“Must Win” Redux

We told you unequivocally that Saturday’s home tilt against Miami was a “must win” – and tonight’s matchup with Georgia Tech is no less so. The Pack doesn’t want to hit the road for contests at Florida State and Duke with a 1-3 conference record – especially considering that no way in hell can we beat the Devils in Durham. If you require substantiation, consider the combination of these factors: (i) Duke’s ability to force turnovers, coupled with our willingness to commit them; and (ii) the league’s best (and deepest) perimeter offense, coupled with arguably the league’s worst perimeter defense. That means that a tough game in Tallahassee is all that would stand between NC State and a 1-5 ACC mark. That sound like a recipe for diaster to you? It sure does to me.

On the flip side, the Pack can be significantly more relaxed hitting the road at 2-2. Now, State is playing with house money, knowing that a split puts us at 3-3 with favorable home matchups (Wake, Virginia Tech) to wrap up the first half of ACC play. Even if the Pack loses to the Noles, 4-4 is the most likely scenario. The team’s psyche never is damaged by falling more than 2 games below .500, or by falling into the ACC cellar.

In terms of match-ups, I think NC State is in a favorable position. The Jackets do not have mutliple, dynamic guards – Anthony Morrow is the one man the Pack really has to shut down. Yes, Mr. Fells, that means that you have to show up tonight, and remain fully awake for all 40 minutes. When Morrow comes out for a rest, so should Fells. Back in the spring (see comments), three players in the McDonald’s AA game really impressed me – Beasley, Hickson, and Lawal. So far, Beasley has matched all the hype, but Hickson and Lawal have yet to register a dominant performance in an ACC game. NC State needs to prevent a coming out party tonight, and whoever is willing and able to play tough defense on (and box out) Lawal should garner most of the minutes at the 4.

Here are your links to other previews: Section Six, N&O.

About BJD95

1995 NC State graduate, sufferer of Les and MOC during my entire student tenure. An equal-opportunity objective critic and analyst of Wolfpack sports.

07-08 Basketball NCS Basketball

44 Responses to “Must Win” Redux

  1. Redblogger 01/23/2008 at 3:33 PM #

    Could someone explain the S6 analysis to me, those numbers are Greek to me.


  2. highonlowe 01/23/2008 at 4:01 PM #

    “On” is points scored with that player on the court.
    “Off” is points scored with that player on the bench.
    S6’s corresponding post is here.

  3. packbackr04 01/23/2008 at 4:07 PM #

    It gives the plus/minus of the point differential while you are in the game vs when you are out of the game. It basically calculates your “value add” to the team

  4. packbackr04 01/23/2008 at 4:08 PM #

    of course it ignores intrinsic things such as hustle, heart, and in Costners case, beefcakey-ness

  5. Ed89 01/23/2008 at 4:23 PM #

    so it does take into account the opponent’s points and not just our points? thx.

  6. zahadum 01/23/2008 at 4:49 PM #

    No, it doesn’t ignore things like hustle or heart. True it doesn’t measure them in any direct way. But it does count them as far as how they translate into whether or not you score more points than the opponent.

  7. tooyoungtoremember 01/23/2008 at 4:59 PM #

    I hope there is a divisor somewhere in that formula that comes up with an average. Otherwise, that number will be way skewed based solely on the fact that other players play more than he does. Maybe it’s points per minute? Regardless, you can’t just look at that one statistic and decide who should play and who shouldn’t. Rarely doe one statistic tell the whole story. In this example, you should probably look correlations of who players play with, and what types of games/situations players are likely to play in. A scrub at the end of the bench that only sees significant time against the likes of NC Central or Presbyterian will probably have better looking numbers relative to how often they plan than one of the guys who starts every game against ACC competition. Likewise, if Big Ben plays more minutes with T-Ferg than anyone else on the team, his numbers will most likely reflect that. Not because he is a bad player, but because his plays a disproportionate number of minutes with a turnover maching and a defensive liability.

    And also keep in mind exactly what Packbacker04 said, no statistic is going to reflect what a player adds in the unquantifiable categories such as hustle, leadership, emotionality, etc.

  8. Dr. BadgerPack 01/23/2008 at 5:29 PM #

    When I look at statistics, I usually try to weed out (through game logs) stats based on score differentials. For Basketball, differentials of +/- 10 are usually telling (as are nearly all first half stats) and for Football, +/- 14 is usually where I draw the line (two possession game). It helps weed out garbage time stats, one way or the other. In baseball, you go by situation and inning moreso than margin (I hope to have more on that in the future– as an aside, Eryk McConnell and Dallas Poulk made preseason award watch lists).

    As for tonights game, the key will be consistency. We need a 40 minute effort especially after the debacle at GT last year. That debacle could work both ways for us– if we give up the big run, it could be demoralizing for us. If we get a good lead, last years game could play in the back of the returning players minds and provide incentive to not relent. It should be an interesting game (of course I’d much prefer a 50-2 halftime lead, but let me be realistic… channeling Chris Farley– Shtate one hundred-tirty-two tah tree… yeah, that’s the ticket).

  9. Akula Wolf 01/23/2008 at 5:50 PM #

    I won’t bore anyone here with the nuts and bolts of +/-, but if you have a question about it, I’ll be glad to explain/clarify the methodology via email. akulawolf at yahoo.com

  10. wolfmans brother 01/23/2008 at 5:56 PM #

    I commented to a friend earlier today that the Miami win was precisely the type false hope dish served up that is oh so typical of wolfpack athletics. I’ll explain. Just when you have met your absolute limits of frustration with an underperforming team that refuses to act like it cares…they go and win a game that they should not. The effect of this is to string you along and keep you on board, setting you up to have you heart dashed all over again…only this time worse. It’s vintage wolfpack.

    Let’s be honest. While I am very happy that in the Miami game we decided to play with some nuts for the first time in a while, that in no way changes my outlook on this season. I applaud the team for showing up and playing hard (especially Grant), but the fact that that is noteworthy is a testament to itself. A team going out and hustling its ass off should not be cause for shock…..it should be the status quo. Miami gave that game to us with sloppy play and poor decision making when it mattered.

    Now I will gladly take the W, and it was exciting and entertaining. But I would much rather be in a situation like Duke, where you know Coach K is going to have his kids giving maximum effort night in and night out. Sid, it seems, has not yet figured out how to do that.

    I wish the fellas the best of luck tonight, but if history serves as precedent, and as the team is in no better shape this week than last…be prepared for a typical dropping of one we “shoulda won.”

  11. Dr. BadgerPack 01/23/2008 at 6:51 PM #

    ^Let’s not generalize with “Wolfpack athletics” please. I’m picking a nit, but the softball team, cross country teams, wrestling perhaps and baseball probably wouldn’t want to be lumped in with the frustrating/dissapointing group.

    Coach K does have 1 luxury that Sidney does not for motivation (I am NOT defending our apparent lack thereof here)– he can bring another burger boy in for you if you do not give appropriate effort. Our dropoff, especially after injuries, is substantial. It’s like me and my current job– I could slack off if I wanted to, there is noone better here (I don’t, but that’s because dad taught me well). Our top 6-7 know there isn’t anyone better right now. This should change if Sid continues his solid recruiting, and we may well find ourselves in the ‘K’ situation.

    I agree wholeheartedly the effort against Miami for the most part was great. I want to see more of this. But looking back, I have seen a lot of it this year: Villanove, Cincinnati, Seton Hall (should we move to the big east?), the aforementioned Miami game, Clemson in the first half, Carolina in the second– although effort was there in the first, just misguided effort–, several of the scrub games, Davidson… Heck, even UNO for the most part– they’re a pretty good team, with a damn good leader. Then there have been the 40 minutes eggs we have laid. And by eggs I mean court-dumps.

  12. Dr. BadgerPack 01/23/2008 at 6:53 PM #

    I would also be remiss if I didn’t say, as gametime is approaching, GO STATE! I feel I can speak for the community here when I say we’re behind you and we support you. Make us proud again!

  13. JeremyH 01/23/2008 at 7:19 PM #

    yep, we still suck.

  14. WestCoast 01/23/2008 at 7:20 PM #

    So far, no heart on the floor what so ever. Both of our PG’s are picking up their dribble 30 fee from the basket, while GT’s is backing us down for turn around j’s. Costner just got burned looking at the clock, while his guy made a lay-up.

  15. JeremyH 01/23/2008 at 7:23 PM #

    Fells is embarrassing his teammates in terms of effort–one man show so far.

  16. Astral Rain 01/23/2008 at 7:41 PM #

    can someone whack that Causey kid in the groin to slow him down or something?

    (I kid, I kid) He’s really being a pest right now.

  17. HungryLikeTheWolf 01/23/2008 at 7:54 PM #

    The announcers yet again prove they have no knowledge of NC State basketball. Did you hear what they were saying about Sidney’s Red Blazer? You know, the one he only wears during BIG games like against UNC and DUKE (and the ACC Tourney).

  18. Carnot 01/23/2008 at 7:55 PM #

    Not to mention countless times when they’ve called Johnson “Gonzalez”.

  19. wolfmans brother 01/23/2008 at 9:45 PM #

    I firmly stand by my earlier post. The effort was patchy and inconsistent as a team tonight. There were flashes of effort, times where INDIVIDUALS stepped up and made plays. However, at the same time other players would stand around and watch. We have yet to put together a team effort this year. Moreover, not being an insider to the program and not having the luxury to sit in on practice I would speculate that our inability to run any kind of fluid offense is attributable to a lack of effort in practice, coupled with inexperience at the point and compunded with lackluster leadership from the coach and upperclassmen.

    And as to “lumping” wolfpack athletics as a whole in this category. Let me be clear. I do not work for the university nor for our PR department. When I speak of wolfpack athletics I am speaking (as I imagine 98% of others are) of the revenue sports. To be frank, until I have a kid who runs cross country or plays softball, I could give a rat’s ass how they do.

    This team is clearly not good right now, nor do they know how to play high level basketball. As the season progresses we will continue to show flashes at times, but when all is said and done, an NIT berth would be a big reach. The improvement simply has not been there from game to game.

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