BBall: One Small Reason Why I’m Scared


It’s been a week now since NC State was thoroughly embarassed by Michigan State on a night where the Wolfpack looked lethargic, played little defense and continued to exhibit NO desire to rebound. (I would typically link to the entries related to the loss but they are so ugly that I just can’t).

As I previoulsy mentioned in another entry, at the beginning of the season I projected State to be 4-2 at this point in the season. Despite State’s 4-2 start coupled with a solid #51 RPI while playing the 33rd most difficult schedule in the country, there are A LOT of reasons why Wolfpack fans are a little on edge at the moment.

The ‘macro’ issues of team chemistry, rebounding, defense, effort/energy and free throw shooting have been highlighted in previous entries and comments. This entry from the always good Section Six breaks down some individual statistics worth noting and touches on some of the team chemistry issues:

In many cases, when there’s a player with a usage around 30%, it’s indicative of a good player playing on a team without much of a supporting cast–Bo McCalebb, for instance. But JJ Hickson has plenty of help. Maybe it’s a little bit of “look, shiny new power forward!” syndrome, but more likely, if the chemistry issues are as significant as they appear to be, it’s an indication that the rest of the team can’t figure out how to play with him. Or that when they get him the ball in the post, they give up on the possession. Could they really resent him that much?

I don’t think JJ is being selfish, and his turnovers have inflated his usage to a certain extent, but if Lowe doesn’t think the offense is broken simply because Costner and McCauley have been terrible, the alternative conclusion is that it’s broken because it’s become a single-minded exercise in getting JJ Hickson the basketball. Regardless, there is no fluidity in what we are doing right now. Everyone looks like a square peg attempting to fit into a round hole.

Lowe’s tried to smooth things over by putting McCauley back into the starting lineup, giving him more time with Costner, and bringing Hickson off the bench. But while Ben’s minutes have increased, his productivity hasn’t. And we can’t afford to play Hickson any less–not only is he productive offensively, he’s a shot blocking threat at the defensive end and the team’s best rebounder. So everybody’s gonna have to figure their shit out while JJ is on the floor. There is no other option. We don’t have the luxury of attempting to work the situation out in practice while integrating him into games gradually. He’s far too talented for that, and as a team we are too weak where he is strong.

Despite all of these larger issues that have been discussed through the first month of the 2007-08 season, I have one tee-tiny-little reason why the severity of the beat down in East Lansing is so bothersome – I’m not convinced that the Spartans are really THAT good.

Last night, Michigan State barely survived an upset by Bradley. Ok, that’s just one game. And, don’t forget that this team had UCLA on the ropes before losing to the Bruins by five.

But, take a look at MSU’s schedule for a moment. Need I remind you that the Spartans lost an exhibition game AT HOME to a Div III opponent? This team barely beat Oakland by 4 points and squeaked by a 5-3 Missouri team (currently #79 in the RPI) by only two. I give Michigan State all the credit in the world for PERFORMING like a Top 10 / Top 15 team thusfar this season. But, when I see that the Spartans struggled against some of these lesser teams and defeated NC State by a margin in the same ballpark as Chicago State and Jacksonville State I can’t help but worry about where our boys’ development currently stands.

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07-08 Basketball

101 Responses to BBall: One Small Reason Why I’m Scared

  1. ShootingGuard 12/06/2007 at 12:56 PM #



    It is pointless to “debate” with someone who (1) reduces Corch & Monroe’s accomplishments to “jack squat” (2) glosses over the severe external factors that they had to deal with during their tenure—as well as a host of misfit teammates, and (3) implies that guards aren’t key to basketball success…you really are in a coma.

    You must have loved all of the end game situations under Herb when we had no guard who could break free or create a decent shot for himself…

    Enjoy the continuing inconsistency and the mind boggling losses and near losses. That won’t change until we have great guard play.

    No, wait, we don’t need guards. Just have JJ bring the ball up, set up the O, break down the defense. He’s top 10. He should be able to do that. If he gets double teamed, he should just dribble out and shoot the 3.


  2. Girlfriend in a Coma 12/06/2007 at 1:18 PM #

    ^ Watch how my man ShootingGuard shows how fun and easy to debate a straw man!

    Let me know when you want to respond to something I actually wrote rather than your absurd caricature of it.

  3. Girlfriend in a Coma 12/06/2007 at 1:30 PM #

    And I hadn’t even gotten around to mentioning the first round ACCT loss to Maryland when we were the 1 seed. You want to talk about a State team throwing out an all-time porker, that one has got to be in the top 3. Notwithstanding the phenomenal backcourt.

  4. ShootingGuard 12/06/2007 at 2:04 PM #


    “Let me know when you want to respond to something I actually wrote rather than your absurd caricature of it.”

    You should take your own advice. For one, I never said great guards solved everything.

    If raising the level of guard play up a knotch makes no difference and is meaningless to you, so be it.

    I seem to think there was a big difference when we improved at the point guard slot when Atsur came back last year over what we had when Fells and Grant were manning the “unimportant” point guard slot (please see the comparative results), and I think a lot of our problems will be reduced IF Degand continues to get experience/improvement and IF Fells would bring it every game rather than every other game AND/OR, in the future, we bring in elite top tier talent at point guard and shooting guard to lead the team and bring outside shooting punch to free up our frontcourt.

    Call me crazy!

    Done here.

  5. Girlfriend in a Coma 12/06/2007 at 2:08 PM #

    Who are you quoting with “unimportant”?

    Look up “straw man” and get back to me. I’d tell you what it means but it will do you good to look it up for yourself.

  6. packbackr04 12/06/2007 at 2:18 PM #

    i happen to think a sweet 16 (that was one call away from an elite 8) is anything but “accomplishing jack-squat” although we wouldve loved to have advanced, it was a good season.

    im not a hge fan of Herb, but his sweet 16, was the highlight of his career here.

    in short, to say that Corch and Monroe, didnt accomplish squat while they were here is just worng

  7. redfred2 12/06/2007 at 2:33 PM #

    Touted earlier as the “Best front court in the country” and then what ^chop said, “We aren’t getting easy baskets”. Um, excuse me, but those two statements shouldn’t fit together at all. Unfortunately it is the exact truth at the moment though.

  8. ShootingGuard 12/06/2007 at 4:32 PM #


    Or, put another way, how good would we be if we had a Sean Singletary calibre guy running the show for us, this year or last plus anyone who could shoot consistently like JR Reynolds did?

    No, college is not a guards’ game at all…


    SS, JRR, one guy with a cheesy moustache, and a bunch of no names = tied for first in the ACC last year…

    Additional quotes provided by Kenny Anderson, Dennis Scott, Brian Oliver, one professional hack man, and a several other no names = Final Four…

  9. Rick 12/06/2007 at 4:41 PM #

    I would not waste time debating someone that thinks guards to not win college bball games.

  10. zahadum 12/06/2007 at 4:54 PM #

    I’d have to say both front and backcourt are equally important. Does Florida win the last 2 years without Green and Humphrey? Almost certainly not. But do they win without Noah, Horford and Brewer? Again, not very likely.

  11. packbackr04 12/06/2007 at 5:04 PM #

    shooting^ have you heard much about Marques Johnson? can he play pt? or is he just going to be a SG? if so, can he come in for Fells, without much dropoff? he was a 4 star recruit right?

  12. ShootingGuard 12/06/2007 at 5:43 PM #


    MJ will get his shot at playing some pg, but we won’t really know how that works out until he gets out on the floor vs the competition. He like, Farnold, doesn’t have a lot of college experience, but, hopefully, he will improve steadily. Farnold will likely stay in the starting slot with MJ coming in as the big pg change-up to Farnold’s speed option. Unless these 2 fall apart, I would expect Javy to take a seat for a while unless he gets stronger with the ball and up to speed on things quicker than expected. Farnold and MJ are just ahead of him right now if for no other reason than they are older and have had a lot of practice time on the college level, even if not game experience.

    MJ will give Sid at the least the option of bringing in a physical guy for Fells or Grant, but MJ, though strong, is not particularly athletic or quick and his jumpshot hasn’t shown to be too consistent so far, unfortunately for us.

    Farnold/MJ + Fells/Grant/Horner + Ben/BC/JJ with Javy & Tracy in the back pocket has the makings for great depth if we can figure out how to mesh the new faces with the old. Guys need to start knocking down outside shots, though. Otherwise, what other option do you have but to pound it in to Mr. High % Shot?

  13. packgrad93 12/06/2007 at 5:51 PM #

    “Or, put another way, how good would we be if we had a Sean Singletary calibre guy running the show for us, this year or last ”

    a nba-calibre pg will do wonders for any team. of course, they aren’t easy to find/get.

  14. packbackr04 12/06/2007 at 6:20 PM #


  15. packbackr04 12/06/2007 at 6:27 PM #

    shooting^ sorry for that post above. i hit send inadverdantly (sp?)

    agreed we need to start hitting some shots from the outside, and that was what i was hoping you were going to tell me. That MJ has a nice outside stroke and was going to be a huge lift. but alas. anywho. can he at least shoot free throws? that has been another thing about this team that drives me crazy. they are called “FREE” throws for a reason. they are supposed to be free.

    maybe you can help me with this a little too. i personally feel that depth is extremely overrated (unless you have injuries). But it seems to me that if we could just find 7-8 players who wil hustle and attack the boards, we should just stick with them and not go to as deep of a bench. it worked last year. K uses mainly 7-8 players. it worked against Roy last year when he was trying to play 10 players. this is just my thoughts and any insight others have might help me. it just seems like our top 6 players still ought to be averaging 30 mins per game? this team is not that diferent from last years. we lost atsur and gained JJ and Degand.

    IMO, we should play only the following players:

    iron 4: grant. mcauley, fells, costner
    6th man: Horner
    Newcomers: JJ and Degand

    at this point to me, noone else deserves to play

  16. Trip 12/06/2007 at 8:05 PM #

    Wasn’t Valvano the one that used to basically throw everyone on the court at the beginning of the year, let themselves sort it out, and then go with that?

  17. chilly water 12/06/2007 at 9:53 PM #

    To the people who point out that the point guard is one of the main problems with this team—

    ITS NOT THE POINT GUARDING. its the whole team, and there lack of passion and fire during a game! They stand around fiddling there thumbs!

  18. 79statefan 12/06/2007 at 10:44 PM #

    PB04 sorry but you can’t be serious. Have you seen any of the games?

    JJ only gets a blow occasionally. 36 minutes
    You leave Ben in when he gets emotional and works hard. 30 minutes
    Degand is the only point guard we have, despite the horrible free throw shooting. 38 minutes
    Fells plays D and is quick. 36 minutes
    Grant causes match up problems and can slash. 36 minutes
    Horner Hustle 10 minutes
    Costner can shoot free throws. 10 minutes

  19. E-RO 12/07/2007 at 1:35 AM #

    I’m really curious to how Sid approaches the ECU game saturday.

    After the lackadaisical efforts against MSU, I’d start

    Degand, Horner, and Hickson were the only ones that came to play last time out. I understand some of the lackadaisical effort was being tired. Because of that, I’m giving Fells and Grant a pass; most of their lack of successes were due to travel fatigue. McCauley and Costner showed mental tiredness, didn’t seem to even want to be out there.

    Let McCauley, Costner, and Gonzalez get junk minutes to spell the starters, but that’s about it. You have to earn what you get. Gonzalez isn’t ready, and the other two don’t want it enough.

  20. ShootingGuard 12/07/2007 at 1:42 AM #



    I completely agree about depth and limiting substitutions.

    I think Sid was trying to get everyone minutes while it was close, and that helped backfire against us in the UNO game as no one got into any flow whatsoever.

    I think a key to winning the tourney in Florida was that Sid went to the limited lineup.

    We should rotate JJ/Ben/BC at the 4 & 5, Grant/Fells/Horner on the wing, and Degand/MJ at the point. Everyone else is there for serious foul trouble or mop up minutes.

    If we were a pressing/running team, we would need to work more people in, but, since you have to actually play defense and get rebounds to run—that kind of kills the need for too much depth unfortunately!!

  21. packbackr04 12/07/2007 at 11:45 AM #

    79^, those minutes are pretty much in line with what i was suggesting. yeah Not everyone is gonna play exactly 30 mins a game. but i think youve got a pretty good mix right there. i didnt mean to imply that Horner should play the same minutes as JJ, i was just suggesting those are the only 7 players i would play right now, and when we get MJ he could get some PT as well as the 8th man in the rotation. and that is all i was saying. play 7 or 8 guys, and thats it.

  22. packbackr04 12/07/2007 at 11:46 AM #

    good points on the press SG. so is your overall impression that MJ will be able to comtribute????? or is he a “project” as well?

  23. Trip 12/07/2007 at 1:24 PM #

    I’m only going off what I saw of the red/white game, but the comparison between MJ and Degand is pretty much this from that one game.

    MJ: Defensive PG, not very “Speedy” but he made some really good passes and only turned the ball over once even though Degand was running circles around him at times. He racked up a ton of fouls trying to defend Degand who had the speed advantage. I’m guessing that he was just exerting himself since fouls didn’t really matter in that game. Weird 3 pt jumpshot a la Hodge, but no idea if it works since one game doesn’t mean anything as far as shooting.

    Degand: Tons of speed. He was running all over MJ on defense, literally running past him attempting to steal the ball, and then doubling back and zipping right by him again. Against MJ he used his speed on defense to give him a lot of trouble, but even with all that pressure MJ only turned the ball over once.

    MJ will definitely be able to contribute, but as far as who starts the show, it’s going to be whoever figures out how to run the show first, because right now Grant is our leader in assists, and we all know how well Grant ran the show last year.

  24. packbackr04 12/07/2007 at 2:00 PM #


    “he made some really good passes” that is EXACTLY what i wanted to hear. i havent been thoroughly impressed or discouraged by Degand at this point. but he will def. need to pick it up come ACC play. one of the many aspects of Degands game that does concern me is that one handed pass BS. Lawson, Paulus, and others will have a field day with that crappy soft pass and take it the other way for an easy 2. Sid needs to tell Degand to put 2 hands on his passes and make them firmly. lazy perimeter passes will not stand in conference play.

  25. Trip 12/07/2007 at 4:56 PM #

    MJ has a stronger pass, some of which probably comes from having 30-35 extra pounds of muscle on his frame. He made one really good baseball throw to costner for the alley oop that was fairly impressive, even though Costner managed to miss the shot. I don’t think he clocked in a lot of assists, but that’s mainly because his team was missing their shots, not that he wasn’t giving them out.

    One thing that worrys me is that it seems he had some attitude problems at Tennesee being benched, which is part of the reason he left TN. He was expecting to get playing time immediately when he got there, and since he was behind an already talented depth-filled backcourt he never got any after they returned from injuries. While I can’t see him not getting any PT at all, I hope the attitude doesn’t return because this team doesn’t need anymore chemistry issues.

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