UNC – By the Numbers

Let’s look at some objective evidence to see if we can figure out why Vegas has the Heels as a 12.5 point favorite. Here are a few tables summarizing the national rankings to see how the two offenses match up against the two defenses:


I first started looking at the relevant stats when one of our readers commented that UNC was living and dying with turnovers. As the two highlighted numbers show, the UNC scoring offense and defense rankings are not in line with the other key stat categories. UNC currently ranks 8th in the nation in turnover margin which pretty well explains this discrepancy.

So it should be easy to see that one of the keys to the game is that Russell Wilson continues to make good decisions with the ball and the Wolfpack ball carriers need to hang onto to the ball.

Frankly, I was surprised to see that UNC’s offensive numbers weren’t any better. That just goes to show how watching a limited number of games can sometimes distort your view of a team.


Now let’s compare UNC to some of the teams that State has played over the last several weeks:


Here are some conclusions that I have reached:

– UNC isn’t significantly better than any of these teams.
– Looking at these stats makes me wonder why the UMD win over the Heels was considered an upset.
– I don’t bet on sports, but I see nothing here that suggests that UNC should win by more than say FSU or BC.
– Sad to say, but the stats also clearly show that UNC should be favored to win, especially since the game is in Chapel Hill.


Looking at UNC’s three losses, I found a few interesting tidbits:

– UNC led all three games through three quarters, but couldn’t close out the games.

– UNC lost the turnover battle in all three games.

I’m sure that the conclusions from these two tid-bits are obvious to all of our readers.

The UVA game was especially interesting (at least to me). I was tied up all day, missing the UMD/State game and the majority of the UNC/UVA game. I got home just in time to watch the last five minutes or so of regulation and then OT. My son and I were literally laughing about how the UNC coaches were trying to lose that game. In case you missed it, here is the summary from the end of regulation:

UNC gets the ball leading 7-3 with 9:51 left in the game. UNC marches down the field chewing up the clock until the reach the UVA 20 yard line. The offense stalls and they settle for a field goal to go up 10-3.

After the kickoff, UVA starts on its own 18 yard line with 2:18 left in regulation. Up until this point in the game, UVA has managed a total of 3 points and 135 yards of total offense:


Butch may be a great recruiter, but no one is going to convince me that he is a great coach.


I wish that I had some really insightful keys to the game that would open your eyes; but everything I have found should be obvious to nearly any knowledgeable State fan:

– State’s offense needs to continue to produce as well as it did against similar and even better ACC defenses.

– State’s defense needs to keep a close watch on Hakeem Nicks. With 911 receiving yards, he is the ACC’s best WR and is currently tied for 17th nationally.

– UNC’s offensive line is nothing special. Their rushing attack is a whole 16 yards per game better than State’s and both teams are tied nationally at 73rd in sacks allowed. One of the ways to keep Nicks in check is to keep pressure on the QB…and not allow Nicks time to run through State’s secondary.

– State needs to hold onto to the ball. When UNC doesn’t win the turnover battle, they have a hard time winning.

– UNC has had problems closing out games in the fourth quarter. If State can keep it close, then those jerseys might start feeling a little tight around the neck in the fourth quarter.

– I didn’t watch UNC play GT or BC; but I’m sure that State’s coaches have. So whatever those two teams did on defense against UNC…do something different.

About VaWolf82

Engineer living in Central Va. and senior curmudgeon amongst SFN authors One wife, two kids, one dog, four vehicles on insurance, and four phones on cell plan...looking forward to empty nest status. Graduated 1982

'08 Football NCS Football Stat of the Day

30 Responses to UNC – By the Numbers

  1. wufpaxno1 11/20/2008 at 3:41 PM #

    GAWolf, I noticed at the game on Saturday the Spencer had one of his hands and wrist taped but I don’t think that the other was. Any word on whether or not he was playing with a sprained wrist or other injury to one of his hands?

  2. Ismael 11/20/2008 at 8:31 PM #

    WR’s: i didn’t say we have the best WR. I said of the bunch, Nicks is the best, hands down. But after him there is serious drop off where we have more people who’ve contributed more.

    Look in the stats (you guys have bought into Stuart Scott’s hype or something):
    player: total yards, avg, TD’s
    Hakeem Nicks….911,17.2,8
    Brooks Foster…301,11.1,2
    Anthony Elzy….86,12.3,,0
    Cooter Arnold…83,13.8,1
    (Pianalto has accounted for 1 TD from the TE spot, that’s it!!)

    Owen Spencer…..473,19.7,2
    Jarvis Williams..229,14.3,4
    T.J. Graham……183,14.1,0
    Darrell Davis….50,12.5,1

    Other NCSU non-WR passing stats
    Andre Brown…..253,11.0,1
    Jamelle Eugene..168,8.0,0
    George Bryan….184,10.8,3
    Anthony Hill….147,11.3,3

    Nicks has the ball thrown his way alot! I think what it shows is how 1-dimensional really the Holes are when it comes to passing granted though Nicks is indeed a weapon.

    But we actually have wayy more weapons. The holes have 3 total players who have more than 100yds receiving from all positions combined, NCSU – 7!. My point was that we have more overall depth.

  3. Dogbreath 11/20/2008 at 8:46 PM #

    The formula for beating NC State is to direct every running play at our #34, and on every passing play, throw in the direction of our #34. Through 10 games, I have yet to see that young man break up a single play. Most of the time, he is getting driven straight out of the picture tube.

  4. bradleyb123 11/21/2008 at 7:56 AM #

    State is excellent against the spread over the last couple of years. What gambler that has done his homework wouldn’t be licking their chops at such a huge spread?

    That tells me the fix is probably in. Look for Carolina to cover and probably win outright.

    I wish gambling were illegal.

  5. primacyone 11/21/2008 at 11:07 AM #

    Based on teh numbers. WE CAN WIN.

    We could have beaten MD I concur with you and the numbers that the MD win over UNC should not have been considered an upset.

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