Duke, Wake Each Lose By 27 (Good Link Updates @ Noon)

I can’t say that I saw this coming. Miami forced the Deacons to shoot from the perimeter – and they couldn’t do it. Looks like a good roadmap for other ACC teams. On the other hand, Clemson just beat Duke senseless with defensive pressure and transition baskets (as they and Carolina are uniquely suited to do). Don’t look now, but despite early evidence to the contrary, we might be looking at yet another Duke team that stays down once hit in the mouth.

And freaking Boston College – the team that lost by double digits to Harvard at home – beat a pathetic UVA squad to go to 6-3. Just another Wednesday night in the ACC.

Many all over the country were pleased with the results of the Duke game as evidenced by Deadspin’s lead story – Duked!

The 27-point pasting was Duke’s worst loss since 1997. Their impotent 47 points was their lowest output since 1994. It was their first regular season loss to Clemson in 20 games. Coach Mike Kryzewski called timeout in the final minute, just so his team could savor the delicious pain of one the school’s most pathetic non-lacrosse efforts in nearly two decades.

If you want an excellent read, then jump over to this entry about the ‘Duke Swoon’ at Rush the Court.

The following chart is an example of some of the great work RTC does.

About BJD95

1995 NC State graduate, sufferer of Les and MOC during my entire student tenure. An equal-opportunity objective critic and analyst of Wolfpack sports.

08-09 Basketball

98 Responses to Duke, Wake Each Lose By 27 (Good Link Updates @ Noon)

  1. JimValvano 02/05/2009 at 10:27 AM #

    Pomroy loses a lot of credibility with his rankings by listing the PAC-10…they are weak.

    The conferences should be ranked more like this:

    1. ACC
    2. Big East
    3. Atlantic 10
    4. Big 12
    5. Horizon
    6. Pac 10
    7. Colonial
    8. West Coast
    9. Mountain West
    10. SEC
    11. Big 10
    12. Conference USA

  2. Noah 02/05/2009 at 10:46 AM #

    Skinner has done a great job this year. I expected them to be as bad as State, GT, and UVA. Instead, they’re a half game out of first.

    I believe the ACCSJ made the argument that Al Skinner regularly overperforms to a higher degree than any other coach in basketball.

  3. BJD95 02/05/2009 at 10:50 AM #

    I think Tiers II and III have compressed, and lost 2 teams (Clemson now in Tier I, Maryland now in Tier IV).

    So, you have four really good teams (UNC, Duke, Wake, Clemson), four bad teams (State, GT, UVA, Maryland), and four teams in the middle that are pretty good or just wildly inconsistent (FSU, Miami, VT, BC).

    All four of the middle teams could make the Sweet Sixteen, and all four could find themselves in the NIT.

    The Ws are spacing out enough that I expect the ACC will now get at least 6 bids, probably 7 (outside chance of 8). The only troublesome scenario would be if VT and BC each finish 9-7 (with no ACCT wins), and FSU and Miami each max out at 7 ACC wins (including ACCT). Then, maybe we only get 4 or 5.

  4. RickJ 02/05/2009 at 10:58 AM #

    Wake went from number 1 in the nation to tied for 5th in the ACC in the span of about 3 weeks. This league is still a very tough neighborhood.

  5. Dr. BadgerPack 02/05/2009 at 11:06 AM #

    I forget whether I mentioned this before… but whether they admit it or not, most of the “other conferences” have ACC envy. One of the ticket ads for the Florida/NC State game advertised it as a matchup with, and I quote, “perennial ACC powerhouse North Carolina State.”

    Thought it was funny as hell. Several Gainesville-ians are still touting that as the Gator’s best non-con win of the season.

    The ACC should get back to “standard” NCAA tourney representation. Which is good, especially due to the formula for revenue distribution to the conferences. Lack of entrants plus early exits (and I think it is a 7 year sliding scale) means if the conference as a whole doesn’t get back on track, the payout is going to substantially drop soon.

  6. BJD95 02/05/2009 at 11:20 AM #

    Another way to look at Wake – they are 3-0 against UNC, Duke, and Clemson, but 1-3 against the rest of the league. That’s just f-ing twisted.

  7. GAWolf 02/05/2009 at 11:23 AM #

    I’m sure this has been mentioned above and I don’t have time to read it but the one common denominator in all these stories:

    Quality Guard Play.

    Guards can keep you in games and sometimes win games you maybe aren’t supposed to be in… much less win.

  8. Dr. BadgerPack 02/05/2009 at 11:24 AM #

    ^That anomally is going to make seeding Wake a painfully difficult task for the tournament committee. It also means, watch for upsets when filling out your bracket. 🙂

  9. wufpup76 02/05/2009 at 11:46 AM #

    Rochester is correct about Virginia; I too caught some of the comeback by the Wahoos … They are not very good, but there is no way we should assume a victory against them playing at home later this season … They played extremely hard throughout, and I would expect Landesberg to put up 30 or so against us

    “If Teague is in the POY conversation, then Booker should be, too”

    ^Absolutely agree … Add to this Teague has had back to back subpar games (by his usual standards, anyway)

  10. PAJ 02/05/2009 at 11:51 AM #

    No question Al Skinner does a great job, but he also has the best guard in the ACC on his squad.

  11. BJD95 02/05/2009 at 12:02 PM #

    Wake is the kind of team that could make the Final Four as a 7 seed. They could also be the first 1 seed to lose to a 16. Filling out their bracket lines in March will be agonizing.

  12. highstick 02/05/2009 at 12:04 PM #

    Ever since I can remember, any time Clemson has a good team…I’ll ask my Dad if he thinks they’ll win the ACC, and he’ll laugh and say, “Does their jersey still say Clemson? They’ll find a way to frig it up” Usually their downfall is at the free throw line, but this Clemson team might be the one that bucks the trend. I’ll ask my Dad, but maybe its time to consider the Tigers as a possibility

    Jimmy V, your Dad is a smart man!!! He and I think alike!!!

  13. Gene 02/05/2009 at 12:05 PM #

    “I believe the ACCSJ made the argument that Al Skinner regularly overperforms to a higher degree than any other coach in basketball.”

    He doesn’t get enough credit for player development and spacing out scholarships. Bell stepped up and was a great guard for them. Then Craig Smith stepped up and was a force. When Smith left Dudley already had a few years of experience and was ready for his turn to lead. Now Dudley’s gone, Rice is there to lead this team.

    Every year he seems to have an upperclassman really take charge of the team on the court.

  14. BJD95 02/05/2009 at 12:12 PM #

    One other thing – when I was in Vegas last weekend, I plunked down $10 each on Clemson (45-1 odds) and VT (150-1) to win the NCAAT. I suspect that Clemson’s line is alot tighter today.

    It amazes me that I could get 150-1 on VT, but only 300-1 on NC State. How are we 50% as likely to win it all than the Hokies?

  15. wufpup76 02/05/2009 at 12:17 PM #

    ^Did you put $10 on State? 🙂

    Rush the Court is great – for anybody that really loves college ball I highly recommend stopping by there once a day or so

  16. BJD95 02/05/2009 at 12:19 PM #

    ^ Approved your comment. No idea why it was in moderation.

    No, I didn’t bet on State. I like longshot bets, but not throwing money away! If the odds were fair (like 2000-1), I probably would have.

    I wanted to bet on State winning the ACC in football next year, but that bet wasn’t available, damn it.

  17. redfred2 02/05/2009 at 12:37 PM #

    There was a foul called in the backcourt and I heard Bilas say something like, “Anytime the defender puts his hand on his man that far out, it’s usually going to be called.”

    Yeah, righty-O there Mr Bilas.

    Besides the fact that your former team makes a living by hand checking anywhere and everywhere they possibly can, you should have seen Ty Lawson groping anybody and everybody that got within arm’s length of him the other day in the RBC.

    It was a freakin J-O-K-E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Rochester 02/05/2009 at 12:38 PM #

    No question Al Skinner does a great job, but he also has the best guard in the ACC on his squad.

    He also found Tyrese Rice, who was a 2-star recruit according to the database on Scout.com. That is why Skinner’s been so successful. He’s not just reading the Rivals and Scout recruiting tip sheets. He finds the under-the-radar gems.

  19. redfred2 02/05/2009 at 12:49 PM #

    “2. Big East”

    Is that the same Big East, that has Marquette at the top of the heap?

    Just wondering.

  20. VaWolf82 02/05/2009 at 1:04 PM #

    Guess what- we don’t suck.

    I wish that there was evidence to support this.

  21. UpstateSCWolfpack 02/05/2009 at 1:14 PM #

    I wonder if the Clemson bandwagon will be strong enough to hold all those “fans” jumping on.

  22. jbpackfan 02/05/2009 at 1:39 PM #

    VaWolf- Who has State lost to that is bad? How much did Marquette, Florida and Davidson win by? State may lack good wins, but to say we suck is inaccurate. There is a difference in sucking, and not being a good team. State is somewhere in between. Would you say we suck if those close losses against Fla and Marq. went the other way? Its a fine line between winning and losing. All I’m saying is wait and see the end result of the season before passing judgment. I think State is improving and can beat some people if the ball bounces right.

  23. MatSci94 02/05/2009 at 2:15 PM #

    We have been outclassed by teams that outclass us, played well with teams better than us, beaten teams we were supposed to beat. We didn’t loose the soul crushing games that we did last year. We’re not last in the conference. Players seem to be making improvements.

    After last year, I call that not sucking.

  24. BJD95 02/05/2009 at 2:23 PM #

    Again, we are talking general ACC in this thread, damn it.

    But, if you insist, here’s some evidence of suck – we are #80 in Sagarin, #93 in Ken Pomeroy’s rankings. I call that pretty sucky. Maybe my standards are just too high?

    When your contrary evidence is close December losses to teams that are now playing well…I don’t think you have much of a case.

  25. wufpup76 02/05/2009 at 2:23 PM #

    ^FSU is the one exception … That’s a game this team should have won at home, and the manner in which they lost was more than disappointing.

    On the whole, I agree that many things have at least improved over last season – but we’re still not a very good team at this point

    If we could string some wins together, maybe more folks’ opinions would change

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