What A Great Guy: BC AD Defilippo Says He’ll Fire Jagodzinski If He Interviews w/ Jets (Updated 9am)

This probably will serve as a little insight as to why Tom O’Brien left Boston College for Raleigh:

ESPN’s Chris Mortensen is reporting that Jeff Jagodzinski will be fired as the coach at Boston College if he proceeds with his scheduled interview with the Jets on Monday. According to Mortensen:

“Despite the threat from athletic director Gene DeFilippo, Jagodzinski plans to do the interview with the Jets, the sources said. Those sources said that in the event Jagodzinski is fired, B.C. would promote offensive coordinator Steve Logan to head coach.”

One must suppose that this is part of the fun that comes along with the Boston College football program.  You may recall that Defilippo proclaimed a little over a year ago that

“[T]he fun is back in Boston College football. Tom did a wonderful job here, but nobody was having fun. The fun is back at Boston College.”

FanBlogs.com has the story with links here and describes Boston College as ‘going psycho ex-girlfriend’ on Jags. As the story develops you learn more and they take you to “Auburn crazy! Jerry Jones crazy!”.

According to the Boston Globe report linked at Fanblogs, Jags will likely not be back with the Eagles in 2009 — regardless of whether he interviews or not — because of the bad blood that has developed from BC’s position.
The report states:

Unless something truly strange happens – and that can’t be ruled out given what’s already transpired – it would certainly seem unlikely for Jagodzinski to be back at BC even if he didn’t go through with the interview, given the level the confrontation has reached.

Fanblogs states the obvious when they say –

So… let me get this straight. Your head coach is 20-8 in three seasons, with two divisional championships… and you’re going to fire him… regardless?? OK… good luck with all that.

Then Fanblogs mentions our friend at EagleinAtlanta that doesn’t like SFN anymore because we would dare discuss things (from his blog) that reflect negatively on Boston College. I can only imagine how every site on the internet will be viewed by him after they discuss THIS STORY!

Let me just say this about potential replacements for Jags… who in their right mind is going to leap to go to BC after the administration has tried to blackmail their own head coach? I mean… this is some crazy sh*t. This is borderline Auburn crazy! We’re talking Jerry Jones crazy!

The only coaches who are going to seriously consider replacing Jagodzinksi are either died in the wool Boston College guys or those who are so desperate for a BCS head coaching job that they’re willing to take the risk, despite BC AD Gene DeFilippo’s crazy ex-girlfriend tendencies.

As a general rule, neither option is likely to work out in the long term, because the problem isn’t the coach. If BC wants to go psycho on somebody, they should start with Gene DeFilippo. He’s earned it.

Update 1/6: Past Tense?

The way that AD Defillipo phrases things is telling, IMO:

“I think Jeff Jagodzinski did a great job here,” said DeFilippo. “But I want a person who wants to be at Boston College and who wants to stay here a long, long time. I thought I had that person.”

Note that it is all in past tense — and it is no leap to come to the conclusion that it sounds like BC has moved on.