GT 77, NC State 74

Boxscore. Tough loss. Good game.

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07-08 Basketball NCS Basketball

168 Responses to GT 77, NC State 74

  1. gopack968 01/23/2008 at 9:12 PM #

    So close. Aarrrrrggghhhhh!

    The team played so hard. Javi really is coming along (we’ll just not mention that shot at the end…)

  2. tractor57 01/23/2008 at 9:13 PM #

    Not perfect but a vast improvement.
    Now we have to steal another game on the road.
    I think this team is beginning to come together.

  3. benniebolton 01/23/2008 at 9:14 PM #

    Good effort, great to see both PG’s open it up a little offensively. Tough spot to put Javi in at the end, we’ve gotta get a better look, or better option, than that. Disappointing we couldn’t pull it out, had our chances, but things look better

  4. 1.21 Jigawatts 01/23/2008 at 9:14 PM #

    That was one we needed. Too many stretches where we were sloppy with the ball in our passes. Especially around the 5 minute mark when GT took the lead (off of a 3 step running dunk that everyone saw except the officials)

  5. Packster 01/23/2008 at 9:15 PM #

    I am proud of our guys tonight. We didn’t win but we are clearly getting better. I saw lots of good things tonight, especially from Javi. He was so wide open at the end I think it surprised him. ESPN’s announcers were so pro GT it was disgusting. They dogged Javi and our team out so bad and then we got hot and they had to eat crow….not to mention they weren’t even watching the game half the time. I believe things are looking up for us.

  6. Wulfpack 01/23/2008 at 9:15 PM #

    Strong effort. We just always seem to give up so many easy baskets. Hickson’s interior defense needs a whole lot of work. Just wish we knew what we were doing with that last shot. Now we’re right back into the bottom of the league standings. Goes to show just how tough this league is.

  7. treznor 01/23/2008 at 9:15 PM #

    I really have to question what went on in the last reset. Javi missed it badly but the announcers (pphhhtttt) made the point that there’s almost no way that he was supposed to be taking that inbound to start with.

  8. RabidWolf 01/23/2008 at 9:16 PM #

    JAVI REALLY SHOWED ME SOMETHING GOOD TONIGHT! Tough loss, but a great workman-like effort.


  9. Slader4881 01/23/2008 at 9:16 PM #

    I agree with Wulfpack JJ’s D inside was horrible down the stretch. How did Fells not man up and take the last shot?

  10. beowolf 01/23/2008 at 9:17 PM #

    How much extra would it cost the ACC to get some decent officials? I swear, I think Bob Knight was right years ago; officials have money on games. Some calls make absolutely no sense unless you think of them in terms of keeping a margin safe. And I’m talking about on both sides of the floor. Hickson’s three-point play was just as much BS as was GT’s five-steps-without-a-dribble before the foul that preceded it.

    The game is significantly uglier and more playground-junk when calls look as random as they did tonight, as they have the last few years, and it’s just getting worse.

  11. Astral Rain 01/23/2008 at 9:18 PM #

    Yeah, we kinda needed the result here. This won’t look TOO bad on the resume if we’re 8-8 though. I still think it can happen. Win 3 of next 4 and we’re in good shape.

  12. Packster 01/23/2008 at 9:19 PM #

    People…I think what matters here is improvement. We are CLEARLY getting better. This is a young team. Has anyone noticed that Costner and JJ seem to be developing just a tad bit of chemistry at times between each other?

  13. 1.21 Jigawatts 01/23/2008 at 9:19 PM #

    Losing Sucks. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to see improvement, but losing really Sucks.

    “Winning Is Everything. In the end that’s all that we’re measured on.”

  14. wolfonthehill 01/23/2008 at 9:20 PM #

    We still need Brandon, JJ, and Ben to deliver. We got little from any of them tonight… that’s not a recipe for Wolfpack success, but it’s one we’ve seen too often.

    The upperclassmen simply have to get their shit together and show up every night.

  15. EverettBeez 01/23/2008 at 9:21 PM #

    Real effort out there – especially when I turned it on about 5 min’s in (had to watch the rest of Hanna Montana). We really need to hold home court, but I can take this one because I think the guys will build on it. Lot of good, and still some sloppy play (Costner, come one, catch the D*&^ ROCK!) but over all I thought we played well. Javi seemed to come into his own, lets hope its not a one night performance.

    About to look at the box score – how much time did Big Ben get tonight? Didn’t look like he was out there much.

  16. Wulfpack 01/23/2008 at 9:23 PM #

    It’s a game we needed to win if we have serious aspirations of a tourney bid. Chances are State and GT won’t finish too far from each other as the season goes on. We need to distinguish ourselves from the middle of the road clubs. We beat Miami at home and lost to GT at home. Can’t afford to drop too many more at the RBC or it will likely be a losing ACC record.

  17. BAC79 01/23/2008 at 9:24 PM #

    Great effort, good improvement, but I still think Costner ought to be on the bench. He just seems to be one step too slow and loses his concentration to often. Other than that and the fact that we lost, this game looked much better than previous performances.

  18. EverettBeez 01/23/2008 at 9:25 PM #

    once Javi’s got his confidence down, he’s got to hit his free throws. Heck, he needs to hit them period.
    But a darn good game by him. Well done young man. He has surely earned a start in the next game.
    (yes, i cleaned my language for the wolfcubs reading here)

  19. Slader4881 01/23/2008 at 9:25 PM #

    wolfonthehill, i thought JJ played well 16pts and 10 rebs… his D down the stretch was bad. I would’ve liked to seen more Ben and less BC at the end.

  20. highonlowe 01/23/2008 at 9:32 PM #

    The last 10 mins of the 1st half was the best I’ve seen us play. Great game, tough loss, but like everyone else has said, we really improved tonight.

    IMO, Javi earned the start at FSU through his play tonight (and I’ve been hard on him all year)

  21. BJD95 01/23/2008 at 9:36 PM #

    Forget this happy crap. We just LOST AT HOME to an 8-9 team. We committed 18 turnovers and let our opponent shoot 59 percent from the field. That’s inexcusable. Full rant will be posted later.

    I’m sorry, but I’ve had it up to here with sucking or near-sucking in every revenue sport, almost every single damned year.

  22. Ed89 01/23/2008 at 9:40 PM #

    The last play looked like the same pick and pop with Fells, but Javi was SOOO open he HAD to take it. I don’t blame him. other than that last shot he played well. he just needs to keep shooting and get his confidence up. I feel bad for the kid tonight. I’m sure he feels bad about the airball, but hey, it could’ve bounced around 10 times and fallen out, and we would’ve still lost. yes, it would’ve been icing on the cake if he’d have hit it, but he played a good game. overall, I think I saw alot of improvement tonight. we still have some time to turn it around.

  23. gopack968 01/23/2008 at 9:46 PM #

    BJD95 – Don’t turn improvement into failure. The team played so much better than just a week ago. This is a team with only one experienced senior starting and no experienced PGs. The ACC title run last year and media hype has way too many fans forgetting these basic facts.

  24. blpack 01/23/2008 at 9:47 PM #

    I hope you guys are right about all this improvement. I see a team that still has too many mistakes of it’s own doing to close out a decent, but not yet good GT team. Maybe at FSu.

  25. ClassOf95 01/23/2008 at 9:51 PM #

    I’ll not go quite as far as BJD95 but I wasn’t all that impressed. Georgia Tech is not a superior team. How can our big guys look so good and then totally space out? Lazy passes, having the ball taken from their hands, being nowhere near rebounding position. Javier had a good stretch and it seemed that Marques wanted to match him but they are both so timid. I’m not a quitter but for some reason down the stretch I kind of knew we wouldn’t win and we were simply lengthening the losing experience with all of the stoppages. Especially when the miracle worker fouled out.

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