Why would LSU choose Joe Alleva over Lee Fowler?

Alleva v Fowler1

Lee Fowler‘s interest in other Athletics Director jobs have not been a secret since his arrival in Raleigh in September of 2000. In the seven-plus years of Fowler’s tenure, the man that likes to be referred to as “Coach” has expressed interest and interviewed for multiple jobs of all shapes and sizes.

As anyone who loves money and whose ego loves attention to the degree of Fowler, conventional wisdom holds that Fowler covets jobs at “big schools” with high profiles. Unfortunately for Fowler – and for the wonderful fans of NC State’s athletics teams – every single one of Fowler’s overtures with big institutions have been spurned, including public connections with Tennessee in 2003, Georgia in 2003 and his not-so-public interest in Ohio State in 2005. Since those openings almost a half a decade ago, SFN has learned that Fowler has flirted with lesser jobs (including one last year) that have also resulted in “no interest” from the institution(s).

Over the weekend, Duke’s Joe Alleva was selected as the Athletics Director at SEC football power, Louisiana State in another process where Coach Fowler was not considered amongst the finalists.


Since I had the numbers handy, I thought that I would share a comparison between the performance of Alleva’s Athletics Department at Duke and the performance of Fowler’s at NC State in Director’s Cup. There are a lot of interesting items in the tables, not the least of which is how:

* Alleva’s absolute WORST year in ten years (#30) is better than Fowler’s BEST year at NC State in his eight years (#34).

* in this decade, Alleva’s worst finish amongst ACC institutions rankings is better than Fowler’s best ranking.

* Alleva has led Duke to the best finish amongst ACC programs on two different occassions. Fowler has led NC State to a finish in the top half of ACC schools once.

It must be Duke’s fan support and all of those facilities.

Alleva v Fowler 2

Alleva v Fowler 3

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AD & Department General NC State Administration Non-Revenue Stat of the Day

51 Responses to Why would LSU choose Joe Alleva over Lee Fowler?

  1. werncstate 04/07/2008 at 9:31 PM #

    How many bass fishing championships does LSU have?

  2. GAWolf 04/07/2008 at 9:35 PM #

    ^^^^Sounds a lot like a certain basketball coach of recent memory….

    This can only be good news. Right?

  3. GAWolf 04/07/2008 at 9:40 PM #

    LSU football will take care of itself. It’s sort of like Duke and Carolina basketball. You don’t hire an AD to maintain that sort of tradition. It will maintain itself. You hire an AD at schools like that that can hopefully bring the non-revenue sports to a similar level. I had no clue Duke had won that many national championships over Alleva’s tenure when I broached this idea a week ago when reading the article on LSU’s interest in the guy in the News and Observer.

    As for as the above-mentioned approach to hiring an AD… that’s my best speculation as to why they hired the guy from a school with crappy football.

  4. ruffles31 04/07/2008 at 10:23 PM #

    But in the 90s, LSU had such “great” football coaches like Curly Hallman and Gerry Dinardo. LSU was not a great football program in the 90s. It took the hiring of Nick Saban from Michigan State to restore the tradition. I think that is the sign of a good AD, hiring the right men for the job.

    And they are taking a LARGE risk with Alleva in my opinion.

  5. RAWFS 04/08/2008 at 7:03 AM #

    Surprised that no one has pointed out that LSU hired away NCSU’s football coach once upon a time – Bo Rein.

  6. Noah 04/08/2008 at 8:40 AM #

    Dook doesn’t suck in football because of Joe Alleva. I have no idea if he’s good AD or not, but I can’t pin the state of football over there on him.

  7. BJD95 04/08/2008 at 8:40 AM #

    AD hiring is so weird. What in the world would have ever logically led to a complete buffoon like Todd Turner getting another gig? And he got TWO – both at BCS schools. Not surprisingly, he got run out of town at both.

  8. Noah 04/08/2008 at 9:02 AM #

    At Washington, didn’t Turner take over for Don James? That’s an athletic program that’s in a bit of disarray. THey probably thought they were getting someone who could put ducks in a row (which is what they sorely needed).

  9. pack81 04/08/2008 at 9:16 AM #

    Curious…what are respective records of Turner, Valvano, and Casey? I am suspecting that they are no better or even worse than Fowler in some cases.

  10. Noah 04/08/2008 at 9:30 AM #

    I think you would be wrong for V and Casey. V’s term was during Sherdian’s best years. Yow was winning and Ray Tanner was here. Casey was here for two national titles in basketball and Lou Holtz’s and Bo Rein’s time.

    Turner had the benefit of the last Sheridan years, but basketball was putrid and he lost Turner in baseball.

  11. pack81 04/08/2008 at 9:33 AM #

    2 Nat Champs versus 0 is not an astounding difference when looking at 14 in seven years by Alleva. It really seems like we have been in a spiral since the latter part of Casey’s tenure. But, a good look at the numbers is in order.

  12. thekind 04/08/2008 at 9:56 AM #

    How much longer must State fans suffer with this clown of an AD? How can Wendell Murphy and the other big donors think we are going anywhere under his leadership and is there any hope for change?

    Enough is enough!

  13. eas 04/08/2008 at 10:31 AM #

    How can the administration at NCSU not see what all of the other schools (needless to say the fan base as well) are telling Fowler….Thanks but we are not interested! If this is well known and you know the guy has been interviewing for years and can’t land any jobs (even lower ones) what is the reason we keep him? Just curious why the majority does NOT want him but we do? Oh wait…we have sucked for years and anything different would be terrible!

    I am just stating the obvious but I will always stay loyal no matter how bad it gets. But seriously, we are bad at almost everything now….how is this not obvious? Maybe I am holding on to the “good old days” too long.

  14. GAWolf 04/08/2008 at 10:37 AM #

    National Title: 14 vs 0.

    You’re thinking only of revenue sports (2 for Duke, 0 for us). That’s not the standard we’re discussing here, and yet Alleva still takes the W in that category as well. Hell… he’s got 2 more in REVENUE sports than we do for ANY sport.

  15. pack81 04/08/2008 at 10:51 AM #


    I was referring to Casey’s 2 National Titles in basketball only. As I recall, there 2 for Turner in CC and that is it (or maybe those CC titles belong to Casey as well?). The point being when have we ever been on a pace for 14 national titles in 9 years?

  16. VaWolf82 04/08/2008 at 10:58 AM #

    My guess would be he has accepted that he will be “stuck” at NCSU for the rest of his “career”.

    This is what I expect to happen to LF…but I don’t know what he has “accepted”. He may still be looking for jobs knowing that he has a sure thing to fall back on.

    With the possible exception of cash-flow, I can’t imagine how his tenure at State can be used positively in his job search.

  17. MattN 04/08/2008 at 11:15 AM #

    Maybe Duke will hire him….

  18. Girlfriend in a Coma 04/08/2008 at 11:36 AM #

    I think Spring Football is #2 at LSU.

  19. kyjelly 04/08/2008 at 11:47 AM #

    well fowler f upped he could not spell LSU

  20. blackdom 04/08/2008 at 11:53 AM #

    I don’t think Lee would go there. Why change and go to a place or job where one is held accountable for its actions as well as results.
    No I don’t see him or Sid heading anywhere,especially if they must produce. Hope we all can’t wait till we get to celebrate Lee’s and Sid’s 25 yr anniversary’s.

  21. stejen 04/08/2008 at 4:06 PM #

    Joe Alleva did not hire Coach K, I don’t believe he hired Gail Goestenkors, he definitely let her go without putting up a fight (all he had to do was match Texas’s offer, she said), he encouraged the Lacrosse coach to resign as he has lost control of the team, he has gone through several sorry football coaches. No, Alleva should thank his lucky stars he followed Butters at Duke. I am not a Lee Fowler fan but I think it is unfair to compare Duke’s record to State’s. What WOULD be fair is to compare Wake’s record to State as their AD has overhauled and kept a good athletic program. They now have good basketball, football, baseball, and other teams whereas before all they had was basketball.

  22. slushy1975 04/08/2008 at 5:54 PM #

    The one person above who posted the seriously negative events surrounding Duke’s athletic program (Lacrosse case, etc) has it absolutely correct.

    To completely disregard such events is to completely render integrity a moot point in the name of winning at college sports. The Lacrosse case – and Duke’s response before the facts were known, is enough in my book to suggest comparing Lee Fowler’s not getting the LSU job with Joe Alleva a non-starter. I would accept an above-average athletic program over a super program with negative publicity so strong it affects the WORLD’s view of my alma mater.

    But….we could win a few more games and attend more tournaments and bowl games. But, don’t compare my Wolfpack administrators to Duke!

  23. turfpack 04/08/2008 at 8:29 PM #

    Even the black hole of despair wouldn’t suck LEE’S useless ass up-much less a another university.

  24. redfred2 04/08/2008 at 10:58 PM #

    IF Oblinger has improved academic standings, then great, But that still doesn’t have one thing to do with improving athletics, which also falls (or rather fails) under his umbrella.
    I say Oblinger, Fowler, Murphy, Purcell, and on and on…and all the way on dwon the line, ALL S U C K!!!

    There is no way that there shouldn’t be an absolute uproar rising up out of at least someone, somewhere in that pecking order. Also no way that a whole group of infuential and powerful people should even admit to being involved with a PACK of losers like NC State University has become nowadays. You know good and well somebone like Wendell Murphy doesn’t tolerate that kind of crap in his personal business life, or othewise he wouldn’t even be in any position to shell out the bucks like he does.

    I cannot figure out the complacency AT ALL, but the complete silence from everyone involed is even more mind boggling to me. That is, not unless there is a secret arm of the Masons that I’m unaware of, that has devoted itself to the perpetuation of losing causes.

  25. 66pack 04/09/2008 at 8:45 AM #

    what were the ncsu acc titles?

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