Big Ben Speaks

Ben McCauley reinforces much of what SFN has said about last season, in a surprisingly candid interview with There are several notable passages, but we’ll start with:

I have been here in Raleigh all summer, getting my body right. I have lost 10 to 12 pounds. Last year, I started the season a little heavy. So now I feel good. I had an ankle problem from something that happened in the Clemson game, but it is 100 percent now. I am really looking forward to the season.

Obviously, that’s great news. It was overshadowed by Costner’s lethargy, but Big Ben was clearly a step slower last season. Next:

There are two things, besides the chemistry and the style of play, which was significantly different, that not a lot of people talked about. One was not having Engin Atsur back at the point and then losing Farnold Degand. We were doing well at the beginning of the year with Farnold. We won the Old Spice. We went on a little winning streak for a little bit. We beat Davidson at home, which turned out to be a really good win. When he went down, we had a freshman in Javi Gonzalez and essentially a freshman in Marques Johnson. That is one thing that was overlooked a lot, because everyone was concentrating on everyone not getting along or not playing the right way. That may have been the case sometimes, but we also had some bad luck with injuries and that had some impact on how we played.

Although the line for public consumption last year was that the chemistry was fine, McCauley finally confirms on the record that there were problems. As we said, problems 1A and 1B were PG play (after Farnold went down, went from a C-minus to an F) and the huge rift based on a personal situation. Ben does talk about “style of play” – which can only be a thinly-veiled reference to the “feed Hickson” strategy. But note that even though he was the player most affected by Hickson’s role in the lowpost, Ben paints it as clearly secondary to overall team chemistry and lousy PG play. On that note:

Farnold is lifting, doing a little bit of running, which is good. He’ll be ready come practice time. He is itching to get back and playing. We are itching to have him back.

Like Coach Lowe, Ben is seemingly putting all of his eggs in Farnold’s basket. My contention remains that the fans’ like for Javi’s scrappy style is clouding their judgment on his actual level of play – which was pretty awful. He’s a backup at best, and may not be capable of being a solid backup until his junior season. A good sign for the backcourt? Read on:

The younger guys that are now moving up to be older guys, specifically Trevor and Dennis, are doing really well. Trevor got a lot of confidence at the end of the year. That has given him a lot of confidence.

Confidence is key to Ferguson’s ability to provide passable play at SG. We think he’ll be the starter, and it’s good that his mind seems right going into the season. Here’s a warning flag:

Brandon is playing this summer the way he played in the ACC Tournament. He’s not completely there, but he is on his way. He has lost weight. He is in the gym, lifting, getting stronger. I can personally tell his attitude is different than last year. You can tell there is a little fire in his eyes. He wants to play well for his fellow teammates, specifically Courtney and me.

Maybe I’m seeing too much black cloud and not enough silver lining – but that sounds like evidence of continuing divisions on the team. Fells, Costner, and McCauley are really the last remaining “Sendek guys” – unless you count Dennis Horner. Still, Costner needs to play with fire to be good. But he also needs to be a good teammate, and not just to the guys that were on his side last year. I also interpret this as a veiled shot at Gavin Grant:

We have great guys on the team this year. They have a positive attitude.

Of course, your mileage may vary.

About BJD95

1995 NC State graduate, sufferer of Les and MOC during my entire student tenure. An equal-opportunity objective critic and analyst of Wolfpack sports.

07-08 Basketball 08-09 Basketball

65 Responses to Big Ben Speaks

  1. Bynum State Fan 08/15/2008 at 3:19 PM #

    And TooYoung, I actually support your desire to skip over posts. Most people that are “casual” fans or fair-weather fans may not want to delge into philosphical conversation about what has made NC State successful in the past, or what we can do in the future to gain & maintain a solid program with good basketball. If you are that casual fan, going to the roundtable of articulate discussion might not be for you. Nevertheless, you are a State Fan and I am proud of every one of you that put time into the site to aid in that rebuilding.

  2. Rick 08/15/2008 at 3:26 PM #

    “And TooYoung, I actually support your desire to skip over posts. Most people that are “casual” fans or fair-weather fans may not want to delge into philosphical conversation about what has made NC State successful in the past, or what we can do in the future to gain & maintain a solid program with good basketball”

    I can promise you recruiting thugs like Washburn (and whatever other putzes you keep posting) are NOT why we were successful. Only a fool would think it and even a bigger fool would repeat it ad nausem.

  3. Bynum State Fan 08/15/2008 at 3:50 PM #

    Rick, to me it doesn’t reflect well on our program when you recall one of the more successful eras of our program as one that consisting of “thugs”. I wouldn’t regard that period of time as that. I would rather say that during the early to mid 80’s we were a pretty good team with good players. There is no reason to add insult to injury by calling the times in history that we were good as a “thugy” time in NC State history. Some may even say that there is an underlying hint of racism in that. Only you know if that is the case or not. Now I personally don’t think you are trying to play the race card here, but some may view it as that, which is something you will have to deal with should any of the offended opine. Those were good players we had during this time and I wouldn’t go undermining our achievments in that period of time by trying to taint it with “thugisms”. And moreover, there ARE other members of that team that I am referring to that played good basketball for us. Don’t try to minimize that era as merely the “Shack & Wash” era as there were other players with major contributions during these times.

  4. JeremyH 08/15/2008 at 4:07 PM #

    Big Ben, if you needed to expunge this off your chest as therapy, then do what you must do. But past is past, and hopefully you and your teammates and your staff have learned from last year, and are capable of putting it past you very quickly.

  5. highstick 08/15/2008 at 4:40 PM #

    “I have vowed not to say anything negative this year about the basketball team or the people running it (this will expire the day after the Final Four in 2009).”

    Noah, a steak dinner says you can’t restrain yourself!!!! LOL!!

  6. WolfEyes 08/15/2008 at 4:49 PM #

    Bynum, I believe Tracy Smith has that physical toughness you speak about. As he gets more playing time this year, I bet he will take pride in defending the lane against the likes of Paulus and Lawson if they chose to drive.

  7. Bynum State Fan 08/15/2008 at 5:00 PM #

    WolfEyes, looking forward to seeing him!! That’s all I want is some toughness. I hated seeing Paulus drive right down the damn lane & watching defenders in awe as if he is some unstoppable force. Of course, the way the officating was in those two Duke games, he probably thought defending good wasn’t worth the fouls he’d be charged with. But it is nice to see us on the recruiting trail looking for signs of diligence & toughness. I don’t mind some finess, as Duke’s whole team is that & UNC has that in Ellington/Lawson. There is a place for it, but you have to have some grittiness & gruffness to go with it, which I think we lack right now.

  8. TheAliasTroll 08/15/2008 at 5:22 PM #

    “specifically Courtney and me.”

    Aren’t McCauley and Fells both seniors? That’s the way I took it, he wants to play well for the seniors.

  9. packpigskinfan23 08/15/2008 at 6:03 PM #

    Is this what our Football jerseys are gonna look like this year?! If so… I HATE the 3 Wolf logo(seems it has overtaken…), but I like the simplicity of the uni.

  10. Sw0rdf1sh 08/15/2008 at 7:14 PM #

    I think you don’t give Javi enough credit.

    Yes he was a freshman and he did pretty good considering some of the talent he had to play up against last year. His work against Paulus was enough to prove his desire and heart.

    I think by his Junior year he could be much more than just a backup, but he will have to start hitting those 3’s in the game like they say he does in practice.

    I’m interested in seeing these team take the court, and how they play. I’m not expecting great things this year, but I do expect and see the possibilities for the coming years afterwards. I want to see Ben shock some people this year, ….a year when he can actually get the ball more again.

  11. howlie 08/15/2008 at 7:27 PM #

    Bynum State Fan
    Aug 15th, 2008 at 11:12 am
    We need for our BigBen to be Ben Wallace, not Ben McCauley.


  12. tooyoungtoremember 08/15/2008 at 7:45 PM #

    Bynum, I was content with containing my criticism to your posts and not stooping to insulting your personal attrubutes such as your level of commitment as a fan, but since you insist…

    “Some may even say that there is an underlying hint of racism in that. Only you know if that is the case or not. Now I personally don’t think you are trying to play the race card here, but some may view it as that, which is something you will have to deal with should any of the offended opine.”

    This sounds like you’re either a spineless lawyer or a mother-in-law who’s trying to stir up trouble. Forgive me for not giving you the benefit of the doubt. If you’re a spineless lawyer, bringing thugs that act like Ron Artest and Dennis Rodman to Raleigh probably puts more money in your pocket as you defend them in court for doing something stupid off the court and giving the university a bad reputation. And if you’re a mother-in-law you’re probably incapable of seeing the bad things your precious little babies bring to the town with them. It was a group of “physical” (read “dirty”) players that took our starting point guard out last year. Do you really want our team to have that same kind of reputation?

    Regardless, from now on me and my “casual” fanhood will just skip over your posts and not continue to feed your trolling. I won’t worry because even a “serious fan” such as yourself can’t do all the recruiting. I’ll leave that to Sid & Co. Thank God.

  13. SaccoV 08/15/2008 at 7:58 PM #

    Why does God hate us? Bowens out for season.

  14. packpigskinfan23 08/15/2008 at 8:17 PM #

    Sacco- Are you serious?! I heard there was a scrimmage tonight on the radio earlier as it was raining… and I had the feeling that someone would fall. WHY BOWENS?!

  15. Wolf Dog 08/15/2008 at 8:30 PM #

    Ben gave an almost exact summary of what Roy Williams said about what happened to this team last year. I personally have a good feeling about coach Lowe and the direction we are headed. With some luck at the point we could be a bubble team come tournament time.

  16. Bynum State Fan 08/15/2008 at 8:39 PM #

    Too Young, I meant no harm towards you in my post, and the comments were not directed towards you. I was just saying there are some people that are merely spectators, and care nothing more about this subject, and then there are those that do the dirty work to try to make change. Every program has coaches and staff that are content with the status quo, and there are those that push for excellence. You might get the same result out of both, put the effort & desire to become better is what I am looking for. My most sincere apologies go out to you if I have wronged you in any way. That is not my purpose in any post. It is my wish that the younger generation of fans out there understand that this is something that we shouldn’t become complacent with. We have been better, and we will BECOME better. But we will not get there by accepting current situations as “It is just the way it is and always will be”. The University of NC fired a guy who took them to 2 final fours in 4 years (Guthridge). They were not content because of the lack of good recruiting that had been done, and in spite of 2 final fours in 4 years, he got ousted. We should not accept failure and continue to pay for it. I imagine fans that are around college age haven’t seen NC State at it’s best, but I would like to see them unacceptive of the results they are getting. I know an overnight change won’t take place, but I want to see a culture of attitude & toughness emerge, even out of this group, and that IS something that can change in an acute manner. I meant no offense in my posts towards you or your comments. Like I said earlier, feel free to skip my posts. Just because someone has the right to post doesn’t mean they have the right to be read. BTW, I enjoy your commentary, even if I don’t accept your premise all the time.

  17. packalum44 08/15/2008 at 10:05 PM #

    dear God bynum, use paragraphs!

  18. McLovin 08/15/2008 at 11:27 PM #

    Football looks to be shaping up great:

    1. Toney Baker’s knee – lingering injury (2nd worst 2 word combination in sports) that puts him “on the shelf for a while”

    2. Clem Johnson’s broken jaw – JC transfer that was supposed to start in an already thin group at safety

    3. Donald Bowens’s spine – My personal favorite player and most electrifying player out for year. Career ending? (Absolute worst 2 word combination by the way)

    Looks like God really does paint the sky UNX blue for a reason. Over the top I know but I think it sounds cool.

  19. mafpack 08/16/2008 at 12:18 AM #

    Wow… BJD normally you and I fall on the same side of things, but you definitely read into the undertones and context of this article the exact opposite way I did, and I must respectfully disagree with your commentary.

    That first paragraph is a response from Ben to counter what he believed the media and fans felt about the team, he wanted to point out some things that “not a lot of people talked about”. If that isn’t blatantly obvious I must need glasses or a chance to re-enroll in english 101. He’s trying to explain why “besides the chemistry and the style of play” the team had other major issues that affected their game…

    “That is one thing [Farnold getting hurt and a freshman PG] that was overlooked a lot, because everyone (read: The Media/Fans) was concentrating on everyone not getting along”

    And how the heck do you see a positive statement about a player who appears to have finally woken up, makes a commitment to end his selfish attitude, gets back into shape, puts serious time in the gym and desires “to play well for his fellow teammates (all of them), specifically [the seniors] Courtney and me” as division and personal agenda?

    As several others have mentioned, thats about as canned a press conference/interview statement as you’ll ever hear an athlete make… and you infer massive division among the players?

    And the full last quote:
    “We have great leadership in the seniors. We have great guys on the team this year. They have a positive attitude. They want to redeem themselves. We kind of embarrassed ourselves in the way we played last year. I think if we can concentrate on those things and concentrate on what we can do, not what we did last year. We have to think about what we can do if we play the right way, play together and play hard.”

    Yup, sounds full of division and personal strife to me… yeesh.

    Sigh, I shouldn’t be writing this late, and maybe I’ll be eating this post mid-season… but somehow, I seriously doubt it. G’night.

  20. Anthony Grundy 08/16/2008 at 12:21 AM #

    I agree, people have forgotten that Javi is not an ACC calibre PG.

  21. dawgitall 08/16/2008 at 12:31 AM #

    Wake up folks, can’t you see that Bynum is just messin’ with people’s heads. Probably a Carolina fan. As far as Javi lets remember that besides being a true freshman he also had an injury to his hand for much of the year. How different might his (and the teams) play have been had he been healthy and able to hit the 3 consitantly? Just wondering.

  22. graywolf 08/16/2008 at 7:14 AM #

    We have been in the cellar for 2 years and I see no reason to think we will dig our way out of the cellar this season with the talent we have. Sorry for the bad attitude but that has become part of NC State basketball since JTV was forced out by the BOT.
    I hope I’m wrong.

  23. Wufpacker 08/16/2008 at 7:17 AM #

    Agree with the folks that think we’re reading between the lines a little too much to pull some of the meaning from BenMcCauley’s quotes. Honestly, I don’t think the dude is that deep.

    Regarding the point guard, agree that while Farnold at full speed might be our best option, that is only because we don’t have many options. Until we get the point guard position shored up by bringing in some TOP TALENT we will be mediocre AT BEST, no matter who else we bring in. As God is my witness, I don’t understand why the top PG’s aren’t lined up at the door to learn from Lowe and Towe.

    Regarding Bynum’s comments about getting some tougher players in here, I for one have no problem at all with his use of Chris Washburn as an example. You folks gotta realize there is a distinction in wanting a Chris Washburn type PLAYER and Washburn type PERSON in the program. For all Washburn’s faults as a person, I don’t ever remember him doing anything on the court that would be considered thuggery. That being said, he was a tough player and would take it to you and would not back down. Its no accident he went in the draft as high as he did. I’ll take a whole team of Washburn PLAYERS. That doesn’t mean I want even one Washburn PERSON. There is a difference and I believe this is what Bynum is trying to say…and I for one agree.

    We’ve been way too soft for way too long. Its time we got some bodies in here that aren’t afraid of contact and will let the other team know that they’ve been in a game.

  24. crackdog 08/16/2008 at 9:04 AM #

    I’ll be honest- if Bynum had stopped his wishlist at Ben Wallace, I might have agreed. Wallace is tough, a really impressive rebounder, and it rubs off on his team. As a result of his play, he’s won an NBA championship.

    But with the litany of other names he’s listed, I’m positive that he’s trolling. Ron Artest, Chris Washburn, Latrell Sprewell, Rashad McCants? Every single one of them had serious issues either off the court. If you really aren’t a UNC troll, then pick your examples better- there are plenty of tough players who didn’t steal stereos, choke coaches, punch fans (!!!!), or run off the coach who recruited them and describe college as “prison”. You can’ expect to name names like that and not have readers remember the whole character of the person.

  25. Bynum State Fan 08/16/2008 at 9:27 AM #

    I know they had serious issues off the court, and I for one do not advocate kids doing illegal stuff. But I DO NOT accept the premise that because someone is a tough player on the court means they will automatically be a “Thug” off the court. Ask anyone in the NBA if they want Ron Artest guarding them. I am most sure their answer will be no. That is why he keeps getting contracts despite his off court bad behavior. Rashad McCants was a good defender, as well as Laimbeer and others I have mentioned. Just so happens that a lot of them have had bad off-court behavior. But so have the “finess” players as well. I think we can go after tough-minded and physical kids without risking a moral failure. Thanks Wulfpacker for understanding what it means to have physical players and the benefits thereof. I just don’t agree with the premise that finess= “good moral player” and physical= “Thug” . I don’t consider Karl Malone, Bruce Bowen, Dikembe Mutombo thugs, but they will be sure that the Paulus’s and Lawson’s do not drive right down the middle of the lane & score without feeling some resistance. I wouldn’t waste my time if I was any other fan on this site. I have a much younger brother that goes to school here.

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