SFN Voted “Best ACC Blog” of 2007

Many thanks to Rocky Top Talk for their kind words:

Continuity? Check. Their archives go back to December, 2004, which is the equivalent of being older than Adam in the college football blogosphere.

Community? Uh-huh. Comments on front page posts regularly reach into the mutiple scores. Any blogger who’s been around for awhile knows how much time and effort it takes to foster that kind of interaction.

Coolness? Affirmative. I just wasted fifteen minutes playing around with their archive navigation system. The whole “this is how many words I wrote and this is how long it should take you to read it” thing is nifty and could come in handy when trying to decide whether to dive deeper on a front page story, but I have to admit that I could do without the pressure of knowing precisely how many seconds it should take me to read 220 words. Hey, I wonder what my forty time is?

Content? Yep, and with humor.

This honor recognizes not only our work, but also the quality and quantity of the SFN community. That’s well deserved – we couldn’t do this without you, from the most rabid commenter to the most steadfast lurker.

It says alot about you and all of Wolfpack nation that we could earn this kind of recognition, despite 20 years of nearly constant futility on the field. If we weren’t providing a top-notch product, who on earth (besides us die hards) would even notice an NC State blog? It’s not like NC State has done anything nationally relevant during most bloggers’ lifetime, or at least conscious memory. Again, quoting Rocky Top Talk:

Competent team? Uh, no, and that’s what makes StateFans Nation’s consistent quality all the more laudable.

This recognition comes from a wide range of national and sectional blogs, mostly outside of our geographical area. Do check out Every Day Should Be Saturday, an excellent national college football blog (and lead sponsor of the sports blog awards). SFN was the ACC runner-up in 2006, and we are honored to have climbed to the summit in 2007.

It has been quite a ride for SFN in recent months. As you probably recall, SFN was just profiled in the NC State alumni magazine as well. We thank you for your readership, contributions to the site, and for clicking on those ads so we can pay the bills. Whatever the future brings for Wolfpack athletics, we look forward to chronicling the good, the bad, and the ugly for years to come.

About StateFans

'StateFansNation' is the shared profile used by any/all of the dozen or so authors that contribute to the blog. You may not always agree with us, but you will have little doubt about where we stand on most issues. Please follow us on Twitter and FaceBook

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56 Responses to SFN Voted “Best ACC Blog” of 2007

  1. Texpack 03/08/2008 at 10:46 AM #

    This was overdue. This is the site that brought private plane tracking to the forefront of coaching searches. I constantly refer people to “Clearing The Bubble” which is one of the most insightful NCAA Tourney Selection pieces of all time.

  2. Ed89 03/08/2008 at 11:02 AM #

    Are you planning to do a game thread today? I really love the game threads — how many other blogs do that? Mentioning the plane tracking/coaching search reminds me that that was about the time I got “hooked” on SFN. Keep up the great work.

  3. wufpup76 03/08/2008 at 11:10 AM #

    Off topic, but since there’s not a game thread yet I thought I would link an article about our boy Fergs for those that don’t get the N&O:


    easy to love this kid

  4. Afterglow 03/08/2008 at 11:29 AM #

    txpack-Have you checked to see if your dog is a wolf hybred. Wolves are generally known tear into anything that bleeds blue.

  5. turfpack 03/08/2008 at 11:51 AM #

    Fergs is now my favorrite pack player-thanks wufpup76- My mom died of breast cancer as well.SFN RULES!!!!!!!!!!

  6. PackScout 03/08/2008 at 7:37 PM #

    Congrats SFN, well deserved. Maybe our sprots programs will take notice how to claw their way to the top.

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