Community Input Question

Just wanted to ask for a little feedback from you —

As a baseline to use as a specific example — Take a quick look at the entry to the ACCASJ that we linked in this entry.

Now – imagine that instead of conducting that ‘conversation’ over email that the ACCASJ conducted that conversation verbally and linked the file to the website as an audio file?

Put more broadly – how much would you value more audio & video here at SFN?

I tend to think that some topics can be better approached using audio because the ‘tone’ of the author becomes undeniably clear and because the author(s) can generally say a little more than when they/we are burdened with the more time-constricting activity of typing. But, before we start to put too much effort behind anything we wanted to ask you.

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40 Responses to Community Input Question

  1. Wolf-n-Atl 01/12/2009 at 2:57 PM #

    I mostly check this site through RSS feeds and then jump to read full articles when I have the time. As others have said, I probably wouldn’t view the A/V files as much. I enjoy the stories and debates/conversation. I also appreciate the request for input.

  2. packsurf13 01/12/2009 at 3:03 PM #

    this is random and off topic but i just saw on premium thread titled “someone at espn thinks we might win the acc title next year”? i couldn’t read it b/c im not a subscriber but does anyone have any insite on this? jw….

  3. PoppaJohn 01/12/2009 at 3:21 PM #

    Agree with many of you, text is just fine. Company would cut me off were there a/v. But glad to see you are checking out opportunities.

    Keep up the great work!

  4. Elrod 01/12/2009 at 3:23 PM #

    packsurf – here is a link to the referenced ESPN blog.

    Nothing earth-shattering, just another musing from our beloved Heather D.

  5. TheCOWDOG 01/12/2009 at 4:36 PM #

    Voraciuos reader and a hack writer, but I think I put more thought into keyboarding than when I flap my lips. If you think my writing is unpalatable….just give me a mike. Besides, as much as I care for what ya’ll write, I wouldn’t give a sh’t about what you’d have to say 🙂

  6. ryebread 01/12/2009 at 5:22 PM #

    I’d probably stop surfing to the site to be honest.

  7. jwrenn29 01/12/2009 at 6:20 PM #

    I like the text, as I can skim things that have minor interest to me and still glean information from them. The audio/video links that you have now are enough, but the text and writing is the stuff that keeps me coming back.

  8. wufpup76 01/12/2009 at 8:41 PM #

    I think it could be a nice addition, but the way it’s setup now (text) works great …

    Whatever you do, don’t run yourselves ragged … You guys do a great job and I’m sure most of the communtity would agree when I say we all appreciate having somewhere to come and discuss a myriad of topics on Pack athletics

    Thanks for all you do … This site helps me keep my insanity level down (or raises it up) inbetween games!

  9. Wulfpack 01/12/2009 at 10:03 PM #

    Text only please due to workplace issues, home issues (don’t like to nag the wife with any volume on the computer as much as I am on it), and internet speed issues.

  10. GAWolf 01/12/2009 at 10:18 PM #

    I wouldn’t mind having a link to a loop of the band playing the fight song. I guess that’s not the audio you’re talking about, though.

    You see… the morning of the State/Carolina football game this year I had to walk all over my house waking up the various Carolina grads who came to stay with us to drive over for the game with my laptop on high volume with the fight song. I got tired of hitting the play button repeatedly for an hour at 6:30 AM on a Saturday morning while holding my laptop over the beds where they tried to sleep off their hangovers.

  11. jamieinkorea 01/13/2009 at 12:02 AM #

    I love video, periodically. I’m in Korea and I can only watch the NCAA tournament, so any highlights and necessary reels are great.

    However, nothing pisses me off more than wanting to quickly read a story and being linked to some crap video. People are too lazy these days!

  12. ktoh 01/13/2009 at 8:55 AM #

    I too am at work. I prefer my porn on video and audio ,here I rather use text .

  13. Alpha Wolf 01/13/2009 at 9:18 AM #

    However, nothing pisses me off more than wanting to quickly read a story and being linked to some crap video. People are too lazy these days!


    Thanks for coming across the world to read our site. I do hope, however, that the crap video is not a comment intended for us. We strive to keep things high quality on this site.

  14. Sam92 01/13/2009 at 9:25 AM #

    audio is not as great for me — i’m mostly reading sfn at work, and i can’t really play the audio much here

  15. Classof89 01/13/2009 at 11:50 AM #

    Prefer text…you can read anywhere…playing audio and video you can do only when somewhere where other people will not be disturbed…

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