GT 77, NC State 74

Boxscore. Tough loss. Good game.

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07-08 Basketball NCS Basketball

168 Responses to GT 77, NC State 74

  1. Sweet jumper 01/25/2008 at 9:12 AM #

    He is channelling Mike Patrick!

  2. Stoner 01/25/2008 at 9:33 AM #

    Choppack, Robinson couldn’t even win a game in his own Invitational, Thursday night, prior to the ACC tournament. Lowe’s late run last March puts him ahead of Robinson. Lowe’s win against ‘Ole Roy, I think also gives me hope we can one day compete with the big boys. That was a good Carolina team he beat. With Sendek, we were getting blown out by Roy’s teams, with no change in sight.

    I think, at some point, you have to believe you can be at the mountain top, in order to get to the mountain top. I don’t think a lot of coaches really feel they can win a championship; the task is very daunting.

    From Lowe’s comments I know he believes NCSU can win a championship again, since he did it as a player, so that’s part of the battle about becoming a championship team out of the way.

  3. zahadum 01/25/2008 at 9:35 AM #

    I think its catching, choppack1. In his column today, Carlton Tudor twice stated that there are 18 conference games in the ACC. I guess 2 of them are yet to be determined.

  4. Mike 01/25/2008 at 9:40 AM #

    Who is Javier Lopez? I beleive he was a catcher for the Braves a few years ago, when did he start playing with us. Choppack, Lenox Rawlings is a moron and I am ashamed to click his link and add to his readership. I did get a good laugh from it though.

  5. RAWFS 01/25/2008 at 10:05 AM #

    Good morning gentlemen — I had to laugh out loud at Mike’s pointing out of Javier Lopez. It’s a mistake that I made several times this season too, but I am not a pro writer. What it does is show you the care that Rawlings put into his column.

    If any of you have the time to take a trip to the other side of the hard disk (SFN and RAWFS are on the same computer), I wrote a riposte to Rawlings: Rawlings Fires Up An Airball

  6. jbpackfan 01/25/2008 at 10:05 AM #

    ^^^^^^Looks like Sendek has started his patented mid-season collapse. 2 straight losses with Wash. St. coming to town on Saturday.

  7. Dan 01/25/2008 at 10:19 AM #

    I don’t know how to email this to you guys, but apparently the reason why our PG air balled that last second shot is because he is not a basketball player at all. He is in fact a big league catcher. Its Javy Lopez.!sports&s=1037645509200

  8. Sweet jumper 01/25/2008 at 10:22 AM #

    RAWFS, Nice post on RAWFS about Rawlings’ mistake-ridden article. If most people performed their jobs in such an incompetent manner, they would not have to worry about being at work the next day.
    I can’t wait to watch Causey and Paulus push each other all over the court this season. It might turn into a WWF match. When does Duke play GA Tech?

  9. choppack1 01/25/2008 at 10:27 AM #

    Stoner – I don’t want to defend Les Robinson – his lapses in preparation, lack of in-game adjustments, and his lack of vision/organization when it came to recruiting drove me crazy. However, in his first season at State, he did go to the NCAAs and he built a semi-successful program at Eastern Tennessee State. So, he at least proved that as a head coach, he can have SOME success. He was just way in over his head in the ACC.

    With Sidney – we really have no clue. His head coaching record in the NBA was horrid. He was w/ 3 expansion franchises, so you can’t say, “He’s a lousy coach.” OTOH, there is no proof right now that he’s a good coach. You can’t point to one team he’s coached and say, “Sidney had a great season at ________.” Some assistants are good assistants, but lousy head coaches.

    I’m hoping for the best – but any faith right now is blind faith. You certainly won’t find evidence looking at Sid’s record and experience and say with confidence, “He’ll be a great HC at NC State.”

  10. choppack1 01/25/2008 at 10:29 AM #

    RAWF and Mike – I can’t believe I missed the Javy Lopez thing. Here’s my blurb that I sent to him. (I actually try to be somewhat nice in these things:)

    I watched the State-GaTech game Wednesday night, but I missed the OT period. Maybe they just decided to play those extra 5 minutes after the post-game interviews. Also, if a guard shoots 50% from the field, how does his FG % drop to 28%?

    “I’m sorry, but it’s hard to respect anyone’s opinion when they can’t get basic facts right.You reinforce a lot of negative stereotypes about your profession when you go to print with an article like this. You probably wonder why newspapers are going out of business and folks get most of their news from the intranet.”

  11. Dan 01/25/2008 at 10:35 AM #

    He also states in the article that the game went to OT.

    Yeah, he didn’t watch it.

  12. Trip 01/25/2008 at 10:42 AM #

    Great article RAWFS, one thing to add it is that not only did Javi show improvement, but so did Johnson. I still wouldn’t tell him to shoot 3’s unless we’re up by 10 points until he proves otherwise but in 2 point land he can have all the fun he wants.

    GO LO… I mean Gonzalez !

  13. nycfan 01/25/2008 at 11:30 AM #

    *Another way would be to look at it like Sidney was taking the heat off his players ala Roy Williams after the MD loss. “I did a poor job of coaching this team.” I guess ole Roy is still learning on the job…..and protecting his players confidence by shouldering the blame for the loss. Sid couldn’t be doing that, he’s still learning on the job.*

    I personally think there is a big difference between saying “Actually Courtney was suppose to get it. In the huddle we were talking about Javy getting it and then we were changing it to let Courtney come off for that shot. He thought I meant for him to come up and set the screen. Which was still fine because initially it was Javy anyways and Javy still was open for the shot” than outright saying “I did a poor job coaching this team.” The former leaves it very much open to interpretation who was at fault, the latter does not. If Lowe meant to take the pressure off his players with that comment, he was not effective in doing so.

    Anyway, with respect to the linked articles, it is rather astonishing that a professional writer can have so many easily correctible errors in a column.

  14. Mike 01/25/2008 at 12:21 PM #

    At one point I had some inlaws in Winston and read Lenox whenever we were in town. What a joke he was then, and obviously still is. Funny thing about it, my inlaws are big time Heel supporters, and they could not stand him either.

  15. Wulfpack 01/25/2008 at 12:35 PM #

    “With Sendek, we were getting blown out by Roy’s teams, with no change in sight.”

    Excuse me, but hat is it that I saw just a couple of weeks ago when we layed an egg against the Heels? That was truly the worst I have ever sen us play.

    Not saying he can’t get the job done, but this year has been a tremendous disappointment.

  16. BillyVest 01/25/2008 at 2:14 PM #

    There is no evidence whatsoever about Lowe’s coaching ability from his prior head coaching jobs about how good a coach he is. We just have to hope for the best and see if he can get it done. If he can’t, we hire a new coach and move one.

    The ACC opener against the Heels was awful, but beating Carolina last year made a lackluster season tolerable. At least I have some hope now we can win a game against the Heels under Lowe, which I’d given up on with the prior coach.

  17. Rochester 01/25/2008 at 3:41 PM #

    This season is slipping away on us, but there are at least 13 games left to build something for the future, and possibly for March (though I doubt that at the moment).

    First off, Sidney’s got a lot to learn about coaching at this level, and this is a great opportunity to do it. I was a tad surprised to see him fuming on the sidelines a couple of times during the game, upset at the awful basketball he had just witnessed. It’s fine for him to be disgusted, but he needs to A) channel that consistently in a way that benefits the team by teaching players not to f*ck up again in that manner; and B) teach these boys some basic fundamentals so we at home don’t have to be disgusted by what we witness. I know he cares deeply and wants this team to succeed even more than the rest of us. But he’s got to make that happen.

    And I’m not sure about the “NBA offense.” I see very little in the way of offense at all. I thought we passed it around the perimeter a lot in the Herb days, but, man, we don’t even move it that well any more. I want McCauley in the game so at least one guy on the floor knows how to pass.

    I’d like to think Sid’s going to be a great recruiter, but in truth, the only great talent he’s landed has been J.J., and if he leaves after this year it’s debatable whether that was a good get in the long run. I like Tracy Smith’s upside, and there’s something I like about Javier Gonzalez, too, though more as a junior and less as a freshman.

    But looking at the Bartosz Lewandowski (yes, I know he’s no longer an active player, but he was the first one to come in), Farnold Degand, Marcus Johnson collection, I’m not sold. The next transfer we bring in better have some legitimate experience under his belt or tell him to keep on moving. Tony Bethel brought two years of experience with him. Our current collection (including T.Ferg, who I realize slipped in under Herb) had 4 games combined between the three of them. Matt Causey may rely on some aggressive hands (keep him away from your sister), but that’s a transfer that made a ton of sense. Question: Did anyone at State consider looking for a similar fit? Just a hunch, but out of the entire Div. II, Div. III, NAIA and Juco ranks, there had to be a point guard willing to transfer who would have upgraded our ranks (without tying up a scholarship long term) and allowed us some grace time for the other guys to come up to speed.

    Speaking of transfers, whenever the topic comes up it sounds like people assume it will be Fergie or someone else with no game who leaves, but if we really have the deep chemistry issues that it looks like we have, there must be some unhappy campers around. Will someone else (as in someone who actually plays) leave?

    I still love the team as much as I ever have, but I do get a lot of the “why is God punishing me?” thoughts lately. I want to watch us beat the crap out of someone so bad, just as a cathartic release. I want to watch a game and *know* with 5 minutes left that there is zero possibility of us losing because we’re pummeling someone so bad. Didn’t really get that in non-conference play, of course, and the odds are long now. But please, please, let it happen soon. Bonus points if it’s Duke.

  18. redfred2 01/26/2008 at 11:42 AM #

    “Wolfpack Admits Violation by Lowe”

    Wulfpack, I would have led into that link with something more like,…

    “Wolfpack lays down, rolls over and surrenders all of it’s vulnerable parts to the NCAA, just like you would expect any abused puppy dog with an inferiority complex, would do.”

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