remember a few weeks ago when people were citing the job that UVA’s coach was doing, and how that was proof that you could rebuild in less than a year… how’s that working now??? And, that’s with a huge star in Sylan… Sid doesn’t have that kind of “star power” anywhere on his bench. Again, the DAMAGE that would be done from blowing out Sid now is FAR outweighed by the positives of bringing him back for one more season. If, at any point next season our “L” column in the league has an 8 in it… i’m all for showing Mr. Lowe the door. Rome wasn’t built in a day and the unx fans once hanged dean smith in effigy from a tree outside Carmicheal, so i’m all for laughing at the (dare I say) “lunatic fringe”, because quite frankly… that’s what they are, but I certainly would NOT build my business model around their emotional decision making.
    Sorry if that offends…. not really :~)p

  23. TOB4PREZ 03/04/2010 at 11:04 AM #

    “The Mays/CJ class wasn’t a last minute class. Sid and Co. offered them early.”
    Sorry rochester, but you’re woefully UNinformed. Both guys were LOOKED OVER by most/all D1 schools by the time Sid had to sign them. Facts-R-Facts.

  24. TOB4PREZ 03/04/2010 at 11:05 AM #

    LOL at comparing a twisted ankle or a blown call to a kid NOT spending four years at a university… that’s funny stuff.

  25. VaWolf82 03/04/2010 at 11:11 AM #

    The Mays/CJ class wasn’t a last minute class. Sid and Co. offered them early.”
    Sorry rochester, but you’re woefully UNinformed.

    Rochester is right. Both kids were offered and verbally accepted as Juniors in high school. The committed in Oct and Nov 2006 and enrolled in fall of 2008.

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