Your daily update from the Triangle Business Journal is here!!!
So it turns out that the Wolfpack Club is offering trips to Ireland with the O’Briens and the Fowlers during the week of May 15th through May 22nd, 2010.
You get seven (7) days of listening to Lee Fowler wax poetic on all things… well just all things… for the low, low price of $3,059. (Truthfully, that’s not a bad price for a trip to Killarney and Dublin, Ireland. I spent a solo but never lonesome week hopping buses and trains and bumming rides from Dublin around the southern tip of Ireland to Galway. Armed only with my backpack, a tent, and hefty appetite for beer and the local music, I had the most amazing 5 days of my life. It’s truly a magnificent place where the only daily conundrum was an effort to rank which amazed me more: the people, the history, or the scenery.
So I get the O’Brien connection. That makes total sense. But Lee Fowler? LEE FOWLER? Really?
Apparently the Fowler surname originates in Britain. The name is rooted in those who had the occupation of catching birds. The bird catcher was ‘the fowler’. The fowler was called Fowler.
It’s all really starting to get more clear: Have you ever been snipe hunting?
Interestingly enough the Fowler family crest has as part the latin motto: “Sapiens qui vigilat.” This translated into English as: “He is wise who watches.” While I’m not necessarily a master of words, I think it’s safe to assume that “he who watches” is the antithesis of “he who speaks.” Assuming you can draw the only natural conclusion therefrom, we’re making even more progress here.
So the WPC is footing the bill, I assume, for our Athletic Director, a proud Englishman, and his wife to go to Ireland. Yet our band can’t go on their own dime due to the potential backlash of public perception in this time of belt-tightening expected by all. I mean, honestly, you can’t make this stuff up.
If they’re paying their own freight, then I certainly apologize for even bringing this up. And honestly, that could be the case. I seriously doubt it, but it could be very well be true.
I just can’t wait to see the pictures from the trip since I won’t be attending. But maybe some of you might. I highly recommend going to Ireland. And honestly, the place would be fun even with Fowler and O’Brien. O’Brien is a man I admire greatly and who I would love to share a beer with, but he doesn’t seem like the most jovial and entertaining of traveling companions. Nonetheless, should you decide to make this trip I’m sure you would not regret it for a second.
Just do me a favor: Please look out for the Leprechauns. I once heard they live in trees.

What Coach Fowler saw on vacation...
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