SFN is ‘Pulse of the Fan Base’

accsportslogo2SFN would like to thank the great folks from the ACC Sports Journal for inviting us to partner with them on their weekly ‘Pulse of the Fan Base’.

They posted the feature to their website last night and it can be read by clicking here.

Over the last 12 months the blog has generated more than 3.5 million page views from 1.5 million visits of over 280,000 unique visitors originating from 164 different countries and U.S. territories.

That includes 104 visits from Malawi. Yes, Malawi.

We are going to have more detail behind the Q&A here on the site in the coming days, so we hope that you keep checking in and share your thoughts with us.

Start by defining the ‘fan base’ as the fan base that actually forms opinions on these topics. Realize that a large majority of any fan base are just folks who went to school or like a team and all they want is for their team to be successful; they don’t really form opinions or take the time to educate themselves on ancillary issues.

The next level of fan is one that has a level of ‘vestedness’ that goes beyond just wanting the team to win. Here is a very general profile of some characteristics of a ‘vested’ fan.

1. Some form of membership and/or financial commitment such as the Wolfpack Club, Alumni Association, annual fund, etc.
2. If they don’t have season tickets or lifetime rights, then they attend at least a few games in person every now and then.
3. Take the time to generally know the football and basketball schedule and make time watch the majority of games when televised.
4. At least occasionally read articles and try to gather information from sources like the ACC Sports Journal, The Wolfpacker, the internet, etc.

The ACCSJ’s introduction mentions an article featuring SFN that ran in the NC State Alumni Magazine in late 2007/early 2008. Clicking here will take you to the original entry (written at the time of the article) that includes some interesting history of the site.

These recent developments and focus on SFN serve to be very timely as we are currently working on a site re-design on which we hope to flip the switch in the coming weeks. If you have any computer/creative skills we encourage you to check here for a request to contribute to our efforts. In addition to new banners for the site, we will happily accept any original/unique logos, pictures, graphics files that would be good fits for the next generation of the site.

About StateFans

'StateFansNation' is the shared profile used by any/all of the dozen or so authors that contribute to the blog. You may not always agree with us, but you will have little doubt about where we stand on most issues. Please follow us on Twitter and FaceBook

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117 Responses to SFN is ‘Pulse of the Fan Base’

  1. GAWolf 05/06/2009 at 3:15 PM #

    I quit posting at PP years ago during the Josh Powell “incident”. I was acquaintances with a guy who actually went to Chicago, I believe for the NBA combine (for lack of a better term), with Josh. There was just such rampant misinformation given on that site about Josh in an effort to further rehabilitate Herb. It was ridiculous. And to

    The other thing that I noticed was that I often posted what, I guess, the PP guys believed to be “inside information” that I gained from my own sources. I’d post it and within minutes it was gone. I would gladly give free “inside information” that my various friends in high places would give to me with permission to share or things I knew from personal conversation with those close to our various athletic programs that I knew was “good” to get out. I just got tired of going through the trouble to type it out only for them to delete it.

    The obvious conclusion was that they didn’t want me giving information away that they were charging people money for. Honestly, that sort of bothered me. The free board couldn’t know anything that was supposedly only privy to the people who pay. I obviously wasn’t getting it from their pay site because I didn’t pay to use it.

    It goes back to what LRM stated earlier. PP is no different than any other money making entity now. They are beholden to that which makes them money… the athletic department. Fair enough. I’m seriously glad they’re successful in their venture. At the same time, in my eyes, every piece of information they share is subject to being slanted. I still appreciate the service they do provide and I don’t hold grudges over what they’ve become. It’s just not really what I’m looking for when I want to read about NC State sports. Most of what they consider “inside information” I’ve heard already. But for those folks who don’t live in Raleigh, they provide a great service. And I check it on occasion, especially when hot topics are breaking and being discussed with vigor.

  2. whitefang 05/06/2009 at 3:36 PM #

    I TOTALLY understood the tailgating thing. I never missed a game as a student, but I also can remember very few if you know what I mean. To tell you the truth I still tailgate any chance possible and since it isn’t at State (kid at another school) I still can’t remember the game in most cases.
    My comment was more to the fact that you current students have enjoyed such little success during your stay there and frankly we have fallen so far behind our “friends” down the road in many ways, that you are experiencing a different “sports” environment now. I really believe that if you (we) would win a championship of some sort in fb or bb, you guys would likely go as State sports crazy as we were. We really EXPECTED to win in those days even though we of course didn’t win them all.

  3. old13 05/06/2009 at 3:56 PM #

    In regard to the BobLee thing concerning Foulup’s triumph, I suppose I should ask: SFN/Noah/anybody-in-the-know, are we still patiently waiting or is this just another lost Wolfpack cause?

  4. bradleyb123 05/06/2009 at 4:37 PM #

    In regard to the BobLee thing concerning Foulup’s triumph, I suppose I should ask: SFN/Noah/anybody-in-the-know, are we still patiently waiting or is this just another lost Wolfpack cause?

    I had a source that has dried up. My friend that knows someone on the BOT hasn’t given me any updates. I still firmly believe something is going down with Fowler, and we’ll just hear about it when a deal has been reached. If we want to buy out his contract, it will cost a cool million or so, and last I heard they were negotiating that. And that it could drag out until the summer.

    I figure, if it happens, it happens. At the moment, I can live with things as they are. I’m happy with TOB and I’ve decided to support Sid through this year and probably next year, too. Hopefully, somewhere along the way, Fowler will be let go. I have a couple of years to wait.

  5. old13 05/06/2009 at 6:13 PM #

    Thanks, bradleyb123. But I’ve been waiting about 20 years now and, at my age, I’m running out of years to wait! What a predicament! Foulup isn’t worth a plug nickle as an AD and it will cost a million to get rid of him! Thanks, NCSU administration for that totally undeserved contract extension and award for nothingness to Foulup! (But in the long run I think it is worth whatever it takes to get rid of the nincompoop.)

  6. bradleyb123 05/06/2009 at 6:31 PM #

    I agree completely! And I’m tired of waiting, too. I guess what I meant was I’m pretty content with the coaches we have for at least another year or two. So if we keep Fowler a little longer, that’s ok with me. I just want a different AD if and when the time comes to replace Sidney. I’m hoping it won’t come to that, though. I’m starting to get my hopes up a bit for basketball season. I don’t think this will be a GREAT year, but I think next year and the year after could be good times for State basketball.

    The one drawback about Sidney succeeding (if he does) is that it would make Fowler look good. I do want Fowler gone before that happens.

  7. old13 05/06/2009 at 8:29 PM #

    ^ Exactly! I just hope that Foulup can keep his mouth shut and avoid any further embarrassing displays until it does happen.

  8. Noah 05/07/2009 at 9:20 AM #

    I think everything that was in place a month ago is still in place. I’m tired of trying to tap-dance around the situation and I’m sure that you guys are tired of trying to decipher my clear-as-mud clues.

    After it all goes down, I’ll be happy to spill every last bean.

  9. old13 05/07/2009 at 9:26 AM #

    ^ Thanks, Noah. That’s all I needed to make my day! I’m not so much interested in all the “beans” as I am the end result. (But I will read the “beans” with interest if you print them!)

  10. jbpackfan 05/07/2009 at 10:04 AM #

    In other words, after Fowler is gone, I’ll tell you that Fowler is gone.

  11. old13 05/07/2009 at 10:52 AM #

    ^ I believe that Noah means that “beans” = “How Foulup came to be gone” – not just the fact of his being gone.

  12. BJD95 05/07/2009 at 11:12 AM #

    Yep. There’s still lots of stuff swirling around, and pinning down the timeline is like nailing Jello to the wall.

  13. Noah 05/07/2009 at 11:40 AM #

    I believe that Noah means that “beans” = “How Foulup came to be gone” – not just the fact of his being gone.

    That is indeed what I meant.

  14. choppack1 05/07/2009 at 12:01 PM #

    I think this means that Noah, knowing Fowler’s ego, baited him into admitting out loud, “I DID IT! I ORDERED THE CODE RED!!” while Demi Moore gives him that look like Molly Ringwald looks at Judd Nelson in the Breakfast Club when Judd keeps on asking the assistant principal for Saturday detentions…

  15. bradleyb123 05/07/2009 at 12:35 PM #

    Noah, you’ve made my day. I’ve been clinging to my hopes of a Fowlup shakeup despite my own source kinda drying up on me. Nothing has changed (from my source), but nothing has been reiterated, either. I was beginning to wonder if a shakeup WAS in the making before, and then something changed the minds of the powers that be. You’ve renewed my hope that they have not changed their minds.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but… I seem to recall you also mentioning a similar possibility that SidLowe could be on the way out, too. Got any hints on that front?

    Personally, I hope he isn’t. I’ve decided I’m willing to see what happens for another year, maybe two, with ole Sid…

  16. jbpackfan 05/07/2009 at 1:14 PM #

    Lowe isn’t going anywhere.

  17. Noah 05/07/2009 at 1:34 PM #

    Lowe should have already been fired. The fact that he wasn’t is pretty disturbing.

    I don’t know if I can say more.

  18. old13 05/07/2009 at 2:14 PM #

    Noah, I presume that your strong position against Lowe is driven primarily by some behind-the-scenes issues that are not public knowledge. And the innuendo that has surfaced from other sources of late seems to support that, although I’ve seen no real facts in that regard. But from a pure basketball perspective, do you think that Lowe is up on the learning curve sufficiently to, at least theoretically, be a good D1 coach in the future?

  19. Noah 05/07/2009 at 2:20 PM #

    do you think that Lowe is up on the learning curve sufficiently to, at least theoretically, be a good D1 coach in the future?

    No. I thought he would be a bad coach when he was hired. But I’d be much more patient if we were just talking wins and losses.

  20. jbpackfan 05/07/2009 at 2:36 PM #

    If Lowe did something so egregious that he should be fired, then say what the hell it was. All I’ve ever seen on here is vague references to something QJ did and as we know, QJ was fired.

  21. Thinkpack17 05/07/2009 at 2:50 PM #

    ^^Yeah I won’t tell anyone. I swear. I mean if you’ve got a friend on the inside, hipping you to all the latest happenings behind the scenes…he’s going to be pissed that you are a semi-leak. So you might as well give us the story. Either way you are going to get rubbed out!

  22. Noah 05/07/2009 at 3:04 PM #

    He didn’t use the new cover sheet on his TPS reports.

    Didn’t he get that memo?!?

  23. old13 05/07/2009 at 3:12 PM #

    ^^ Innuendo is one thing; revealing things one obtains on the basis of essentially secrecy is a sure way to dry up a source. I can accept stories from credible sources that are close to, but don’t cross the line that cuts off their source.

  24. Thinkpack17 05/07/2009 at 3:23 PM #

    ^^I got ya…but if you are going to be secret, be ALL the way secret. No use in the possibility of drying up the source AND essentially giving us nothing.

  25. jbpackfan 05/07/2009 at 3:39 PM #

    I’m just saying that all that’s been posted are some general statements about some misconduct that only one poster knows about- a poster that has not liked Lowe from the get go. If you have the nerve to question the vague allegation, the poster makes a joke or you get accused of attacking the poster.

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