Video from Sunday and Student Cheering Conversation

We already have post-game entry open open for comments about the game.

The excellent video in this entry is from the N&O’s great coverage of the Wake-State game. Additionally, we’d like to offer a special thanks to the N&O for covering the end of the game so well as you will see in the video below. They also have video and notes from the game in this entry. We have more comments below the video.

When you watch the Wolfpack walking off the floor at the end of the video, try to imagine the entire RBC cheering a simple and loud “N-C-State”. Wouldn’t that have been powerful?

Of course, our students and our fan base just can’t/don’t think that way. I blame the last 20 years of the cheerleaders and the band promoting the inconsistent and inaudible “Nnnnnnnn….Ccccccccc…..Staaaaaate” cheer for ‘cuteness’ as killing simplistic and uniform chants and cheers that actually make an impact. We have discussed this before and ask that you click here and read this entry to better understand my point.

Additionally, I ran across this message board thread over at Pack Pride where some of the students are really proud of themselves because they have finally all figured out how to jump up and down during a basketball game.

So the student section jump in unison thing today was awesome, and I really think it caused Wake to make some mistakes. My vote is to keep that going for upcoming games. It was cool…


It was nice to see some of the old-school-Reynolds-Coliseum crowd jump into the conversation and try to provide a little insight into how to cheer without trying to copy everything that the Cameron Crazies do. Of course, I was a particularly impressed by the following comment:

I just don’t get the insane focus on judging the quality of the cheering by the physical action of ‘jumping up and down’. Jeez…you guys are enginneers…surely you are smart enough to realize that you can’t yell as loud when you are using your energy and your breath jumping up and down.

How about think of some cheers to use? How about picking on some players for things that they have done in their past? How about pick a single player of the other team and all yell in unison whenever he touches the ball? How about come up with some fun pregame things with some props?

I’d much rather have consistent and constant “De-Fense” cheers…and “N-C-State” cheers…and “Red/White” and “Wolf/Pack”…than to see a bunch of scrawny freshmen lifting themselves a half of an inch off the floor while trying to copy the Cameron Crazies because they jump up and down.

Let me provide you a more specific example of something original that the students can do that may also have an impact on the way the game is viewed. When Duke comes to the RBC Center the students need to be prepared to have simple, EASY TO SAY chants and cheers to call attention to relevant topics. One Pack Pride poster suggested the following:

‘ll say this, when Duke comes to the RBC, the guys’ heads we need to get into are the refs. I think everytime Paulus touches the ball we should have a “He’s a flopper (clap, clap, clap-clap-clap) He’s a flopper (clap, clap, clap-clap-clap)” chant.

How about a couple of the following:

(1) When Duke visits and the starting lineups are being announced, the entire student section should all exaggerate a flop and fall as far to the floor as they can while flailing their arms and making a noise like they just got run over. They should do this for each and every Duke player announced and then have something extra special planned for Paulus.

(2) How about someone coming up with some cheer/prop/action than can be used to highlight opposing team’s (especially Duke and Carolina’s) excessive hand checking. When our guy is trying to dribble and is getting hand checked, the whole place should be chanting something along the lines “He is handchecking (clap..clap…clapclapclap)

(3) What about some creative folks from the design school build some huge mock ‘hands’ that you can hold up whenever the pushing and handchecking is happening?

(4) How about a few students build VERY FLIMSY dolls (the bigger the better) that are wearing a Duke basketball uniform (preferably Paulus). So…whenever a Duke player takes a flop the student section can literally throw these flopping dolls all around the stands to highlight the flop.

How hard is this kind of stuff? I’m a boring friggin banker in my mid-30s and can figure this stuff out. The Student Wolfpack Club and the students need to learn about basketball…learn about our opponents…and focus on making an IMPACT as opposed to wanting to jump up and down and look like Dookies.

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07-08 Basketball Fans

73 Responses to Video from Sunday and Student Cheering Conversation

  1. choppack1 02/04/2008 at 5:26 PM #

    “I too am constantly amazed at the lack of creativity since the move to the RBC Center.”

    Too much open space. You kind of lose that “seething caldron” feeling you had in Reynolds, you still have some of that in Cameron, even the Dean Dome has an intimacy that’s just not there in the RBC. Comfort has its price.

    “Oh, how I miss the sets of 3 connected chairs in Reynolds that you could actually lift and wave around in the endzone while someone was shooting free throws. ”

    That was awesome. I even remember straddling to the side so I could see above the folks standing in front of me. Even though you couldn’t see anything, Reynolds was truly an incredible and unique place to watch a basketball game. If you missed it – I’m sorry.

  2. packfan4ever 02/04/2008 at 5:27 PM #

    The problem is not with the students, it’s with all the alumni who refuse to get up and cheer.

  3. drewhuff 02/04/2008 at 5:46 PM #

    We can’t pick on the student section without also mentioning the lack of effort from the fans in the 100’s sections. I usually sit in the 300’s and the fans up there by far out-cheer the lower level. I sat on the lower level for this game and for a long time I thought it was illegal to cheer down there. I did it anyway and it felt good! It was kinda like being a rebel…….

  4. the_phisherman 02/04/2008 at 6:18 PM #

    As a fan who sits in the 300 level, I always wonder how well you can hear us down in the 100 level and even on the floor. It seems like I scream at the top of my lungs to no avail.

  5. Dr. BadgerPack 02/04/2008 at 6:23 PM #

    For Hansborough something related to “listening skills” would be great… except for the fact it’d probably go right over his head.

  6. bTHEredterror 02/04/2008 at 6:42 PM #

    For Hansbrough…….

    clap-clap, clap clap clap, “Buy some Goggles!”

  7. werncstate 02/04/2008 at 6:43 PM #

    For the Dook game, instead of doing the “RED”-“WHITE” chant. Simply change it to “HAND”-“CHECK” or “GREG”-“FLOPS”.

  8. Dr. BadgerPack 02/04/2008 at 6:49 PM #

    A couple of big posters of Paulus against VMI with the caption “Help I’ve fallen and I can’t get up”…

  9. newt 02/04/2008 at 8:10 PM #

    For the heels, I’ve always thought it funny to play up the Smurf angle – especially with posters.

    Hansbrough would be “Steroid Rage Smurf” or something like that.

    You could have a picture of the refs going goo goo over Smurfette … except she’d have Roy Williams’ face.

  10. newt 02/04/2008 at 8:18 PM #

    For Duke, a sign that says:

    Coach “_ _ _ K!”

  11. highstick 02/04/2008 at 9:08 PM #

    Hansborough’s theme song, “Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail”~~~ Hippity, hoppity, Tyler’s on his way~~

  12. Rochester 02/04/2008 at 10:15 PM #

    For Hansbrough: SLEE-STACK! SLEE-STACK!

    Those eyes are right out of Land of the Lost.

  13. ruffles31 02/04/2008 at 11:08 PM #

    For Hansborough, first you must notice two things to get a good chant started:

    1. His mouth is also open. You can chant Mouth Breather between his traveling.

    There are 3 three truths in life: Death, Taxes, and Travel Hopsborough’s mouth will be open.

    2. He pulls down his shorts an inordinate amount of time. You could chant “Pull your shorts down!”

    For Paulus and Dook, I really do like the HAND-CHECK clap-clap-clap and He’s a flopper clap-clap-clap.

  14. zonethewolfpack 02/04/2008 at 11:15 PM #

    ………..throw FLIP FLOPS on the floor during the intro’s

    ……….throw live fish on the floor so they flop around

    ………..dress up as a giant fish, put on a duke shirt and flop around in the stands

  15. brown pelican 02/04/2008 at 11:55 PM #

    the dt years—not long after greywolf prowled—were marked by some great attacks on lefty ‘dumbo’ driesell—the likeness of the driesell face with the gas gauge on empty on the forehead were a personal favorite—the crowd back then—full out for 40 minutes—just like dt, monte, and tommyb—no gimmicks necessary—just racehorse kick ass basketball

  16. EverettBeez 02/05/2008 at 8:13 AM #

    for VTech – Beat these Turkeys! Beat these Turkeys!
    for Dook – Go home Yanque! Go home Yanque! — that would look great on a sign. Simple is best.

    And for all our state fans from north of Fredericksburg VA, by the power vested in me, I now declare you Good Yankees!

    Being clever is a lot harder then being rude – dook fans have the rude down pat, and today’s culture says we should celebrate that, like startlets getting out of sports cars with out underwear on . . . ok, bad example. But you get my point.

  17. PackerInRussia 02/05/2008 at 8:24 AM #

    We could show a little hospitality and, when Duke comes to visit, make them feel at home by wearing our pocket protectors and too-thick framed glasses.
    I do like the “Flop goes the weasel” chant mentioned above (if it could be said one time loud and clear) after a clear flop. I think that would be quite humorous. If nothing else, a sign with that written could be held up b/c the chances of that being said loudly and clearly are minimal.

  18. EverettBeez 02/05/2008 at 8:29 AM #

    Reynold’s best attribute? Those huge, long aluminum risers in the end zones. Man, I swear I think my ears were bleeding at a couple games, in the early 80s. the screaming at one player and waving the seats around were both great Reynold’s traditions.
    Replacing the Red-White chant with hand-check, or fish-flop, tur-key, ect is a great idea in my book.
    For Paulis you could chant Oscar, Oscar
    Man, VPI is a super important game, but I am not coming up with anything right away. Should be something techy, all those engineers up there – though maybe not on their basketball team.

  19. Rochester 02/05/2008 at 9:55 AM #

    ^How much can we poke fun at engineers? Isn’t that one of our strengths as well? (Again, maybe not on the basketball team.)

  20. Ed89 02/05/2008 at 10:30 AM #

    ^^^The student section would be better if there were students actually in it.

    i agree…they need to go back to first come, first served. that’s the way to make sure those that really want to be there get seats.

  21. EverettBeez 02/05/2008 at 12:34 PM #

    true Rochester – but their engineers aren’t nearly the quality of ours!

  22. gcpack 02/05/2008 at 2:25 PM #

    Back to the original comments about the good work the N&O did on covering the WFU game. You may have spoken too soon.

    If you read today’s paper sports edition of the N&O you would think that the DU/UNC game was today. Big stories and comments as if this was game day rather than game eve.

    Does the other team in the Triangle that has two Nat. Championships get any story?

    Looks like the Cha.Observer/Tysiac method of interest.

    State plays the third place team in the conference in Raleigh and there is no story. There is a little fact check paragraph too let us know when and where the game is but overall very paltry lack of work.

    This may sound picky but it’s the same old, same old lack of coverage. When there should be a game day story on the largest school in the state vs ACC 3rd place.

    The DU/UNC stuff is expected but most of that should be in Wednesday’s paper.

  23. RabidWolf 02/07/2008 at 8:44 AM #

    A bit lat, this comment, but as I was watching this clip for about the 10,000th time, I actually heard someone (probably the Wake fans behind the bench) say “Offensive goaltending”….this proves that Wake fan, as well as Tarhole fan, know fuck all about basketball!

    The shot had NO chance of going in, therefore, no goaltending!

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