Hook Em!


It is Rick Barnes vs John Calipari. A match-up of two premier coaches that NC State could have hired multiple times since 1995. A match-up designed to highligh Lee Fowler’s incompetence as the two primary coaches on which Fowler should have been able close the deal two years ago match-up for the right to head to San Antonio next week for the Final Four.

Personally, I’m pulling for Barnes in this match-up because of (1) his ties to North Carolina; (2) his ties to Clemson and the ACC; (3) the fact that I lived in Houston for four years; and (4) the dignified manner in which he behaved (relative to Calipari) during his conversations with NC State two years ago. But, I think this game sets up very well for Memphis and would take the Tigers if I were betting the money line in Las Vegas (even though I advanced Texas on my bracket at the beginning of the tournament).

This is probably the perfect spot for us to spill some more beans on the 2005 coaching search, but (un)fortunately our time is limited. For your own fun, we suggest that you play in our archives for items that may be of interest to you…and, maybe later in the week we will find some time for some insight into what happened behind the scenes two years ago.

This Final Four is already shaping up as a nightmare for Lee Fowler as it represents countless lessons on how to be proactive and successfully manage your program with UNC-CH and UCLA, both of whom fired their previous coaches who had compiled records and momentum that Fowler would have killed for during the Sendek era (Doherty & Lavin), already punching their tickets.

We’ll open this entry for today’s NCAA Tournament games…and we will direct your attention to two great related entries – Saturday’s Basketball Bytes and Friday’s Basketball Bytes.

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07-08 Basketball

93 Responses to Hook Em!

  1. wufpup76 03/30/2008 at 6:36 PM #

    ^red, McKillop has refused a few offers in the past and has said in interviews that Davidson turned into his “dream job” and he feels so at home there … He has said that originally he thought he would be at Davidson for a few years and then move on, but he fell in love with the community and now has to rival Lefty D. as their best coach (along w/ Holland) … that’s a really nice story

    I’d be surprised if he left now after 19 seasons, but in this day and age of the almighty dollar, shoe contracts, and media appearances I guess you never know

  2. GoldenChain 03/30/2008 at 7:51 PM #

    Don’t forget Frank Haith either. Last weekend it was mentioned during the Miami game that he wanted to come to NC State and would have been a good fit there.
    When he’s taking Miami to the Sweet 16 in the next couple seasons and moving on to a big time program Jeb will look all the more stupid! And Haith fits more the ‘up-n’comer’ I would have liked to see come.

    And Stoner, the Devil will be ice skating before I’ll ever be glad they won a single game….much less going to the Final 4.

  3. Texpack 03/30/2008 at 7:57 PM #

    I managed a fourth ticket to the regional finals so the whole family got to see the ‘Horns worst performance of the year.

    To the clown who thinks Texas is hoops crazy – When the regional finals were in Houston in 1986 there were only about 5,000 fans in the stands. On one of the Texas web sites yesterday the top story was the write up on the spring football game. The basketball team playing for a final four spot was about third on the page. Can you imagine? That is why I thought we had a shot at Barnes two years ago. He can dominate this state in recruiting as long as he stays at Texas. That will provide him all of the talent he needs to be Sweet 16 / Elite 8 most years, with 3 or so trips per decade to the Final Four.

  4. redfred2 03/30/2008 at 8:20 PM #

    My opinion of Sidney Lowe has changed and even I’ll have trouble rebuilding the confidence I had when I first heard he was hired. If I don’t see a very different group of players who are driven and playing with a whole different set of values from the very onset of next season, then I’ll be more than happy to part ways and find someone new.

    For me, the trouble with that scenario is that it means it is finally all over. That the NC State basketball program will no longer be able to reach back or draw upon what it once was. We’ll be at square one, the years of comfortable mediocrity have taken their toll, and I don’t think I’ll ever be as interested or as excited about it ever again.

  5. highstick 03/30/2008 at 8:31 PM #

    Fred, I’m on “that bubble too”. Last year pumped up my enthusiasm and confidence. This year destroyed it!

    But remember, we’re no longer mediocre(that means somewhere in the middle). We’re now “dead ass last” and worse than the laughing stock of the ACC!

    I hope you younger alumni are taking this in and suffering like us older alum who know what it was like when we didn’t suck!

  6. Clarksa 03/30/2008 at 9:12 PM #

    Hmm…site management has decided to pull for Clemson, Davidson, and Texas…and they all lost. Can you pull for UNC-CH in hopes that they fall the same fate as the others? 🙂

  7. ncsu96 03/30/2008 at 9:15 PM #

    sfn – thanks for all the coaching search tidbits… I think.
    It’s interesting to get the scoop but ineptness of Fowlup is driving me crazy.

    Redfred – totally agree with your comment, If Sidney fails then our bball program totally falls off the map. Sidney is a really smart guy and I just hope he’s open minded enough to learn and adjust fast..really fast.

  8. turfpack 03/30/2008 at 9:18 PM #

    Just like my son friends have said -Sorry coach we thought n.c.state always sucked.Most young people today don’t have a clue about the legend the is n.c.state-Everet Case(started the cutting down of the nets)Started basketball in the ACC,Dixie Classic,The great teams of the 60’s,The Sloan years in the 70’s,1973 undefeated season-27-0,1974 ACC&NCAA CHAMPIONS-All the great players D.T.-T.B.-M.T.-H.W.,The 80’s -Coach V 1983 ACC& NCAA CHAMPIONS,1987 ACC Champs and so on….Most young people weren’t even born yet-you can’t blame them-guest who I blame?????
    B. Jones on 850 the Blues(buzz)Sat. said basiclly if we didn’t pressure H.S. out we would still be getting in the NCAAT.He also said the Admin. wouldn’t have forced(Lee)H.S.out-it was the FANS fault and they now got what they deserve.That’s just what you expect from that crowd from 850 the blues.

  9. turfpack 03/30/2008 at 9:26 PM #

    I would pull for the Russian to take over the world before I would UNX.Hate is a friendly word compared to my feeling I have toward those bastards,partly because my in-laws are UNX grads.

  10. redfred2 03/30/2008 at 9:36 PM #

    ^Another year under ” “‘s misguided direction and I would have probably given up on NCSU BB altogether anyway. Then comes Sidney Lowe, the one time Wolfpack leader and National Champion point guard, and the feeling is…the same.

  11. Noah 03/30/2008 at 9:50 PM #

    If Sidney Lowe had never played for NC State, would anyone have been excited about the hire? If he had played for Bowie State and still had a .250 winning percentage, would anyone anyone NOT have been in open revolt?

    Being an alum doesn’t make you a better coach.

    Walt Hriniak was a terrible hitter…but was one of the greatest hitting coaches of all time. Ted Williams was the greatest modern-day baseball player and he was a terrible coach.

    Those who can’t, teach. Those who can’t teach, teach gym. And those who can’t teach gym, coach at NC State forever and then get promoted.

  12. turfpack 03/30/2008 at 11:35 PM #

    We are in the ever deepen blackhole of lee’s incompetence.THE jury is still out on Sid-hope for the best in the upcoming year.

  13. blackdom 03/31/2008 at 12:45 AM #

    turfpack : thats how a team plays that is coached properly;
    that jury has a verdict on sid already .lee goes but so does sid or this is no best and if you give sid 2 or 3 more years the way he recruits we will end up with 10 guards on the team that can’t play a lick…..jury still out my ass take of the blinders……….hope for the best ? You best head to Lourdes you are talking miracle .

  14. Wulfpack 03/31/2008 at 7:10 AM #

    The jury is not still out on Sid. We have seen two years of sub-par (and this year, downright awful) basketball. If we see a third year that is in any way similar to the first two, even LF will fire him b/c the heat is going to be scorching hot on the both of them. LF will take the easy way out, fire Sid, give us a bunch of BS, then hire the consulting firm to do his job, and then take all the credit.

  15. RAWFS 03/31/2008 at 7:23 AM #

    You guys really should quit rooting for other teams over here.

    They always seem to lose when you do! 😉

  16. 66pack 03/31/2008 at 7:45 AM #

    If LF ever hires a bb coach you had better hope he uses a consult firm.

  17. kyjelly 03/31/2008 at 8:09 AM #

    Thank you about that jury still being out ……..case closed guilty of neglect and incompetence

  18. GoldenChain 03/31/2008 at 8:13 AM #

    “Being an alum doesn’t make you a better coach.” Noah

    Just for the record Noah…..he isn’t an alumni.
    (DAME! At least LR could say that much)

  19. blackdom 03/31/2008 at 9:13 AM #

    ^ amen about beng an alum.
    Does that online institution he received his degree at have a squad?
    Maybe he could practice coaching them.

  20. Noah 03/31/2008 at 10:09 AM #

    “Just for the record Noah…..he isn’t an alumni.”

    I know, and I started to chase that one around and around, but decided to gloss over it.

    Being a former attendee of a school doesn’t make you a better coach.

  21. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 03/31/2008 at 10:50 AM #

    Seems to me there where numerous NC State fans that didn’t want Calipari. These are the same folks that feel like the academic performance of student-athletes are somehow their business (let us start putting your children’s grades in the paper) so I don’t hold these people in very high regards but to think Calapari would of made Wolfpack fans happy is rewriting history a bit.

  22. Rick 03/31/2008 at 10:53 AM #

    An allumni is a former student. It is not limited to a graduate.

  23. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 03/31/2008 at 10:56 AM #

    Like or not Sidney Lowe is an alumn of NC State University. You don’t have to get a degree from NC State to be an alum. If you notice in NC State publication it will read Sidney Lowe ’83.

    I don’t know all the rules but if you take one class at State after being admitted to a degree program you are classified as an alum whether or not you get a degree.

  24. Ismael 03/31/2008 at 11:56 AM #

    Some interesting and potentially sad comments by John Wall, i wonder if he has read this blog…

    The list of colleges that are interested in him includes practically all the Division I schools, but right now he is most interested in Florida State, Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma State and, of course, N.C. State.

    Wall loves his hometown school, but he is concerned about some of the things he has heard, specifically that Wolfpack coach Sidney Lowe’s job security may be tied to signing him.

    “It is almost like some people are trying to force me to go there,” Wall said. “Can you imagine? A coach like Coach Lowe having his job depend on signing some kid.

    “I don’t want him to lose his job, but don’t put that pressure on me.”

    Lowe already has a commitment from Wall’s sophomore Word of God teammate, C.J. Leslie.

    Leslie, who said his commitment to State is “pretty solid,” was exceptional in the showcase, passing, rebounding and scoring

  25. kyjelly 03/31/2008 at 12:02 PM #

    Ismael: I don’t think the kid is that stupid and the chances of him coming here are very slim as well. Stop blowing smoke up sids ass also another article by the n&o writers towing the company line a part of our problem here as well most times the articles in n&o are as sugar coated as the gopack ones .
    And by count if mays does come here what will sid have 12 guards on the squad??

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