Tonight’s Big Game Evolves into Survival Mode (Updated 4:45pm)


The theme that we have attached to basketball this past week is one of major importance for NC State. Sunday night’s win over Cincinnati basically allowed the Wolfpack to hold serve while waiting for tonight’s opportunity to strengthen our NCAA Tournament resume’ with a road game at (RPI #25) Seton Hall.

Over the last two games against Davidson and Cinicinnati, a more energized Wolfpack team showed great significant improvement as point guard Farnold Degand became more effective on both offense and defense while helping the Pack with effective three point shooting when the open shot was available (8 of 16 for the year). But, Degand’s season ending knee injury has thrown water on our parade and now we don’t necessarily know what to expect when the Pack takes the court.

Pack Pride provides some preview information calling the game “HUGE” and Wilmington’s Andrew Jones says that Gonzalez is now the Wolfpack’s key and says,

Unless Gonzalez proves he a vastly different player from the one I’ve seen so far, State is in trouble. In 111 minutes, the Miami native has just nine assists.

Gonzalez, however, has only made a few plays worthy of an ACC point guard. He’s been extremely hesitant, almost timid at times, and hasn’t played with confidence. Gonzalez doesn’t shoot well, almost never penetrates into the lane, and starts the offense way too close to midcourt.

Lastly, ACCNow is discussing the improtance of this ‘home game’ for Brandon Costner; but – as ususal – Gavin Grant steals the spotlight in the ‘quotable’ department.

Asked if the game had special significance for him, Grant quickly quipped, “Nah, I live in the Bronx, man. We don’t even associate with Jersey.”

WRAL-TV has a report on tonight’s game with a focus on Grant but I can’t figure out how to do this damn embedding BS so you can view it by clicking this link.

Updated 4:45pm
Two new links worth posting:
(1) Section Six’s always informative preview

Well, this should be interesting. Of Seton Hall’s top five minutes-getters, no one is taller than 6-5. How they’ve managed the OR% they have, I do not know…probably just a function of the early season schedule seeing as how none of the short guys are very good rebounders at that end of the court; they had a similarly short team last season, and as you can see, they didn’t rebound well offensively…

SHU’s 2FG% defense ranked 292nd last year and currently sits at 259th this season.

Protecting the basketball is going to be huge for us in this one, as that’s really the only leg they have to stand on defensively; they don’t force misses and they give up plenty of second chances, so if we keep the mistakes down we’ll be in good shape for a nice day.

(2) ACCNow says that the Wolfpack is starting a new season tonight in light of Farnold Degand’s injury.

It also might be time to take another run at the Gavin Grant Experiment. Grant, a senior, ran the point with mixed success in Engin Atsur’s absence last season.

Lowe laughed this summer when it was suggested Grant get another turn at running the offense. But if Grant, Courtney Fells, Brandon Costner, Ben McCauley and J.J. Hickson represent State’s five best players, then they should be on the floor at the same time.


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07-08 Basketball

206 Responses to Tonight’s Big Game Evolves into Survival Mode (Updated 4:45pm)

  1. Rochester 12/27/2007 at 8:30 PM #

    highstick, yes he did. Wish he were correct on that.

    MJ looks okay to me, but he’s not doing too much. As long as he has a posse around to help him get the ball upcourt we’re breaking the press okay. We’ve got a bunch of turnovers, but it’s hard to credit their press for all of that. Costner’s playing like he’s got oven mitts on at times. We should go with McCauley and Hickson up front until he settles down and pulls his head out.

  2. BJD95 12/27/2007 at 8:31 PM #

    Shockingly enough, we look great on D and on the glass (maybe just a size issue). Johnson had a nice block near the end of the half. I think his defense might be pretty good.

    On track for 20+ turnovers, so not sure I give much credit for getting ball upcourt.

  3. chilly water 12/27/2007 at 8:32 PM #

    WHY cant fells play offense like this EVERY game?!?!?!?!!?! Hes such an athletic freak!

  4. vtpackfan 12/27/2007 at 8:34 PM #

    I couldn’t help ringing out a cheesy joke when Nutter for the Hall had one slip through his hands and out of bounds. “Try again Nutter ‘butter” hands.”

    Minutes later Fells posterized the lad and my wife doubled me over with a “Add deez nutz to your funky last name”. We are having fun and drinking a wee too much wine tonight. Go Pack!

  5. #44 17 24 12/27/2007 at 8:34 PM #

    Costner looks like he has just flat given up. He looks like a child who has been embarrassed in a rec game in front of his friends and family, and decides hes not ganna care for the rest of the game because he feels he cant make up for the awful start. Its called a behavior problem.

  6. Sweet jumper 12/27/2007 at 8:35 PM #

    Redfred, Good points. I agree that it wasn’t all bad luck last year but also in part related to the lukewarm prior coach and lack of professionalism/ability in our sports administration. Sid seems to know how to handle himself and promote the university and he will rise above it.
    I like the halftime lead. We are in Wilmington for a vacation and 630 AM is listed as a member of the Wolfpack Radio Network, but they are carrying the UNX game(maybe they confused the Nevada Wolf Pack with the real Wolfpack)! I am reduced to sitting in the car and listening to a weak 101.5 signal that blends in and out of a country station. Wish me luck.

  7. Trip 12/27/2007 at 8:35 PM #

    Correction: Johnson played 12 minutes, javi 8 minutes.

  8. vtpackfan 12/27/2007 at 8:38 PM #

    Anyone listening to 101.5 fm with Hahn and the boys. The mike most be right next toh the Pack and bench and all I hear is the sound of Coach Sidney Lowe howling like a mad man. He brings it like he’s got the ole’ State uni on undernethe his fine linen wear.

  9. Jamie 12/27/2007 at 8:38 PM #

    Vt, tell your wife she killed.

  10. packpigskinfan23 12/27/2007 at 8:39 PM #

    javi is our guy, and BrandonC needs to be SAT!

  11. redfred2 12/27/2007 at 8:40 PM #

    ^Just wondering, how much time have McCauley and Hickson seen together so far this season?

    Fells with 17 at the half, and we’re only up by 3? NOT GOOD! It would be great, but there is no evidence that would lead us to believe that Fells will keep his head in for the entire game. Maybe I’m wrong, but I hope the team isn’t DEPENDING too much on Courtney Fells for the second half.

  12. Trip 12/27/2007 at 8:40 PM #

    Damn. 2 3’s, 2 dunks, and a layup in 2 minutes for seton hall… we’ve gotta slow this down or we’re gonna get slaughtered.

  13. packpigskinfan23 12/27/2007 at 8:40 PM #

    with a year under his belt Javi might be a better passer then Engin.

  14. packpigskinfan23 12/27/2007 at 8:45 PM #

    I am a young fan… but has there EVER been a worse defensive player at NC State then Brandon Porkchop?

  15. MrPlywood 12/27/2007 at 8:47 PM #

    Anyone have a radio link?

  16. Trip 12/27/2007 at 8:48 PM #

    Read what I posted above… Porkchop REALLY loves whitecastle hamburgers. I think he ate about 12 of them before this game. To give him credit though, he is defending a much quicker opponent.

  17. Trip 12/27/2007 at 8:53 PM #

    What IS Costner doing besides fouling?

  18. highonlowe 12/27/2007 at 8:55 PM #

    Gause is sick. Just how many damn steals does he have?

  19. redfred2 12/27/2007 at 8:55 PM #

    Somebody please tell me that Fells isn’t hiding over in the right corner, as usual.

  20. redfred2 12/27/2007 at 8:56 PM #

    GG, I’ll do it myself!!!

  21. Jamie 12/27/2007 at 8:56 PM #

    Opponent quickness has nothing to do with holding your chunky arms up.

  22. Trip 12/27/2007 at 8:57 PM #

    Grant is going to be tired of being the savior of the team by the end of the year, but damn that was a needed layup.

  23. WestCoast 12/27/2007 at 8:58 PM #

    Get Fells the damn ball. And Costner, please hit a 3!

  24. highonlowe 12/27/2007 at 8:58 PM #

    Hickson cannot come out again. When jj and fells sit, our defense evaporates.

  25. Trip 12/27/2007 at 8:59 PM #

    Jamie, i’m listening to the game so I can’t watch porkchop and his chunky arms :(. I still blame whitecastle though.

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